Warring States Call

Chapter 262 Battle

Chapter 262 Battle

Wei Jun has the ability to disdain to go!Those with weak abilities dare not go!Looking around, there was no one asking for a fight, Wei He's face was ashen, shame!How embarrassing!In such a big country, no one dares to fight. If people know about it in the future, they won't be laughed to death!

Wei He suppressed the roar in his heart, his eyes gradually turned cold, but he was gradually suppressed by Wei He, looked at Yan Qing beside him and said, "Go and call!"

"But my lord, you...!" Yan Qing looked at Wei He, her eyes were full of worry, and she glanced at Wu Zetian unnaturally.

Wei He said impatiently: "I don't need you to worry, my son, hurry up and fight, and don't lose!"

"Yes" Yan Qing had no choice but to put on his Hunyuan stick and rode out, fighting with a Qin general.

At this moment, Yu Wenqing has fought with Meng Ao for dozens of rounds. Meng Ao's sword is as fast as an eagle, and he specially finds Yu Wenqing's dead corner. among.

Yu Wenqing was not to be outdone, the silver hammer in his hand was like a tiger, and after a few hammers, Meng Ao's weapon was swung away. Meng Ao's palm hurt so much, but he had no choice but to sweep away thousands of troops with one move, killing several Meng Ao Improve and repel.

Yu Wenqing sneered and said: "Every man will take a trick from me, even a star hammer!"

I saw the silver hammer in Yu Wenqing's hand dancing with a silver wheel, aiming at Meng Ao's head.

Seeing that he was invincible, Meng Ao turned around and retreated three steps, only to see a continuous piece of sand splashed in the original place, and the first hammer missed, Yu Wenqing came to kill him with the second hammer.

Meng Ao saw that there was no way to avoid it, so he could only resist Yu Wenqing's hammer, and the Qin knife in his hand stood horizontally in front of him.


The silver hammer hit Meng Ao's hand, and the handle of Qin Dao began to tremble. Meng Ao also let out a muffled grunt and fell to the ground. Seeing this great opportunity, how could Yu Wenqing give up and swung the hammer to kill him? Started to get entangled with Meng Ao.

Yu Wencheng and Li Cunxiao, who were behind Yu Wenqing, looked at the battle situation. Li Cunxiao hugged his own Bi Laoyan and praised: "Is this Yu Wenqing not bad! That Meng Ao is forced to this point!"

Yu Wencheng was not as relaxed as Li Cunxiao, he said with a wry smile: "The general may not know something, my younger brother Qing will consume a lot of physical strength with this hammer, and now he is forced by Meng Ao to have no choice but to use it, if the hammer can't Kill Meng Ao, I'm afraid he will be in danger.

Li Cunxiao said thoughtfully: "Don't worry, General! With you here! Meng Ao probably won't have that chance!"

"Ding, Yu Wenqing's three hammer attributes are activated, the force value of the first hammer is increased by 1, the force value of the second is increased by 2, and the value of the third force is increased by 3. The current force value of the first hammer is 100"

After missing the first blow, Yu Wenqing came back with the second hammer, with a force value of 102!A hammer knocked Meng Ao to the ground.

"Son, don't be crazy!" Meng Ao's eyes were bloodshot, he didn't want to be killed by Yu Wenqing's three hammers, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Ding, Meng Ao's eagle looks at attributes and activates, which can weaken the enemy and halve the skill damage, plus 2 to the personal force value. Currently, Yu Wenqing's third hammer is activated, and the force value is 105. Meng Ao reduces Yu Wenqing's force value by 3 points. Currently, Yu Wenqing The force value is 102, Meng Ao's force value is increased by 2, and the current force is 102"


Meng Ao fought desperately, and a donkey rolled over to avoid it, but Yu Wenqing only felt a sense of weakness, but there was nothing he could do about it, seeing a trace of determination in Meng Ao's eyes, he said indifferently: "If a man dies, why should he be afraid?" , Take your life!"

