Chapter 197
The man's father couldn't bear the humiliation, so he picked up the wooden stick on the ground and beat the soldier on the head!

The soldier in pain turned his head, raised his trousers and cursed: "Damn it! The old man is getting impatient, die!" He chopped it off with a big knife!The old man was already old, and with the strength of the soldier, he stabbed his abdomen with a knife.

"Father! Father! Ah!" The man crawled up, looking at his old father who was lying in a pool of blood, and said angrily
"Hey, I'm disturbing my pleasure, I'm here, beauty!" The soldier spat at the man, and then threw his sperm on the woman, but the woman was already numb and her eyes were dull.

"Son! A man...should...stand live!" After speaking, the old man died in his son's hands like a deflated ball.

"Father! Father...ah!" The man was furious. For some reason, he had a scythe for mowing grass in his hand, and he came behind the soldier without anyone noticing it. Under the circumstances, the murderer died under the scythe without knowing it.

"The hatred of killing one's father, the hatred of taking one's wife! We can't live together!" the man said angrily.

"Old Liu!" The soldiers who rushed over were furious when they saw their brother lying on the ground.

"You bastard, you dare to kill my brother!" The soldier who was demolishing the house outside heard someone shouting in the house, and ran over quickly, and saw the man holding a sickle in his hand, and the soldier named Lao Liu had already fallen on the ground he had dreamed of. under the pomegranate skirt.

"Bastard! You dare to kill officers and soldiers! Take your life!" A strong soldier was furious, pulled out the big knife at his waist, and looked at the male brother.

"What kind of skill is it to bully more and less! If you have the ability, come at me! A moderate voice came.

The soldier looked over and saw two figures, the two looked like extremes, and the one in black robe had a hippie smile on his face!The other was dressed in white and had a frosty face. If there was one thing in common between the two, it was that they both carried a gun in their hands.

The black-robed boy had a hippie smile on his face, and said helplessly, "Don't tell me you can't do it! One thing more is worse than one thing less!"

"So I didn't intend to make a move, but seeing that this person is still a bit bloody, it's okay to save him!" The man in white said in a very cold and heartless voice.

The black-robed boy who had been with him for a long time was helpless. If he hadn't been with this guy for a long time, I'm afraid he really didn't know this guy's temper.
"What are you doing! How dare you block me!" Facing the ignorance of the two teenagers, the soldier was filled with anger.

"Nothing, just doing justice for the heavens!" The black-robed boy said impatiently.

"I originally planned to seek refuge with Liu Yu and Wang Mang, but seeing what you've done now, I can't even match Han Yi's toes!" the black-robed boy murmured.

"Stop talking nonsense, brothers, go ahead and kill them!" The soldiers impatiently took their big knives and chopped them off.

"Trouble, trouble!" the black-robed boy said impatiently, flipping the spear up and down in his hand, and in one round, the soldiers around him turned into lifeless corpses.

But the young man in white was unhurried, but if you look closely, the young man's marksmanship was rough and subtle, and after a while, only one of the eight soldiers remained.

"What are you doing! Help!"

"Noisy Tongue, go to hell!" the black-robed boy finished speaking, and the gun in his hand turned into a black shadow.

The boy in white calmly put away the spear in his hand, came to the man and said coldly, "It's okay!"

"Why! Why" You didn't shoot just now!Why!This way my father won't have to die! "Apart from anger, the man only has regrets and unwillingness. If he obeys Yuchi Gong's words, he will not have to die as a father, and Xiaoxue will not have to be bullied.

The boy in white didn't say a word, he glanced up and down at the sad man with cold eyes, made sure he was fine, and left!
"I'm talking about you! Why don't you know what's good or bad! We kindly helped you, and you will repay your kindness!" The black-robed boy thought that this guy should be grateful to Dade, but this guy blamed himself instead.

"Zilong is gone." The boy in white didn't want to say anything, and went straight to leave.

"It's not open, this guy doesn't know what to do!" The boy named Zilong was obviously very angry.

"I can save tens of thousands of people in this world, but you are the only one who can save yourself! If you save a guy who dares not resist, he will die in the same end, but if he saves a guy who dares to resist, he still has more The hope of living!" The boy in white said calmly, and walked away from here.

live!How to live, begging for mercy like a pug, living sadly, or like a wolf, fighting for your own life...

The young man hesitated for a long time. In his world, he didn't think about anything other than working and eating, let alone how to live. However, this young man seemed to have opened up a different world for himself...


Looking back, I saw my wife, for some reason, picked up the knife on the ground and stabbed her chest, her eyes were empty, obviously she didn't want to live anymore.

"Xiaoxue!" The man said in grief and indignation, hugging his wife and wanting to cry, but the tears in his eyes could not flow out, turning into endless anger.

"General Du, it's not good, two people have killed dozens of our brothers!"

"Oh!" Du Fuwei said in surprise, he really didn't expect someone to fight back,

"lead the way!"

I saw that the black and white boy was surrounded by hundreds of people,

The black-robed boy laughed and said, "Surely, don't you want to be a general? You can't kill a hundred people here, and you can't even fight!"

The "long-winded" boy in white was obviously impatient.

"The boy from there, dare to play wild with me!" Du Fuwei said seriously.

"I thought it was a famous general in the world! I didn't expect it to be a nameless rat!" the black-robed boy said impatiently.

"Death to me presumptuously!" Du Fuwei also had his dignity. The big knife in his hand was cut into black shadows and scattered around the young man.

"It's too slow, go!" The young man in white pointed the spear in the direction of the sword, and with a light touch, he missed the direction of the sword in Du Fuwei's hand!The body of the gun hits the back.

Du Fuwei snorted, with a look of surprise on his face. He was no match for the boy in front of him at all, and said in surprise, "Who are you?"

The boy in white said indifferently: "Luo Cheng!"

"Deng Zilong!" The boy in black said his name helplessly.

"You...!" The strength of the two people in front of me is higher than my own, and if I am not careful, my head may fall.

"The general will inevitably die in battle, why make things difficult for the people!" Luo Cheng's face was murderous, and the cold spear in his hand emitted a cold light from time to time.

"Hahahahahaha, to leave a name in history!" Du Fuwei laughed, one eye looked a little crazy.

"Leaving a name in history...!" Deng Zilong was a little puzzled. Does killing have anything to do with leaving a name in history?

(End of this chapter)

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