Warring States Call

Chapter 277 Luo Shixin vs Fei Lian

Chapter 277 Luo Shixin vs Fei Lian
Jia Fu snorted coldly, and the silver moon halberd in the sky changed into several halberd shadows, and killed Luo Shixin. At this moment, Jia Fu's face was as cold as ice, except for the endless killing intent.

It used to be difficult enough to deal with one Fei Lian, but now Jia Fu is coming, and based on Luo Shixin's perception of Jia Fu's vitality, Jia Fu's force is not inferior to his own.

"Ding, Jia Fu's fighting attribute activates, strength increases by 5, the base strength value is 106, and the current strength value is 111," the system said."

"Death!" Jia Fu's Nagato Kong Silver Moon Halberd pierced Luo Shixin's throat, and Fei Lian's sickle slashed at Luo Shixin's chest.
"Why don't you be afraid of death, come!" Luo Shixin saw the weapons of the two men approaching, and he didn't stop himself. He held the Iron Overlord Spear with both hands, and the big gun swept across the wilderness. The Changkong Silver Moon Halberd struck down, taking advantage of the momentum to suppress Fei Lian's sickle.

The three weapons were mixed together, Jia Fu's halberd ear and Fei Lian's sickle hooked Luo Shixin's Iron Overlord Spear at the same time, and the three of them couldn't pull out their weapons for a while.

At this great opportunity, as long as someone comes to kill Luo Shixin, he will surely die, but Guan Yu feels that two-on-one is already shameful enough, so he naturally disdains to fight Jia Fu and the others three-on-one.

Seeing that Elai was knocked into the air by Ruan Wengzhong, it was logical for him to support Elai.

"Ding, Luo Shixin starts wrestling, increases personal force value by 2, current force value is 117, Fei Lian force value decreases by 2 points, current force value is 109, Jia Fu's force value decreases by 2 points, current Jia Fu force value is 109!"

The three of them were in a stalemate here, and Fei Lian's face gradually leaked fine sweat, which gradually flowed out to Lu from under the mask. Naturally, he was no match for Luo Shixin. If Jia Fu was not there to greet him, he would not be able to So hard.

Jia Fu also gradually felt that his limbs were sore, but Luo Shixin seemed to be all right, with a relaxed expression on his face, looking at the two Luo Shixin foolishly said: "You two, you are still not my opponent!"

Jia Fu's face turned livid with a single word, and he snorted coldly: "Get up!" The weapons of the three were gradually pulled up by Jia Fu, and Luo Shixin also felt that the iron overlord gun in his hand began to lift slowly, Luo Shixin rolled his eyes. He said fiercely: "Give it to me!"

The weapon that was about to raise its head was suppressed by Luo Shixin again. Jia Fu and Fei Lian could only stare at the suppressed weapon in their hands with beards blowing their beards.

Seeing the increasingly unfavorable situation, Fei Lian snorted coldly, "You're courting death!"

"Ding, Fei Lian's God of Death attribute is activated, reducing Luo Shixin's force value by 6 points, increasing his personal force value by 5 points, the current force value is 114, Luo Shixin's force value is reduced, and the current force value is 111!"

News from the system kept breaking out in Han Yi's ears. When he heard that Fei Lian's death attribute was activated, Han Yi turned his attention to Jia Fu.

At this moment, Fei Lian pulled out the sword in his arms, abandoned the sickle in his hand, and slashed at Luo Shixin murderously. Jia Fu also understood Fei Lian's intention. Iron Overlord Gun, don't let him move.

Luo Shixin was shocked but still calm. At the critical moment, he abandoned the car to protect the commander, put down the iron gun in his hand, drew out his saber, and slashed at Fei Lian's.

The sword is like a rainbow breaking the moon, and it is as fast as lightning. Under the moonlight, it reflects a cold light, like a thunderbolt.


When the two swords collided, they both cut a gap in each other to block the sword, and the sound of cicadas on the sword made Fei Lian's hand hurt, bloodshot gradually appeared on the tiger's mouth, Luo Shixin was not good-looking, half of his face was covered by Fei Lian He was cut and almost died.

Luo Shixin stared ferociously at the masked man in front of him. Apart from fear, there was endless killing intent in his eyes. He almost died just now, staring into Fei Lian's eyes, he will never forget it in his life.

Jia Fu was in the rear, because Luo Shixin suddenly relaxed, he suddenly lost his balance in his hand, almost fell off the horse, bent over and turned back, looked at the silver halberd in Luo Shixin's hand, and swept away thousands of troops with one move.

Luo Shixin was shocked and quickly shook Fei Lian away, lowering his head, but Jia Fu's move also failed, only knocking Luo Shixin's helmet off.

Fei Lian shook his numb arm, looked at his bleeding tiger's mouth, Fei Lian picked up the cloak on his back, tore off two pieces of cloth, roughly bandaged it, looked at Luo Shixin and killed him again, showing no signs of weakness .

Taking advantage of Luo Shixin's lack of weapons, Jia Fu played several halberd shadows, and was about to stab Luo Shixin off the horse. The halberd cut through the night, and under the moonlight, the reflection of the tip of the halberd was revealed, directly killing Luo Shixin's throat. Faced with this sudden blow, Luo Shixin, who had no weapon, except for the endless bitterness, just stared at the halberd with his eyes wide open.

"Get up!" For some unknown reason, Wang Yanzhang swung his spear in front of Jia Fu, and swung Jia Fu's weapon away with one move. Seeing the sudden shot, even Jia Fu was surprised, let alone Luo Shixin.

The original mortal situation was blocked alive like this, and Jia Fu was so angry that he was speechless. Ma Chao and Xu Chu, who were rushing over, were bought by Wang Yanzhang because of improper cooperation and escaped. Come, but it doesn't help.

Jia Fu felt helpless for a while, as expected, he made a wrong step.

Wang Yanzhang picked up the weapon in Luo Shixin's hand with one shot, and said, "Go on!"

Luo Shixin held the gun in both hands, and said solemnly: "Thank you!"

Wang Yanzhang looked at Ma Chao and Dian Wei who rushed over and said, "Let's go together!"

"Come on!" Luo Shi was also full of anger in his heart, just to vent his anger.

"Ding, the heavy gun attribute is activated. The weapons in Wang Yanzhang and Luo Shixin's hands are all weapons weighing forty catties. Each person's force value will be increased by 5, and those who face light weapons will receive an additional 3."

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's force value is currently 121! Luo Shixin's force value is 119!"

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's force value will be 5 points under the influence of Fei Lian's death god, and the current force value is 116!"

Fei Lian's eyes stared at Wang Yanzhang, Wang Yanzhang looked uncomfortable, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

"Let's go!" Ruan Wengzhong swung his gun and swung his knife, dragging his tired body to come. Xia Luqi also asked Dian Wei and Ma Yuan to pester him, and the four of them were exhausted physically and mentally.

The four of them were besieged by eight Daoists, each of whom was a famous general through the ages, plus Dian Wei, Xu Chu and the other four were suppressed by the four-element attribute, and Luo Shixin was almost killed because of Fei Lian's death attribute.

Sixteen pairs of eyes, staring at eight pairs of eyes, both sides are already red-eyed, and cannot be withdrawn in a short time. Han Yi and Zhao Yong are also looking forward to this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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