Warring States Call

Chapter 317 Moving the Capital

Chapter 317 Moving the Capital (Part [-])
"Moving the capital...!"

The simple two words caused an uproar in the court. Han Feizi stroked his beard and looked at Li Si who was on the side. say.

However, some old ministers below dare not say: "The king's move of the capital is of great importance. If you move it at will, I'm afraid it will hurt the country's roots!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! The choice of the capital of the country has not yet been determined, so moving the capital will waste people's money and money, and it will not be a one-day effort. I hope Your Majesty will think twice!" Shen Buhai said worriedly, for fear that Han Yi would be overjoyed and start to be extravagant and lustful.

"My lord, please think twice!" Everyone hurriedly stopped.

Han Yi felt bored when he saw these old treacherous guys. He didn't know what they were thinking. There are so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Yangdi, and their influence is intertwined. Government affairs have not been released.

Han Yi looked at these guys with a smile on his face and said: "Now I have taken the territory of Song State, and the new capital was built west of Kaifeng and east of Yanjin. This city was built by tens of thousands of prisoners, and It didn't consume the national treasury, and there is a strong Qin in the west, once the Shangdang falls, I, Yangdi, will bear the brunt of it, so this one will be relocated!"

When everyone heard that Han Yi's relocation of the capital was planned for a long time, they began to think in their hearts, if this relocation would not violate their own interests.

Han Yi looked at them like roundworms in their stomachs, and calmly said: "Chang'an is divided into inner and outer cities. Now the outer city has been built, and the city walls have been repaired. Move into it, and when the construction of the palace is completed, Gu will also move the capital soon.”

"The matter of your majesty moving the capital is very important, and your majesty wants to expand the territory to the east. Why don't your majesty move the capital to Xinzheng, where the government is harmonious and the business is flourishing. It is a good place for a new capital!" said Zhu Zhiwu. Come.

But everyone knows well that Xinzheng is the old capital of Zheng State. Although the royal palace and nobles of Zheng State have been washed by Han Yi, there is no guarantee that there will be no fish that slipped through the net. How safe it must be!

Han Yi said calmly: "Xinzheng is indeed a good place. Guaranteed by the Hulao Pass in the west, it is a great pass to resist the enemy. If there is any accident, I am afraid that the Qin State will not be able to go beyond the thunder pool. There is another pass below. A strong city like Wancheng is the best choice for moving the capital."

"I don't know what the king wants!" Zhu Zhiwu smiled lightly, and he was quite happy to be able to return to his old place.

"That's right, but Zhu Xiang has never thought about it! If I go to the old capital of Zheng Guo, what will other people think! What do people in Song, Chen, Cai, Wei, and Zhou think? It's not easy to frame me! "Han Yi's eyes became colder and colder. This Zhu Zhiwu is not devoted to me. If this person allows him to monopolize the power, I am afraid that the rear will be in trouble!

When Zhu Zhiwu heard that Han Yi's words were wrong, he quickly knelt down in the tunnel and said, "everything that the king's minister said is for the king's consideration, I hope the king thinks twice!"

Han Yi flicked his sleeves with a cold face and said: "Master Zhu is thinking about Gu, and I am very grateful, but I am afraid that the prime minister is overthinking these days, so let Xiang Zhu go home and take a good rest in March!"

"What...!" Zhu Zhiwu said with a grim expression.Han Yi looked at Zhu Zhiwu without changing his face, thinking that he had few major generals back then, and he really didn't have many people under his command, so he recruited Tai Shici and the others to work for him, and he didn't have any decent civil servants in his hands, so he hurried to appease Zheng The ministers of the country worked for him, and this is how the Wudang Prime Minister of Candle came out.

Now that his soldiers are strong and his horses are strong, and his civil servants and generals are like carp crossing the river, he Zhu Zhiwu doesn't want to be the prime minister, what else can he be?As he said that, Han Yi looked at Han Feizi and said, "You are talented, you are a man of integrity, and you are upright in law enforcement. When the candlestick has not returned, you will temporarily handle all government affairs.

"Observe the order!" Han Feizi strode forward.

Everyone woke up like a dream. Han Yi was going to use Zhu Zhiwu to make a knife. First, he was warning Zhu Zhiwu to be safe and let him die well. In order to tell the winning ministers that the matter of moving the capital is a certainty, whoever is hindering himself will end up the same as Zhu Zhiwu.

"Long live the king, long live, long live!" Everyone dared not say more, and hurriedly said.

Han Yi sighed helplessly, and said: "The matter of moving the capital is of great importance. Now that the year is approaching, it will be a waste of time. The spring exam is imminent. Recruit talents for our country!"

"The ministers take orders!" Everyone said with relief, and finally they stopped touching Han Yi's brows, and they changed the topic and became more harmonious.

"I'm tired of being alone! Get back!" Han Yi waved his hand.

"Your Majesty Wan'an, the ministers and others will leave!"

The group left in a hurry, but they didn't want to stay here any longer. For a while, some people were happy and others were sad. All the dignitaries at the side congratulated Han Feizi and said, "Congratulations! Mr. Han will be promoted soon!"

Han Feizi blocked them one by one. At this moment, Zhu Zhiwu was holding his crutch and walking with a sigh. Han Feizi who was on the side hurriedly pushed aside, walked towards Zhu Zhiwu's direction, and said politely: "Prime Minister...!"

Zhu Zhiwu laughed at himself and said: "Don't dare! Master Han is about to be promoted! Who else will remember me, a bad old man!"

Han Feizi looked at Zhu Zhiwu who was sarcastic, and said helplessly, "The Prime Minister has built up more and more, Zheng Guo has already died, so why should the Prime Minister worry about it?"

Zhu Zhiwu laughed and said: "Loyal ministers do not serve and become the Lord! The world says that I, Zhu Zhiwu, was greedy for life and afraid of death, and I surrendered to Han Yi to save my life, but how did they know that I did this to protect the people of Zhengdi!"

"Where did the Prime Minister say that! Your Majesty always treats everyone equally! Now there is no distinction between Zheng and Han, so why bother the Prime Minister!" Han Feizi looked at Zhu Zhiwu in confusion, and in his opinion, Zhu Zhiwu was no different I am looking for a dead end.

"When I surrendered back then, I actually had the will to die. I was just worried about the people in Zhengdi. I was afraid that they would not be treated fairly by the king. Now it seems that I was thinking too much, but even so, some people pointed My spine says that this old man is unfaithful and unrighteous!" Zhu Zhiwu's old eyes were full of tears, it was hard to believe that an old man with white legs could cry like this!

Han Feizi said helplessly: "One day, the emperor and one courtier, my lord, forget about the past! Help the king well! After a hundred years, it will be an honor to be ranked Yan Yuan!"

Zhu Zhiwu said calmly, "Your Majesty is a benevolent king through the ages, and it is even a blessing to assist you in this life! It's a pity that my old bones can't last long, this world is still yours."

After speaking, Zhu Zhiwu walked towards the carriage, and Han Feizi looked at Zhu Zhiwu with helpless eyes.

Wei Zheng and Cheng Yu met, Wei Zheng looked at Cheng Yu and said, "Thank you, Mr. Cheng, today!"

"It's only natural for you and me to assist Mingjun, so there's no need to be polite!" Cheng Yu stroked his beard and said calmly.

"Let's hold another banquet today to repay your lord!"

"Lord Wei's wine is rare! You must go today!" Cheng Yu laughed.



"My lords, I invite you to leave the step!"

(End of this chapter)

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