Warring States Call

Chapter 2012 Chapter 222: Battle of Clamshell Ridge

Chapter 2012 Chapter 22: The Battle of Clamshell Ridge
In Zhongqing City, it is already the end of January. Ge Shuhan's 5 soldiers are defending Han Shizhong's attack. As the weather warms up, green skins are exposed on the ground. There are not many advantages for Li Shimin. Ge Shuhan insisted One month, 4000 soldiers were dispatched, and only the last [-] remnants were left. The situation was very tragic. If Li Shimin did not send troops to support, Zhongqing would only fall.

In Zhongqing City, Ge Shuhan was sitting on a chair, on the roof above his head, cold wind blowing in from time to time, Ge Shuhan was sitting on the seat, the whole person was silent, Da Xiwu, who had just come down from the city wall, was already very hungry, He directly picked up the bowl on the table, opened the pot, and saw that there was no water in the clear soup, and he couldn't even see a rice. water in the bag, and said, "Where's the rice?"

"The barracks has run out of food!" Ge Shuhan leaned on the chair, his expression was dripping, and he was very decadent. When Da Xiwu heard this, he threw the spoon in his hand into the pot, shaking out countless water splashes, Da Xiwu Throwing the helmet on his head on the table, he cursed angrily: "What is this Jin Chunqiu doing for food, I can't even transport a grain of food!"

"General Jin is back!"

Said that Cao Cao arrived, Da Xiwu stood up again after sitting down just now, Ge Shuhan couldn't sit still anymore, picked up the bronze sword on the table, and strode towards the door.

Da Xiwu couldn't sit still any longer, he followed Ge Shuhan, and as soon as the two went out of the mansion, they saw Jin Chunqiu at the gate, limping, limping with the support of two soldiers. Turning around, they walked towards the city lord's mansion. The two people who had originally planned to raise a teacher to inquire about the crime, saw Jin Chunqiu's appalling appearance, Da Xiwu immediately ran over, and greeted the stunned soldiers on both sides: "What are you doing in a daze! Come and help me!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

In the main hall, Jin Chunqiu sat on his seat, yelling: "Water! Give me...water!"

"Water...!" Da Xiwu looked left and right, poured some rice water from the pot for a while, and after Jin Chunqiu finished drinking, he was a little refreshed, panting heavily, his face was bitter, his eyes were downcast, and he said in a crying voice: " Three thousand brothers! It's astonishing that none of them came back...!"

"What's going on!" Da Xiwu asked loudly, looking at Jin Chunqiu who was in mourning.

Jin Chunqiu didn't hide anything, and directly told what happened to him. It turned out that Jin Chunqiu had just escorted [-] shi of grain and grass to Zhongqing, but was attacked by Qi Jiguang's troops, not to mention the heavy losses. The enemy captured all of them.

"What!" Ge Shuhan was stunned for a moment, staring at Jin Chunqiu with a tiger's eyes, his face was astonished, he stood up suddenly after a long while, grabbed Jin Chunqiu by the collar, and asked, "How did you come back!"

"During the war, I found a war horse, and escaped from the chaos!" Jin Chunqiu swallowed, he could feel from Ge Shuhan's eyes that something was wrong.

"You... It's over! Qi Jiguang probably figured out our position! We are in danger, and we will attack Han Shizhong on both sides! We are already in a dead end!" Ge Shuhan pressed the sword in his arms and looked to the left and right The generals on both sides immediately shouted angrily: "Li Anmin, Gongsun Ao!"


"Lead three hundred scouts to check around Seoul to see if Qi Jiguang's troops have blocked the line of defense. Once you find it! Come back and report immediately!" After Ge Shuhan assigned tasks to the two, Tiger Eyes scanned the topographic map up and down , His brows sank deeper and deeper.

"No!" The two of them didn't delay any longer, they went out to look for the war horse. At first, everyone thought it would take at least one or two hours before they came back, but after only one stick of incense, the two of them came back in disgrace, and their bodies Also hung up the color.

"What's going on!" Ge Shuhan looked at it, and his brows were tightly furrowed. He had only been out for a long time, and he came back directly injured.

"There are enemy troops everywhere outside! There are hundreds of thousands of them, and they are still cutting down trees. It looks like they will attack the city tomorrow morning!" Li Anmin panted heavily, and his dark color was extremely dignified.

Ge Shuhan swallowed his saliva, fixed his eyes on Jin Chunqiu for a while and said, "When you came to Zhongqing, what was the situation in Seoul!"

"When I left, I heard that General Li Guangbi was obstructing Wei Qing. There was a fierce battle between the two armies in Xiangping. I don't know the rest!" When Jin Chunqiu left, it was already seven days ago. Did not withdraw to Seoul.

