Warring States Call

Chapter 270 Rising Star

Chapter 270 Rising Star
Zhao Yong looked joyful, and said with a smile: "Good! Not bad! Not bad! I think that although Zhao Guo is a big country in the world, the generals that can be used are all veterans like Li Mu. Now is the time for the young and the yellow to meet each other. , Zhao Kuo and Ma Chao are rising stars, they should be cultivated well!"

"What the king said is true! This Ma family is also full of talents! Not only Ma Chao, but also Ma Dai, Ma Liang, and Ma Ji are all good talents!" Zhao Sheng who was behind also praised.

"Yeah!" Zhao Yong pondered for a moment and said, "You can't just focus on the talents outside. I heard that our sect also has many talents. We should dig them out after we go back!"

"Yes!" Zhao Sheng agreed. In this way, the Zhao family can increase the right to speak in the Zhao Guoduan. Everyone knows how the three Jins are divided. The power of Zhao, Han, and Wei, It has surpassed the strength of the country's lord, and it will be a matter of time before it is finally annexed.

"By the way! Who is this Ma Chao's opponent? It's too far away! I can't see clearly!" Zhao Yong widened his eyes, but he still couldn't see clearly.

Zhao Sheng in the rear swallowed his saliva listening to the orders from the scouts below!With a look of relief on his face, he said, "Your Majesty is Wang Yanzhang, Qin's number one general!"

"Oh!" Zhao Yong was very calm on the surface, but there was a turmoil in his heart. Only Ma Chao's uncle Ma Yuan could compete with this Wang Yanzhang!Unexpectedly, it was carried by Ma Chao.

"This Ma family is really full of talents!" Zhao Yong sighed.

"Get up!" Ma Chao suppressed Wang Yanzhang. The angry Wang Yanzhang seemed to have punched cotton, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

The two dragged like this!But the news of the fight between the two reached Han Yi's ears. Han Yi listened to the system's report in a bored manner, and said helplessly: "This Ma Chao is also very powerful! The basic force value is only 99. I didn't expect to force him to fight with Wang Yanzhang. It's a tie! It's really amazing!"

Huo Qubing, who was standing by, looked at the battle situation and said, "My lord! I think this Qin soldier wants to retreat!"

"Oh! How do you say that!" Han Yi looked like a diligent scholar, looking at Huo Qubing beside him. You must know that Huo Qubing is one of the few military generals in history who can seal a wolf as a slave!Commanding ability is proper.

"Qin's [-] troops are elite, there is no doubt about it, but even a mighty lion can't withstand the siege of wolves, and judging from the battle report just now! Wang Jian's purpose is to raid the grain and grass, and now they The raiding troops have returned! It is meaningless to continue to entangle, so Wang Jian will withdraw his troops!" Huo Qubing's analysis was orderly, and he was also in deep thought when he heard Han Yi

"Go on!"

"Judging from the current situation! Your Majesty beheaded thousands of soldiers and horses from Wang Jian, Wei Zhang and Wang Gan have already been killed by Qin's general Sima Cuo! The original goal has been achieved, and the next step is to preserve strength! Look at Wei and Zhao. It's over!" Huo Qubing seemed to be a counselor, making suggestions in front of Han Yi.

Han Yi said calmly: "I also know what you think, but how can you pretend to be a snake when the Jin Dynasty conquered the Qin Dynasty!"

"My lord, in my opinion! We can't keep Wang Jian at all! There are 15 enemy soldiers who are going to surrender, and Wang Jian's 25 army has [-]! We are not afraid of us at all! If Bai Qi fights with his back, maybe we will lose. Why don't you just accept it!"

Han Yi looked at the enemy soldiers who came and said slowly: "You are still thinking too one-sidedly. It is impossible for Qin soldiers to do nothing. If they lose troops here, they may have a bigger game to play! At this time You can't retreat, otherwise there will be no chance to come back!"

"Where is Huo Qubing!"

"The last general is here!" Seeing that he said no to Han Yi, Huo Qubing had no choice but to accept his orders.

"I will give you 1 troops to assist Chen Qingzhi, and you must take down Sima Cuo's army for me!" Han Yi's expression suddenly became serious.

"Order!" Huo Qubing didn't dare to neglect, and took the order to fight out.

Han Yi rubbed his chin and said with a smile: "If you say so, you have to bite off a piece of Wang Jian's flesh! This time, if you don't hurt Qin Guo, I'm afraid there will be no peace next time. I want Qin Guo to understand. As long as I, Han Yi, don't fall, he, Qin, won't be able to go east for a day!"

"Kill!" Li Cunxiao was dressed in blood at the moment, and the Bi Laoyan in his hand turned into a flash of light. Every time he struck, a head would fall, and the Qin soldiers who killed him retreated back again and again.

Wang Jian looked at the battle situation and said solemnly: "Withdraw the troops!"

"General, are you joking?" Wang Ben behind thought that there was something wrong with his ears.

Wang Jian's expression turned helpless for a moment, his son was considered a half-heir, his eldest son Wang Yanzhang was not interested in this art of war at all, only the second son, although less talented, was still good.

Wang Jian said patiently: "Now our goal has been achieved, the next thing we need to do is to detonate him!"

"But we haven't won yet!" Wang Ben looked puzzled.

"War can't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place. What we need to do is to maintain our strength! At the lowest price, we can get the most damage! This is the art of war. It doesn't matter whether you win a battle or not. What matters is the final In the end, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Wang Ben seemed to understand, and Wang Jian said helplessly: "Withdraw!" But Wang Jian looked at the Allied Army of the Three Jins, smiled and said: "The next thing is to watch the fireworks! The Three Jins will definitely lose! "

Wang Jian's order was issued, and tens of thousands of troops began to retreat. Wang Yanzhang naturally noticed that Ma Chao and himself were inextricably fighting at the moment, and Wang Yanzhang had a premonition that he would not be able to take down Ma Chao in a moment. It was a waste of time here.

"Tell me your name, kid." Wang Yanzhang stared at Ma Chao viciously, as if a wolf was staring at his prey.

Ma Chao laughed and said, "There is no need for a dying person to know my name, Ma Chao."

"Ding, add 3 to Ma Chao's force value, the current force value is 112, Wang Yanzhang's force value is higher than mine, add 3 to Ma Chao's force value, and the current force value is 120!"

Ma Chao didn't intend to let Wang Yanzhang go, the dragon cavalry spear in his hand was a little faster, and the spear was rushing towards the food like Han Mang, and Wang Yanzhang didn't dare to underestimate the one who killed him.

Wang Yanzhang saw that he and Ma Chaoyue were getting more and more disadvantaged in the battle, so he snorted coldly: "Stinky boy, let you go today, and we will fight tomorrow." After saying that, Wang Yanzhang bought a loophole.

Seeing him jumping out of the battle ring and gradually leaving Wang Yanzhang, Ma Chao put away his dragon cavalry gun, his body covered in cold sweat, and Ma Dai behind him asked curiously, "Brother, why didn't you kill him directly?"

Ma Chao's wry smile is getting worse and worse. It is not so easy to kill him at their level. If he wants to leave, he will have to pay a huge price. Besides, according to his own feeling, after Wang Jian retreated, Wang Yanzhang There is no fighting spirit, no full strength at all, otherwise the outcome is unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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