Warring States Call

Chapter 1949 Chapter 1958: Zhang Han

Chapter 1949 Chapter One Thousand 950 Chapter Eight

Liu Bowen's layout is really too big, covering almost half of the Central Plains. If he makes a slight mistake, it will endanger his family and country. This is a dangerous move, but it is even more decisive.

"Hedong County, Hanoi County, Dang County, Huaiyang County, and Nanyang County need to set up heavy troops, and Sanchuan needs a strong army of iron and blood, so as to seal back Qin's rear, and at the same time guard against Qin's follow-up soldiers. Ma, thinking of this, Han Yi's heartbeat kept beating.

Han Xin and Wu Qi looked at each other, and they both glanced at Han Yi's expression without squinting. At this time, Han Yi sometimes frowned, sometimes joyful, sometimes flat, with different expressions, which seemed to contain all kinds of life, with mixed flavors .

Zhuge Liang stroked his beard, he who had not spoken all this time, finally moved his lips, Zhuge Liang stroked his clothes lightly, and said solemnly: "My lord! Although this plan looks dangerous, it is actually as stable as Mount Tai. If you want to win the world by one battle, it is all about this battle." you!"

"That's all!" Han Yi waved his hand, then smiled indifferently: "Command! After Yue Fei was defeated, he retreated to defend Hedong County, Wu Qi guarded Hanoi County, Zhuge Liang guarded Huaiyang County, Han Qinhu guarded Nanyang County, and Cao Cao went north to guard Taiyuan to assist Sun Wu in defending Qin. Attack Zhaodi!" Han Yi rubbed his brows and said indifferently.

"My lord! What about Dang County!" Han Xin's eyes were full of anticipation, as if telling Han Yi that he hadn't assigned any tasks yet.

"Dang County is guarded by the king himself." Han Yi took a deep breath, and then added: "Only in this way can the people's emotions be aroused. The general is still seriously ill, and it is still not easy to fight!"

"Your Majesty! This battle is about the life of the family and the country. Xin is willing to fight with his life!" Han Xin knew that if he did not participate in this peerless battle, he might regret it for the rest of his life, so he might as well give it a go.

"That's all! If that's the case! The land of Sanchuan will be taken by the general and cut off the way. I'm sending Li Jing as the deputy general of the general to help you share it!" Han Yi seemed unbearable, but still Han Xin was sent out.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! I will definitely force you to die!" Han Xin cupped his hands and yelled angrily, his voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, and his majesty was extremely majestic.

After everything was settled, Han Yi stroked his beard and said for a while: "This is a battle for the survival of the family and the country! Please be careful!"

"We will surely live up to your majesty's entrustment!"

Deng Cheng
Meng Tian destroyed Zhonghui's army, and then the whole army attacked Dengcheng, while Xue Rengui's [-] troops rushed to Dengcheng to help Wang Shouren.

"Drive! The whole army speeds up!" Without the slightest hesitation, Xue Rengui held Fang Tian's painted halberd and rode a white horse under his crotch. people trembled.

However, Xue Rengui did not waste time. After all, the battle situation on the front line was extremely tragic, and the death of General Zhong Hui attracted the attention of the whole country.

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's really here! The general really knows things like a god!" Zhang Han hid in the dense forest, his clothes were wet from the rain, and his tiger eyes burst out with a murderous chill. The soldiers hid in the rain and remained motionless, as if waiting for Zhang Han's command.

Xue Rengui, who was leading the army on the way, rode a horse to explore the surrounding terrain. There was a dense forest in the south, but there was a highland in the north with dense grass and trees, and the haze of the rain blocked his sight. Xue Rengui frowned. Immediately shouted angrily: "Old Jiang!"

"What's the matter!" Jiang Wei was riding a horse, holding a silver gun, wet and muddy, as if he had fallen on his horse, squinted his eyes, wiped the rain from the corners of his eyes, and said suspiciously: "What happened? !"

"Has the dispatched scout come back?" Xue Rengui wiped the rain from his forehead, looked around with tiger eyes, his instinct told himself that this place is not safe.

"Didn't come back! Maybe the rain was too heavy! I lost my way!" Jiang Wei said solemnly as he rode his horse.

"Not good!" Xue Rengui's heart trembled, and he immediately said: "Quickly pass the order, tell the soldiers under your command to be vigilant and keep on the defensive! Don't make any noise, be fast!"

"Understood!" Hearing Xue Rengui's order, Jiang Wei was anxious to give orders to his soldiers. In an instant, the tens of thousands of troops slowed down and were always on the lookout for movements around them.

