Warring States Call

Chapter 1945 Chapter 1944 : Deng Ai leads the army

Chapter 1945 Chapter One Thousand 940 Chapter Four Deng Ai Leading the Army

Zhong Hui was killed in battle, and the entire army of 27 soldiers and horses was wiped out, but at the same time, it also reminded Wang Shouren, the county guard. Wang Shouren, who was [-] or [-] years old, looked at the soldiers who had experienced many battles and was covered in blood, and said comfortingly: "Brother, you have worked hard!" , go down and rest!"

"No!" The guards on both sides hurriedly helped him down.

Wang Shouren also realized the seriousness of the situation, so he personally went to Dengcheng to garrison the city, and sent the news back to Chang'an, and handed everything over to Han Yi for decision.

And Dengcheng is about to stage a battle between dragons and tigers. Meng Tian's [-] elite Mengjia army stormed Dengcheng, and the entire city wall became a meat grinder, with bloody scenes everywhere.

Zhong Hui died in battle. The death of Han Xin's favorite student made Han Xin furious and wanted to put on his armor again. Can't fight, this matter can only be put aside.

Guo Kan from the Northland is not an ordinary person either. He fought back and forth with Sun Wu in the north, and the two refused to give in to each other.

Inside the Qiankun Hall

Han Yi was sitting on the throne, looking at the battle report in his hands with both hands, and his deep eyes burst out with a supreme cold light. After a while, Han Yi casually handed the battle report to Gao Lishi who was beside him and said, "My loves! What do you think!"

"Your Majesty! The Qin State has insulted our country many times, and every time it took advantage of the opportunity, I thought it! Send troops! Destroy the country!" Jia Fu cupped his hands and asked for a fight. He represented the position of a general. How to be promoted.

Han Yi wiped his beard and didn't speak, but Lu Su, a civil servant, stepped forward and said: "The treasury is tight right now! It's not easy to start another war. Qin came prepared this time, and the intention of fighting on two sides is to fight with Our country competes for national power and strength. In this battle, we only need to repel the Qin army immediately, and we must not go deep into the hinterland of the Qin country, otherwise we may be in a situation of endless death!"

"Joke! The two countries have long been in an endless situation. From the Battle of the Three Jins, the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms, the Battle of Pingyang, and the bloody battle, which battle did not have the figure of Qin... Cough cough!" The hall Outside, a rickety voice came out tremblingly. Today's Han Xin looks rather sluggish, with disheveled hair, empty eyes, and wearing white clothes. Although he is depressed, his breathtaking eyes are still so terrifying , like a god, overlooking all living beings.

"General! Why don't you take a good rest!" Cheng Yu looked back at Han Xin. There were two people behind him, one was Deng Ai and the other was masked. Looking at Han Xin's black face, Cheng Yu felt a chill behind him. of.

Lu Su, who had been refusing to fight, was also secretly stunned. Due to Han Xin's power, he could only keep going backwards, not daring to confront Han Xin.

"Come and give me a seat!" Han Yi looked at Han Xin who seemed about to fall at any time, looked at Gao Lishi beside him, and motioned him to move a stool for Han Xin.

"No need!" Han Xin waved his hand to signal that there is no need to trouble, first he bowed his hands to Han Yi, and then bowed to the civil and military personnel on both sides: "Your Majesty! And you generals, the bloody battles every year, the Qin State has long been fighting against our country, hundreds of thousands of soldiers On the bloody battlefield, blood can flow into rivers, and bones can pile up into mountains! You keep your mouth shut and don’t fight! Can you not fight this battle... Cough cough!"

Han Xin covered the corner of his mouth, coughed violently, glanced at everyone, and cursed: "Qin's army is overwhelming, once this battle retreats, what are the efforts of these people, and what are the generals who have been on the bloody battlefield all these years?" , General Meng Yuan, Commander of Guards Xu Chu, Senior Doctor Wei Zheng, and General Du Yu, are you all turning a blind eye to these? Ah...cough cough!"

"The general is right! Your Majesty, give the order!" Jia Fu seconded here, and this time not only Jia Fu, but also dozens of generals seconded, and even Wu Qi joined the battle team. Starting and thinking, I think this battle has the qualifications and chances of winning.

In the noisy hall, many powerful generals who are good at fighting came forward. Han Yi rubbed his eyebrows, and glanced at the generals below. The endless coercion swept away. Han Chen frowned, but still It looks like it has nothing to do with him.