"It will take seven days to travel from Seoul to Zhongqing! It's not good!" Ge Shuhan's face sank like water, he had guessed the worst result in his mind, looked at Da Xiwu for a while and said, "Tell the soldiers to pack their bags, Tonight! Withdraw!"

"Is Zhongqing City not guarded?" Da Xiwu looked astonished, looking at Ge Shuhan, his eyes were not very sure.

"Still guard! Zhongqing can't hold it anymore! If you stay here, it will be a dead end! Can't you see it?" Ge Shuhan directly threw the tea bowl in his hand, picked up the sword and walked forward, shouting angrily: "withdraw troops!"


It was getting dark very quickly. Ge Shuhan walked up the city wall and looked at the great mountains and rivers. From the time he stood at dusk until now, he saw with his own eyes the soldiers under Qi Jiguang's command fighting to death. Although Ge Shuhan could only see a general idea, but He clearly calculated the time for the enemy army to build the camp. The efficiency of the military camp is the fastest, and the Han army is even famous as the iron army. Such a troop camped for an hour, killing brother Shu Han also didn't believe that the enemy army was doing foreign work.

"Oh! I'm in trouble!" Ge Shuhan shook his head helplessly, looking at the gradually rising lights of the enemy camp, Da Xiwu, who was under the city wall, climbed up the city wall, looked at Ge Shuhan who was in a daze, and said, "Let's go!"

"Yeah!" Ge Shuhan got off the city wall and left with the [-] remnants under his command, groping quietly along the way, thinking he had slipped through and avoided Qi Jiguang's eyeliner, but he didn't know that everything was within Qi Jiguang's plan .

"General!" Guo Ying panted heavily, came to the military tent, and said solemnly.

Qi Jiguang was looking at the map at this time, and when he saw Guo Ying approaching, he said indifferently, "How's the situation?"

"The enemy army has already left the city. I will take people to Zhongqing to check, but there is no one there!" Guo Ying cupped his hands and told the information he had detected in detail.

"En!" Qi Jiguang nodded, and said for a while, "Lead ten thousand soldiers and horses to Bangke Ridge to support Guo Xing and the others! Also, tell Guo Zixing and Nie Shixiong that none of them will be spared!"

"Understood!" Guo Ying chuckled, flicked the cloak and went out of the big tent, shaking the dust off Qi Jiguang's face, causing Qi Jiguang to cough repeatedly, and laughed and cursed: "Slow down! It's all dust! Cough cough!"

"Drive... drive!" Ge Shuhan rode his horse, halfway, the horse under his crotch did not know what happened, and he was unwilling to go forward, Ge Shuhan looked a little suspicious, turned over from the horse, looked Looking at the mountains in front of him, unmelted snow fell from the cliffs from time to time, Ge Shuhan looked slightly surprised and said: "What kind of place is this!"

"This is Clamshell Ridge. We'll go out if we go one mile further!" Jin Chunqiu rode a horse and came to Ge Shuhan's side. Seeing that Ge Shuhan didn't go forward, he said suspiciously: "What's wrong with the general... why don't you leave!"

But Ge Shuhan stretched out his hand to stop, staring at the surrounding terrain with black eyes, stroking the neck of the war horse, and said with a solemn expression: "The evasiveness in my crotch is timid, and I never dare to try dangerous things easily. Question, turn around! Go!"

"General! Are you kidding me! It's more than half gone, don't waste time, if the enemy comes after us, we will have no way out." Jin Chunqiu looked at Ge Shuhan, his eyes full of suspicion.

Da Xiwu also felt that the situation was wrong, urged the horse to come to Ge Shuhan's side and said: "Yes! Isn't this a waste of time? You can't let the soldiers disturb the long way for a horse, so let me take the lead!"

After Da Xiwu finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves at the soldiers behind him and shouted angrily, "Let's go...!"

Guo Xin is standing on the Clamshell Ridge at the moment, watching the restlessness under the Clamshell Ridge, making conversations from time to time, looking at the soldier behind him and reaching out to take his torch, Guo Xin shakes vigorously in the air from side to side, while the opposite Guo Xing understood immediately, he sneered, greeted the left and right, and shouted angrily: "Archers! Thunder Stone! Fire oil! Rolling logs ready!"


Clamshell Ridge is actually two high mountains, because the shapes of the high mountains fit together, like a clam shell with an open mouth. As the name suggests, Guo Xin and others rushed to this time and hurriedly cut stones to build the current situation.

"Let go!" Guo Xin suddenly threw the torch in his hand down. In an instant, hundreds of soldiers would cut off the ropes, and the boulders intercepted by the ropes would fall directly down the mountain. When it fell, the whole ground rumbled.