Zhang Han, who had been paying attention to Han Jun’s developments, changed his face. He clearly saw that Han Jun’s speed had slowed down a lot. Zhang Han frowned, secretly calling out that he had missed the opportunity, and immediately drew his sword and shouted angrily: “The whole army is charging! !"

"Kill!" The tens of thousands of troops shouted loudly, and the overwhelming voice kept falling towards the Han army below.

"Fire the arrows!" Sima Xin held a sharp sword and appeared in an open space at the front of the hill. Tens of thousands of archers strode forward, lined up neatly, and each one bent their bows and set their arrows.

"Swoosh!" The cold arrow pierced through the rain and shot straight at the Han army below.

"Defense" Xue Rengui, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately turned his horse's head and returned to the army formation. The soldiers under his command raised their shields to block.

"Kill!" Zhang Han stood up, turned over and rode on the horse, pointed the spear in his hand at the enemy in front of him, his whole body was cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Charge!" Xin Sheng, the vanguard general under Zhang Han's command, rode a horse and rushed out. Tens of thousands of Qin warriors kept rushing forward. The enemy army immediately shouted angrily: "Gather the formation! Defend!"

"Kang Dang...Kang Dang...Kang Dang!" Leng Jian slapped on the crock like rain, making a tinkling sound, which was very sweet and pleasant to the ear.

"Kill!" On the plain, in the dense forest, Qin generals Zipu and Zihu rushed out. The two rode on horses, with three thousand knives and axes behind them, charged straight up, like tigers in the mountains, rushing out. .

A dense crowd of people rushed out from the forest, there were as many as 5 people.

Jiang Wei, who was leading the army, suddenly changed his expression, and immediately shouted angrily: "The rear army has changed to the front army, hurry up!"

"Quick! Turn around! Quick!" Yun Tianbiao, who was commanding the soldiers to fight, yelled angrily, and the saber in his hand burst out with a frightening cold light!

"Pa-ta... pa-ta!" The rain fell on the shield, and the rain on it splashed everywhere, and the rain flowed out along Yun Tianbiao's helmet. Seeing the charge coming to Zipu, Yun Tianbiao immediately shouted angrily: "Put...! "

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" The cold arrow raised his head and shot to stop the Qin army who was rushing to kill.

"Drive!" Sitting on the chariot, with endless killing intent bursting out of his eyes, Wei Ran galloped towards the Han army on the horse.

"Boom!" People were turned on their backs, and dozens of brave soldiers were all smashed away. In an instant, the army was torn apart. Things like this happened one after another in the army formation, like a meteor crashing into the earth, bursting out countless sparks .

"Thump..." Wei Ran fell to the ground, rolled three or four times, and finally stopped reluctantly. Wei Ran stood up, pulled out the sharp sword in his arms, and suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

"Looking for death!" Xue Rengui's eyes were red, looking at the desperate Wei Ran, killing intent surged in his eyes, he immediately urged the horse under his crotch, and shouted angrily: "The thief will not be rampant, Xue Rengui is coming!"

"Ranghou be careful!" Brothers Zipu and Zihu, who had been protecting Wei Ran all the time, changed their expressions drastically, and immediately urged their horses to dare to come and rescue Wei Ran. This battle may return in vain, but Wei Ran must not die. After all, Miyue in the harem is afraid of even Yingzheng, and Wei Ran is Miyue's younger brother, so there must be no mistakes.

"Ruan Wengxin, stop this person quickly! Quick!" Zipu looked solemn, and immediately called out to a tiger general behind him, and the two immediately set up Wei Ran, one on the left and one on the right, and dragged him away.

"What is there to be afraid of this man! You two are like this!" Wei Ran was dragged up by the two, pulled out the sword in his hand, and immediately shouted angrily: "Kill!"

"Drive!" Ruan Wengxin shouted hysterically, holding the hammer in his hand, raised the hammer in his hands with both arms, and suddenly bombarded down, shouting angrily: "Death!"

"Kang Dang!" The two weapons collided, rubbing endless sparks, Xue Rengui's eyes surged with coldness, and the silver spear in his hand flipped up and down, shouting angrily: "Death!"

"Whoosh!" After one move, the two horses staggered, Xue Rengui turned around and smashed Ruan Wengxin's back with a halberd.

"Ah!" The cold light surged, Ruan Wengxin cried out in pain, and almost passed out.

Xue Rengui immediately turned around and swung the halberd, a shadow of the halberd appeared from the blade in his hand, and immediately snatched it away, the halberd pierced into Ruan Wengxin's throat.Harvested Ruan Wengxin's life.

"Pa-ta!" The body fell from the horse's back. Xue Rengui's eyes became colder, and his tiger eyes stared at Wei Ran who was protected by Zipu and Zihu. Drink: "The thief will leave!"