Jia Fu felt Han Yi's eyes, but he didn't dare to say more, he stopped his voice in embarrassment, and didn't dare to continue shouting, after all, he couldn't withstand the coercion exerted by Han Yi.

Han Yi rubbed his wrist and looked at Han Dao below: "This battle! It must be fought, and it will... destroy Qin... and unify the Central Plains!"

"My Wang Shengming!" The general knelt down and shouted loudly, while the civil servants were silent except Cheng Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Li Si, Prime Minister of the South.

Lu Su even rolled up his sleeves and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said sadly: "I finally saved it, and it's gone... woo woo woo..."

"Now the north and the south are at war! How do you generals think about fighting!" Han Yi pinched his beard and glanced at the crowd, as if to warn them, don't let yourself down!
"Your Majesty, please allow me! Promise the old minister to fight!" Han Xin clasped his fists, strode forward, and asked for the battle. Meng Yan and Deng Ai behind him were about to stop him, but Han Yi said: "The general has worked hard, and he has I'm sick, let's take a good rest first! Don't worry about it!"

"Cough cough...!" Han Xin covered his mouth and coughed violently twice, then shouted: "Deng Ai!"

"Brother...brother...disciple...you are here!" Deng Ai stammered and came to Han Xin, looking respectful, and Han Xin said directly: "My lord! Deng Ai is a great talent, let him How handsome! You can definitely replace the old man!"

"Great general! Don't be joking! What can a stutterer do? Don't worry, your majesty. Give a certain one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and you will definitely wipe out the entire south!" Cao Cao stood up with a smile, stroked his beard, and his eyes were full of pride. , as if this seemed to him to be nothing more than an insignificant matter.

"Your Majesty!" Han Xin interrupted Cao Cao nonchalantly, and continued: "Although Deng Ai stutters, he is very familiar with the landscape and geography, and is good at defeating the enemy with geographical advantages. Your Majesty can reuse him!"

"If you stammer, you'll waste your time talking, so don't make fun of the general!" Han Qinhu seemed to be smiling, stroking his beard and saying, "Your Majesty! Let the old man come!"

Han Yi was not in a hurry, but was recalling the information he had given to Deng Ai. He was both civil and military, and was extremely good at internal affairs. Show it, or it won't be used!"

"I... I am familiar with... familiar with... all... all... mountains... rivers... landforms! All things... traps... ambushes... everything... the enemy's... all... can use The terrain...is...not what I...expected!" Deng Ai stammered, making people extremely anxious.

Han Qinhu didn't seem to believe it, and asked Deng Ai a few questions when he opened his mouth. He knew that although Deng Ai stuttered, his answers were fluent, and the comparison with the map was not bad. With Deng Ai's familiarity with the terrain, he constantly launched surprise attacks on him, and often achieved great victories at an extremely small cost. Appreciate the sunshine.

After some contesting, Han Qinhu stroked his beard and exclaimed, "Han Xin, you have successors!"

However, Han Xin was not happy. His big disciple Zhong Hui died in the hands of Meng Tian, ​​which made him not angry. Han Xin looked at Han Yi and said again: "I guarantee that Deng Ai will go out in command and destroy Meng Tian with my wealth and life!"

Han Yi squinted his eyes, stroked his beard, glanced at Han Chen, and asked, "What do you think, Prince!"

Han Chen glanced at the down-to-earth Deng Ai. Although he was simple and honest, his talent in the war was unquestionable. Han Chen immediately cupped his hands and said, "Young out of blue is better than blue. Our country not only has veterans like General Han Xin, Give some young generals a chance."

Han Xin looked at Han Chen and gave him a grateful look, while Deng Ai was even more excited to be recognized.

Han Yi squinted his eyes, and immediately concluded: "Deng Ai! I will give you a hundred thousand soldiers and horses alone! How about letting you lead the battle...!"

"No...no need!" Deng Ai stammered hurriedly to refuse, then stretched out his hand and said, "My lord! Coco sent a general...sent [-] troops...to support...Dengcheng! Give the last general [-] soldiers... ...Soldiers and horses... that's all! In addition...another...my minister...I want to...have a...deputy general!"

"Oh!" Han Yi stared at Deng Ai suspiciously, not knowing what medicine he bought in his gourd, playing with the jade pendant in his hand, Han Yi smiled and said, "What do you want!"