"What a sound!" Ge Shuhan looked up, only to feel the rumbling sound echoing throughout the valley, and the sound was getting louder and louder, as if a bee nest had been hit, and a group of them came.

"Not good! Hurry up... defend... rush out!" Da Xiwu's complexion changed drastically, and Ge Shuhan's face turned ugly for a moment, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Spread out from the left and right sides, approach the cliff wall, and look for a shelter... Hurry up!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." as the sound of the falling sound became louder The pot exploded, and when viewed from a high altitude, the entire Clamshell Ridge seemed to have a precious orb inside, which was constantly emitting light outside.

"Help me...!" Jin Chunqiu was extremely flustered, and stretched out his hand to the surrounding soldiers, motioning them to help him and lift him down, but the surrounding soldiers couldn't protect themselves, so how could they expect him.

"Boom!" A small elephant-like stone fell down, hitting Jin Chunqiu right at the right time. In an instant, everyone shouted. Jin Chunqiu was covered under the boulder, and the ground beneath him was wet with blood. Jin Chunqiu Blood was spitting out of his mouth, his eyes were full of disbelief, and fire oil poured down from the top of his head from time to time, just for a moment, Jin Chunqiu died directly in the sea of ​​flames.

"Withdraw!...Quickly! Withdraw!" Li Anmin swallowed his saliva. In the battle ahead, he immediately turned his horse's head. After charging for a while, he ran into Guo Ying, who was guarding the door. Guo Ying smiled, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes. With a smile, he immediately shouted angrily: "Fire the arrow!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Countless cold arrows greeted Li Anmin. Li Anmin was alive for a moment, only seeing Guo Ying's evil smiling face, which looked so charming under the moonlight. Binghan was shot into a porcupine on the spot and died unexpectedly.

Seeing that the road was blocked, Gongsun Ao turned his horse's head, greeted the soldiers on both sides, and shouted angrily: "I can't retreat! Go out! Quick!"

"Drive... drive!" Da Xiwu rode a war horse, held a saber, and led 300 people to quickly shuttle under the Stonehenge. Seeing that he was about to charge out, Guo Zixing shouted angrily: "Fire the arrow!"

"Whoosh whoosh...!"

"Bump...Ahh!...Help!" Da Xiwu's horse was hit by an arrow, and Da Xiwu was shot off the horse immediately. The person who fell fell on his back, and the soldiers behind him died under the rain of arrows.

"No...don't...don't...!" The screams continued behind Da Xiwu, like ghosts crying and gods howling, hell on earth.

Da Xiwu was lying on the ground, shaking the dust on his forehead, and stood up with difficulty. At this moment, there were only one or two cavalry trembling behind Da Xiwu. Da Xiwu glared at Nie Shixiongnu, picked up the horse on the ground槊, shouted: "Kill!"

"This is the desire to survive. This is to open up a path of victory for the tens of thousands of soldiers behind him. Da Xiwu has no way out. He wants to open a path of blood for the soldiers behind him!"

"Looking for death!" Nie Shixiong yelled angrily, and directly stabbed Da Xiwu with the nine-ring sword in his hand. The two fought for ten rounds. Da Xiwu was exhausted because he hadn't eaten a full meal for three days. , was beheaded by Nie Shixiong and fell off the horse.

Inside Clamshell Ridge, the sky was raining stones from time to time, and the sky was filled with darkness.

The soldier died unexpectedly, Ge Shuhan leaned on the wall, with a bitter smile in his eyes, he pulled out the scimitar in his arms for a long time, and muttered to himself: "It's really heaven's death for me! Your Majesty! The minister is loyal!"

Ge Shuhan's elegiac song was generous, he drew his sword and slayed himself, and the blood was scattered on the ground. Ge Shuhan's generation of heroes fell on the battlefield.

In the entire army, only Sun Shuao persisted hard, and was finally surrounded by raging fire and burned to death in the mountain. There were more than 4000 people in Ge Shuhan, and none of them survived. They all died in the clamshell mountain. The army took over Zhongqing, and after three days of rest, Han Shizhong's [-] troops marched northward, and began to threaten Li Shimin's capital Seoul.

At this moment, Li Shimin is really at the end of the road. There are only 3 people left in the whole country, and all of them are on the front line to resist Wei Qing's attack. However, Li Siyuan and Li Keyong are not Wei Qing's opponents. After only three days of fighting, Wei Qing cut off Li Siyuan. Li Siyuan had no choice but to order his troops to retreat and retreat to Seoul. On the way to retreat, Li Ke was hit by Wei Qing's ambush and was shot and killed in Yuling by Huang Degong's random arrows.

The two armies of Han Shizhong and Wei Qing joined together, with a total of 60 troops, and the siege of the entire Seoul was impenetrable. At this time, only the last 3 people were left in Seoul.

(End of this chapter)

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