"Ding Yuwenqing's three hammers are over, restore the original force, the current force value is 99!"

"Die!" Yu Wenqing came to kill with a long hammer in his hand, and snorted coldly in his heart. Everyone in the world is me, the weakest of the thirteen generals of Wang Ye, and my strength can't reach that level. Today, I will tell you what is Thirteen Wang Ye generals.

Meng Ao's face was pale, and he only felt his limbs ached. Seeing Yu Wenqing coming to kill him again with a hammer, Meng Ao snorted coldly. As the saying goes, a soldier can be killed but not humiliated: "Take your life!"

Meng Ao slashed again with his sword, gradually pressing down on Yu Wenqing, Yu Wencheng patted his head helplessly: "This guy has started to be brave again!"

Yu Wencheng rescued Yu Wenqing by riding a horse.

Seeing that the time had come, Wang Jian pulled out Qin Jian from his arms and said, "Soldiers, it's time to make contributions, kill!"

"Kill!" The erupting combat power of one hundred thousand Qin soldiers was extraordinary, Zhao Yong snorted coldly and said, "Pass the order! Let Li Mu be in charge of this battle!"


After receiving the general order, Li Mu looked at Qin Bing's battle formation, stroked his sword and said, "Where is Ma Yuan!"

"The end is here!"

"I will give you [-] Zhao Bianqi to surrender to the Qin Bing's central army from the flanks! Disrupt the Qin Bing's pattern!" General Li Mu waved his order.

"Get the order!" Ma Yuan took the general order, turned around and rode on the horse, picked up his Dragon Elephant Sword, and made a surprise attack from the Zhao army's flank.

"Zhou Yafu, you lead the army and charge with the Qin soldiers! When Ma Yuan succeeds, swing your troops to kill!"

"Decree!" The soldiers led by Zhou Yafu himself were ordered to be the Xiliu Army, and their force was not inferior to the Tie Ying soldiers of Qin Bing. Unfortunately, there were only one thousand soldiers, and they could not be compared with Qin Bing. However, Zhou Yafu used them as a breakthrough point to send Qin Bing split up and tore open his mouth to fight for opportunities for the soldiers behind.

"Ma Teng, Ma Xiu, Ma Dai, Ma Chao, Ma Tie, each of you five will lead a thousand cavalry, a total of five thousand, wait and see what happens, and charge forward when Ma Yuan is in hand!"

"Design!" Five people led the order and walked. These five people are all extraordinary, but Ma Teng is the main one, following him

Wei Jun didn't dare to be careless at all, Pang Juan looked at the enemy and snorted coldly: "Ding Yanping, you lead [-] Wei soldiers to charge forward, and Feng Changqing will support you from the rear!"


I saw Ding Yanping leading the phalanx of Wei soldiers, approaching slowly, making a sound with each step, shaking the earth, the phalanx is divided into three lines, each line singing loudly, the clanging of weapons, the killing intent of soldiers .

Han Yi squinted his eyes, smiled and said: "Han Xin will leave this battle to you!"

Han Xin stroked his sword and said with a smile, "Please rest assured, my lord!"

"Okay!" Han Yi drove this Xiaobai slowly back from the front of the enemy, Han Xin slowly adjusted his breathing, his eyes were ordinary, as if the world was in his hands, it was just a game of chess, if you lose, you lose, there is nothing good worried.

"Jia Fu! Leading the Qin army's attack, retreat three hundred steps in a row before the battle!" Han Xin picked up the general order and issued his first general order.

Jia Fu was surprised and said, "Did you make a mistake! People are always going forward! But you let me back!"

"Whoever disrespects the commander will be executed!" Han Xin's words were unquestionable, and his eyes were fixed on Jia Fu.

Holding his weapon, Jia Fu said with disdain in his eyes: "I will listen to you just once, if there is any mistake, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

(End of this chapter)

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