Warring States Call

Chapter 260 Flirting

Chapter 260 Flirting
Zhao Yong looked at the general below. This man was named Zhao Yong, a disciple of the branch of the sect. He started to join the army in response to Zhao Yong's title that all people can be soldiers, and his martial arts skills are also good.

It's not easy for Zhao Yong to refuse him, so he said with concern: "Go! Be careful!"

"Yes!" Zhao Yong looked excited, looked at Wang Kejun, raised the big ax in his hand, and rode to kill him!
Han Yi narrowed his eyes, stared at the two, and asked Han Dao who was beside him, "Who are those two?"

Han Xin stroked his sword and said, "Qin State is the general of Qin State! Wang Kejun, I heard that he is Wang Jian's collateral nephew, and the other is Zhao Yong from Zhao State!"

Han Yi rode on Xiaobai with no expression on his face. In his opinion, Zhao Yong must die!Wang Kejun was a general of Wagang in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and Zhao Yong and Han Yi tested it, and the force value was only about 70. How could he be Wang Kejun's opponent.

As they spoke, the two fought together.
"Who is coming!" Wang Kejun looked at Zhao Yong with piercing eyes, as if in his own comprehension.

Zhao Yong didn't dare to be careless, Qin's generals were all obtained through his own efforts, calculated by head count, Qin's minor general, if he hadn't killed a hundred people, would be ashamed to call himself a general.

"Should die!" The big ax in Zhao Yong's hand dragged the ground directly, splashing sand and dust, and rushed towards Wang Kejun's face. Since he couldn't attack head-on, he would come here. There is not so much attention on the battlefield.

The big ax struck Wang Kejun's head. If Wang Kejun's head was hit, he would have to move.

Wang Kejun yelled: "Despicable villain, die!" He grabbed the cloak behind him to block Zhao Yong's sand, got off his horse, avoided Zhao Yong's axe, stepped on the sand, and went straight to Zhao Yong's throat.

Zhao Yong was shocked, the long ax in his hand hadn't been retracted until now, and he couldn't block Wang Kejun's shot. Now that he was in chaos, he didn't know what to do. In addition, Wang Kejun's shot was fast and accurate, so he sent it directly to Zhao Yong. I felt a chill.

Zhao Yong couldn't believe it, the heavy ax in his hand fell down with force!Clutching the spear in front of him, his eyes were full of unwillingness, but he couldn't move anymore.

Wang Kejun picked up Zhao Yong's body with a single shot, his eyes were cold, he pulled out the big knife in his arms, and cut off Zhao Yong's head cleanly!The bloody head was thrown towards Zhao Ying by Wang Kejun.

Wang Jian rejoiced and said, "Well done!"

The Qin soldiers behind shouted: "General Wang is mighty!"

Han Yi looked at Wang Kejun disdainfully: "With this little effort, you still dare to show off your might! How about I go kill him!"

"My lord! Forget it! Forget it! This kind of person! It's not worth the king's shot!" Yu Wenqing, who was on the side, heard that Han Yi was going to fight again, and hurriedly stopped him.

Han Yi looked at Yu Wenqing and asked curiously: "I said what happened to you today, don't you usually like to fight and kill the most? Why are you sluggish today!"

Yu Wenqing was suffering and couldn't tell!They are a lot of people, all of them are honest and gentlemen, they don't know how to read jokes, they only know to talk about business, and Guo Jia is coercing and luring him to stop Han Yi, otherwise Guo Jia will...

"In short, you can just take a look here, my lord, and leave the rest to us! Besides, this is Zhao Wang's own business, so go to your lord! Isn't it to save his face!" Yu Wenqing said anxiously.

Han Yi nodded and said, "That makes sense! Then let's take a look!"

"Okay!" Yu Wenqing let out a big breath, his little heart was thumping, and he muttered, "It's finally done!"

Zhao Yong's face was ashen, seeing Wang Kejun's cruelty to eat him alive, he shouted: "Who dares to fight!"

"I'll do it..." Shi Siming's eyes were full of fear. Judging from the method just now, this Wang Kejun is the same as himself, with similar force. If he must kill him, I'm afraid he will have to pay a price.

Looking at Wang Kejun, Shi Siming rode to kill him and said, "Don't be mad, everyone! Take your life!"

Shi Siming held a big knife in one hand and approached Wang Kejun, ready to cut him in half.

Wang Kejun snorted coldly and said, "I'm afraid of you"

He hurriedly mounted his horse, raised the iron spear in his hand, and stabbed Shi Siming straight.


The sword came down, and Wang Kejun's arms were calm, and he firmly blocked Shi Siming's sword.

At this moment, Wang Kejun only felt numbness in his arms, and he didn't dare to underestimate Shi Siming in his eyes. He shot back the back of the big knife, turned around and stabbed Shi Siming's large and small parts.

Shi Siming's original stern face became unnatural, and his face instantly turned livid and strenuous.

Wang Kejun didn't dare to underestimate Shi Siming, and the iron spear in his hand pierced several parts of Shi Siming's body.

Seeing that he was blocked within Wang Kejun's attack range, Shi Siming hurriedly reined in his horse and withdrew, turned around and stabbed again, but was blocked by Wang Kejun.

The two fought back and forth for dozens of rounds. Han Yi gradually felt that it was meaningless. He smiled and looked at Yu Wenqing who was beside him and said, "You owe me a head, so don't go now! When will you wait?" !"

Yu Wenqing smiled wryly, this is not forcing himself not to look at him, but Yu Wenqing has no choice, Han Yi's move really made him helpless, shook his head and said: "My lord! You can ask for blessings!"

After Yu Wenqing finished speaking, he left beside Han Yi, ready to go to fight, and then he saw a red figure appearing behind him. When Han Yi saw it, he was shocked and said: "That Yu Wenqing, come back! I have something to tell you !"

Yu Wenqing looked at Han Yi with a smile and said: "I will not accept the order of the king outside!"

Seeing Yu Wenqing's figure getting farther and farther away, Han Yi's heart shuddered, and he looked at the pink lady in front of him, and quickly said, "Why are you here!"

"Don't you think your majesty doesn't want me!" said Dou Xiantong and raised Han Yi's chin.

Han Yi whispered: "There are so many people here, save some face for Gu!"

"Oh! Your Majesty still knows how to save face! Why don't Your Majesty agree to my three requests! Otherwise, I can't promise to do anything!" Dou Xiantong had a strange smile on his face, and Han Yi was terrified to see it.

"Three is too much! Can one do it!" Han Yi couldn't accept it, this guy was a little bit over the top!If you really agree to her, I'm afraid there will be no good days in the future!

"Then I can't help it! Your Majesty misses you! I don't recommend giving birth to monkeys here!" Dou Xiantong got closer and closer to Han Yi's cheek, and began to caress Han Yi's ear.

Han Yi broke out in cold sweat, and said helplessly, "Three is three! Come down now!"

Dou Xiantong just left Han Yi's side and massaged Han Yi from behind. The soldiers next to him looked jealous, but he didn't expect Dou Xiantong to directly say, "I haven't seen a beautiful woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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