Warring States Call

Chapter 216 Yue Fei Leads the Army

Chapter 216 Yue Fei Leads the Army (Part [-])
Yue Fei looked at the situation on the battlefield and said seriously: Brothers!If we take half a step back, we will have nowhere to go. Those who are willing to lie here and wait for death stay here, and those who want to fight for a way to survive come with me! "

"Forget about that green onion, General Dugu hasn't spoken yet, so you have a place to speak!" A soldier of Duguxin looked at Yue Fei displeased.

Yue Fei didn't care, Dian Wei and Xu Chu behind him looked at Xiao Bing and said, "Who is going to be presumptuous here!"

"Dian... General Dian!" Xiao Bing was obviously a little afraid of Dian Wei, and flinched!
Duguji came out of nowhere and said, "General Dianwei, don't get angry. The main reason is that the Qin soldiers are too powerful. Our clan soldiers have not received any training, so we are vulnerable to the Qin army!"

"Oh, really?!" Yue Fei said with a serious expression.

Duguji said disdainfully: "You little soldier dares to make irresponsible remarks in front of me, I tell you that my sister is the queen of Korea in the future...!"

Duguji was in the mood to say that Yue Fei was not interested in listening yet, so he looked at Duguji and said, "General Xu Chu! This man is afraid of fighting, so take him down and hand him over to the king!"

"Take orders!" Xu Chu opened his big hand, grabbed Dugu Ji, like picking up an insignificant ant, put it on his horse, and walked towards Han Yi's formation.

Dugu Ji said with a look of disbelief: "Xu Chu! What are you doing! Let me tell you, King Han is my brother-in-law! If you dare to touch me! My brother-in-law will definitely not let you go!"

Xu Chu said disdainfully: "General Dugu, if you have anything to say, you should tell the king! Drive!"

Yue Fei looked at the timid soldiers and said, "The annoying flies are gone! There are some ones below! Pick up your own weapons and fight Qin Guo. If you think you are a eunuch, just stay here!"

"Let's go!" After Yue Fei finished speaking, he picked up his spear and went to kill.

Dian Wei followed closely behind with a bad look! "

Meng Tian looked at Yue Fei who was wearing this soldier's costume, and said with a sneer, "Is there no one in Korea! They even let a soldier be a general!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Yue Fei laughed but said nothing: "Tell me your answer!"

"Fight!" Dian Wei picked up his wild singing halberd, his expression moved, like a lion shaking the plain, the huge roar resounded through the sky, invisibly infecting the soldiers behind.

"Fight!" I don't know which soldier shouted out his heart, but the people behind him also suppressed their hearts.
"War...war...war...war!" Tens of thousands of people uttered their voices in a short while. Yue Fei looked at the crowd and felt a little relieved. Formation!"

Dian Wei smiled honestly, took out his halberd, looked at the three people rushing in the front, flew forward and threw his halberd out.

"Ding. Dianwei's halberd-throwing force plus 4 basic force 105 current force 109"

The three hit their throats, each in disbelief, clutching their own necks.

Yue Fei looked overjoyed from behind and said, "The former army is in full formation, keep a distance from the Qin army!"


Meng Tian looked at the panic-stricken Han army, who was orderly under Yue Fei's hands, and hurriedly said: "The front army obeys orders! Keep advancing in the phalanx! The Chinese army shoots arrows."

Twenty thousand Qin soldiers were combined, and Qin Ge was standing in front of him, charging at an unhurried speed, every step was like a heavy crush!Tens of thousands of arrows shot towards Yue Fei's camp like a stream of rain! "

As soon as they saw the arrows, the soldiers became flustered, and the morale of the army that had finally gathered began to become scattered again.

Yue Fei said solemnly: "Hold up your shield! The front row of troops blocked the Qin soldiers with spears, and the second row picked up spears and stabbed out when the Qin soldiers approached. The whole army attacked!"

"Kill!" The [-] Han troops rushed to the front of the formation under Yue Fei's command!

Meng Tian at the back took Qin Ge and rode the Dawan Liangju, his expression became much gloomy, the original good situation turned into nothingness under Yue Fei's command.

"Charge!" Meng Tian couldn't bear it anymore, and issued the final command, he wanted to break the formation that Yue Fei worked so hard to pull out in one breath.

Tens of thousands of Qin soldiers evaded the front army's tenacity, and the cowardly Han soldiers began to fear when facing the tiger and wolf army's Qin soldiers.

Yue Fei calmly said: "Cut!"

"Nuo" Dian Wei took the halberd in his hand, and directly took off the deserter's head.

Yue Fei looked at the soldiers and said, "I will live and die with you! But if someone deserts, don't blame them for being cruel!"


Dian Wei looked at Yue Fei approvingly, and suddenly realized that this guy is a bit different!
"Kill!" A Qin soldier with a hideous face picked up a machete in his hand and slashed at Han Bing holding up his shield.

Yue Fei said for a long time: "Second row, stab!"


The more than 3000 people who had been waiting for the opportunity, along the gap of the shield, saw their own weapons go out. Looking at the thousands of people who were shot to the end, Meng Tian's face turned into a pig's liver.

Shame... a living shame!

But Yue Fei couldn't control it, taking advantage of Meng Tian's lack of reaction, he picked up his red-tasseled gun and said, "Kill!"

Yue Fei, who took the lead in the charge, rushed up first, and there was no one on the left or right. The ordinary Qin soldiers were no match for Yue Fei at all, and were overthrown by Yue Fei.

Han Zu, who looked at each other in blank dismay, began to fight Qin Bing under the leadership of Yue Fei.

Meng Tian said with a gloomy face: "Come and stop, Meng Tian is coming!"

Capture the thief first and capture the king!This army has become stronger because of Yue Fei's existence. Only by beheading Yue Fei can he defeat this army.

Yue Fei sneered and said, "Meng Tian, ​​the general of the Qin Kingdom! It's perfect to take your head as the cornerstone of my promotion! Dead man!"


The spears and halberds intersected and sent out sparks, Yue Fei went to the left, barely dodging Meng Tian's sure kill!And Yue Fei's red-tasseled spear pierced Meng Tian's helmet. Meng Tian turned around, put away his Qin Ge, and looked at Yue Fei with vigilance in his eyes.

If he didn't have a helmet just now, his head would have fallen to the ground, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Surrender!" Compared to Meng Tian, ​​Yue Fei didn't have so many worries, he stabbed Meng Tian's chest with a spear in his hand, Meng Tian hurriedly picked up his weapon and retreated.

I saw the spear in Yue Fei's hand, and gradually a plum blossom came out, sometimes piercing the throat, sometimes hitting the chest, Meng Tian was dazzled by the sight.

"Go!" Yue Fei turned around and shot, leaped to a height of more than two feet, looked in Meng Tian's direction, the spear was like a shooting star piercing the sky, and fell towards Meng Tian's chest!

Meng Tian was shocked, turned over and escaped with a kite, but Yue Fei didn't intend to just let Meng Tian go, pulled out the broken sword from the ground, and killed like a phantom.

Bai Qi watched in a daze from behind and said, "Who is this that makes Meng Tian so embarrassed!"

(End of this chapter)

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