"I want Wang... Wang Ping's... Wudangfei... Feijun!" Deng Ai struggled to express his thoughts. This is the army he had wanted for a long time. Wang Ping's Wudangfei The army is extremely suitable for terrain combat, and with Deng Ai's brain, it is a match made in heaven.

"Wudang Flying Army!" Han Yi squinted his eyes, secretly recalling that this army was an army that Han Yi took over from Liu Bei. Most of the soldiers were formed by barbarians. Ping was one of the great generals in the later period of the Shu Kingdom, but it is a pity that the later period of the Shu Han Dynasty was really weak.

"You have a good eye!" Han Yi admired, and then said: "Let's do it! You can do as you wish! And send Deng Xia to be your general!"

"Many... many...thank you, Your Majesty!" Deng Ai bowed his hands as if satisfied.

Han Yi stared at the main hall, and frowned secretly. After all, Deng Ai is a young general, some old generals cannot accompany him, and some young generals are willing, but they are not capable enough. When thinking about things, Han Yi is a little bit hesitant. Xiang Han Yi set his eyes on Han Chen, and then said, "Prince! You are recommended! Lead [-] elites to resist Meng Tian!"

Meng Tian's name can be said to be resounding throughout Chang'an. After all, this person is the second person who killed the general of the Han army. This battle is enough to make Meng Tian famous all over the world. Han Yi's question is nothing more than two points, one is Let's see how Han Chen's power in the country is, and the second is to solve the immediate troubles.

Han Chen closed his eyes, thought about the situation in front of him up and down, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Let the matter here be decided by the King!"

"This kid..." Han Yi shook his head and chuckled, then said, "Let Xue Rengui be in charge!"

"Promise!" Han Chen should drink it neither humble nor overbearing. The army is ready, and the three armies are in order. The two men led by Xue Rengui and Deng Ai sent troops to Dengcheng to support Wang Shouren.

Hangu Pass

Yingzheng personally sat at Hangu Pass, which shows that Yingzheng attaches great importance to this battle. Looking at the battle report sent back by Meng Ao, Yingzheng put down the bamboo slips in his hand. Although there was joy in his eyes, he was still deeply saddened and said: "General Mengwu ……well!"

Speaking of this, Meng Ao, who is seventy years old, has a pale complexion, and his gray beard is intertwined with black, white and gray. As the saying goes, a white-haired man gives a black-haired man, and this is what he is talking about. I couldn't help rubbing the corners of my thighs, sighed helplessly and said with a long breath: "It's my Meng family's honor to be able to serve my Daqin loyally. Don't worry about it! The battle is imminent, so there is no need to waste it at this time." Lots of time!"

"Old General...Gao Yi!" Ying Zheng bowed to Meng Ao, but Meng Ao couldn't help it.

Three days later, Wang Jian's 40 troops rushed straight to Wangye City, and the dense Qin army phalanx made people's scalps tingle.

Yue Fei stood on the city wall, looking at the Qin army under Wangye City with tiger eyes, his brows were furrowed uncontrollably, and he said solemnly: "Qin is playing the real game this time, it really is a situation where there is no end to death!"

Yu Yunwen came to Yue Fei's side with a solemn expression, looked at the large formation of the Qin army hunting for the battle flag, and said with an embarrassed expression: "I have already reported to Chang'an, the next bloody battle will be!"

"Have the people in the city moved to Yangdi?" Yue Fei immediately asked with a dark face.

"There are too many people, and four or five people are needed to complete the move," Yu Yunwen said solemnly.

"Ah!" Yue Fei sighed heavily, and said solemnly, "This battle is destined to come! The soldiers of the three armies obey orders!"

In the second half of the speech, Yue Fei suddenly shouted, and all the soldiers under his command burst into a roar of mountains and tsunami voices: "Yes... yes... yes!"

The generals shouted, one after another, extremely heroic, Yue Fei suddenly shouted angrily: "The military flag will not fall! Fight to the death and never retreat!"

"Stand tall and stay still, back the Wei army!"

Under Wangye City, Wang Jian was riding a war horse, looking at the military flag on the wall with tiger eyes, his gray eyes narrowed into slits, listening to the fighting spirit on the wall like a tsunami, Wang Jian stroked his beard, his eyes became cold, he felt A pressure, this Wangye City is not so easy to fight.

The city of Wangye is ten feet high, the walls are full of armored soldiers, the heavy crossbows and arrows are in order, and there are [-] heavy soldiers in the city. This is a bloody battle, and it is a difficult battle, but Qin must fight it.

(End of this chapter)

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