"Hurry up and take General Wei away first! Hurry up!" Zi Pu shouted angrily, commanding the soldiers behind him to protect Wei Ran firmly.

"The whole army charges!" Zhang Han was extremely majestic, urging his horse to charge out, pointing the spear in his hand at the enemy in front.

"Don't be mad!" There was a red roar, and then a burly man galloped out on a horse, with a golden saber in his hand, shining brightly, he slashed at Zhang Han head-on.

"Looking for death!" Zhang Han stared like a copper bell, turned the silver gun in his hand up and down, and fought with Zu Dashou. The two wrestled for thirty rounds. head, shouted angrily: "Ping'er!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Dozens of sharpshooters bent their bows and set up arrows, shooting cold arrows at Zu Dashou.

"Bengpeng...Bengpeng!" The cold arrow pierced through the armor, and Zu Dashou immediately spit out a mouthful of old blood, his face pale.

"Death!" Zhang Han suddenly turned around and shot, killing Zu Dashou immediately. His tiger eyes turned around without squinting, staring straight at the Chinese army's Xue character army flag. Zhang Han was riding a war horse, his eyes burst out with endless coldness. Immediately shouted angrily: "The whole army charges! Kill the enemy's head! Heavy crossbow!"

"Boom...boom boom boom!" The heavy crossbow arrows shot out continuously, like a roaring weapon of war.

"Crack...crack!" The heavy crossbow pierced through the shield, and the soldiers under his command were shot to pieces immediately, people turned on their backs, and blood gushed everywhere.

Jiang Wei frowned, staring at Zhang Han who was biting him with tiger eyes, swung the silver gun up and down in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Follow me!"

"Drive!" Dozens of iron cavalry surrounded Jiang Song, wanting to fight Zhang Han to the death. Zhang Ping rode a horse and urged the horse to kill him.

When the two armies fought, the Qin army had the advantage in sneak attack and strength. Although the Han army had famous generals like Xue Rengui and Jiang Wei, the situation was unfavorable and the terrain was not superior, so they were always in a passive state.

People and horses shouted to kill, and there were roaring voices everywhere. Deng Ai, who had been hiding in the dark, was watching the battle in front of him. He stammered for a while and couldn't speak, but the joy in his eyes was hard to hide.

"Little General! What's the matter with you!" Deng Xia looked at Deng Ai with a strange face, wondering if he was having epilepsy, and asked subconsciously.

"No...no... don't...don't... me! Go...go...go... Mie Gao...!" Deng Ai stammered, looking very strenuous and anxious.

Deng Xia couldn't bear it any longer, and spoke first, pointing at Sima Xin who was shooting a sly arrow on the high ground, and said, "Do you want me to get rid of him first!"

"Yes... yes!" Deng Ai stammered out what was in his mouth, Deng Xia sneered, and then said: "Just wait and see!"

Deng Xia got on his horse, and the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand gave off a horrifying cold light. His tiger eyes stared ahead, and Deng Xia shouted angrily, "Follow me to kill! Go!"

"Drive!" Yiqi Juechen, with rain covering his cheeks, Deng Xia's three thousand knives and axemen rushed forward, and the archers were almost restrained when they met the knives and axemen.

Sima Xin's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Go downhill quickly! Hurry up!"

"Drive!" Deng Xia yelled angrily, the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand flew up and down, but within a few minutes, it had already reached Sima Xin's eyes, his eyes were piercing, looking at Sima Xin, Deng Xia swung the knife suddenly Then he went down and shouted angrily: "Cut!"

"Shua... 哗啦啦!" Blood gushed out, Sima Xin's head rolled, and the blood mixed with the river water. Thousands of archers were massacred by Deng Xia's three thousand knives and axes.

"Wang...Wang...General...!" Deng Ai gritted his teeth and wanted to kill Wang Ping. Wang Ping, who had always been calm, couldn't hold his breath after all. He cupped his hands and said, "What orders does the little general have!"

"You...you...you lead...wu...wu...wudang...fly...!" Before Deng Ai finished speaking, Wang Ping already knew it with his intelligence, and pointed to the Zhanghan banner in front of him. Said: "General Deng, do you want me to kill the general and capture the flag?"

"Yes... yes!" Deng Ai gritted his teeth and nodded, his appearance was really too strenuous.

"Subordinates understand!" Wang Ping cupped his hands, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, held the shield in his left hand, and held the sword in his right. He stared at the enemy in front of him, and shouted angrily, "Follow me!"

"Kill!" Seven thousand Wudang flying troops charged away. The soldiers under their command were equipped with strange equipment. They held shields in their left hands and sharp battle axes in their right hands.

"The general is not good! The reinforcements of the Han army have arrived!"

(End of this chapter)

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