Warring States Call

Chapter 328 Great Wei Ming Lord

Chapter 328 Great Wei Ming Lord (Part [-])
Wei Li was repelled by the strong attack, and the bronze sword in his hand fell at the sound, his hands trembling, looked at the man standing in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Feng Changqing even you to block me!"

It was Feng Changqing who came. Looking at Wei He, he put the spear in his hand behind his back, and firmly protected Wei Wuji and Prince Shen behind him. He looked at Wei Li and said, "The way is going, my lord, please stop!"

Wei Li said with a ferocious expression: "Hahahahaha! When Wei He comes, don't hide and hide, come out!"

"Why should the third brother be so impatient! Wei He walked behind Yan Qing with a smile on his face.

Now it's a meeting of the wind and clouds, Yan Qing, Feng Changqing, Wei Wuji!Zhu Hai, Xiao Wei Mou, Le Yang and some fierce generals.

Wei Li looked at Wei He unwillingly and said: "Second brother, second brother! You are hiding so deeply! You really are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

Wei He still didn't change his face, staring at Wei Li and said: "Surrender, it's useless to talk too much! You have no chance of winning today!"

"The surrender will not be killed! The surrender will not be killed!" the soldiers behind Wei He shouted.

Some soldiers in "Dingling" couldn't take it anymore, because of Wei Li's betrayal, they really didn't want to continue. If there is one, there will be two. Gradually, everyone began to put down their weapons and didn't want to resist any longer. .

Wei Li looked around, looked at Wei He frantically, and said, "Okay! Okay! After a long time, you all joined forces to plot against me! Okay!"

Wei He stared at Wei Li, put the sword in his hand on the ground, looked at Wei Li and said: "The winner is the king and the loser, now you have lost, put down your weapon, I can think of our brotherhood, and let you spend the rest of your life in peace! "

"Spend the rest of your life in peace, what a good time to spend the rest of your life in peace!" Wei Li stared at Wei He, and said seriously: "I'm afraid it's because you can't eat or sleep!"

Wei He looked at Wei Li and didn't speak. Obviously what Wei Li said was also reasonable. Wei Li looked at Wei He and said, "That's all! If you lose, you lose. Wei He, I lost today. Since the eldest brother chose you, Wei He The future of the country is in your hands!"

Wei Li didn't hesitate, he sealed his throat with a long sword and drew his sword to slay himself, the blood splashed under the Great Wei Ming Palace!Xiao Wei Mou looked at Wei Li and muttered to himself, "He's also a man!"

Wei He looked at Wei Li with a complicated expression. If he hated Wei Li, he must have hated him, but it wasn't so deep that he wanted to kill him! "

For a long time Wei He said: "Take away the corpses and bury them generously!"


"Where is Prince Shen!" Wei He killed, but he didn't dispel the murderous aura in his heart because of Wei Li's death.

Wei Wuji said helplessly: "The prince and the king are in the side hall!"

Wei He looked at Wei Wuji and said, "What the hell is my elder brother planning!"

Wei Wuji said helplessly, "Master, go or not!"

Wei He didn't slack off either, he looked forward and said, "Yan Qing, Feng Changqing, you two lead the troops and come with me!"

"The last general takes orders!" The two looked at Wei Wuji beside him with vigilance.

Wei He looked at Wei Liao at the side again and said: "You watch outside, if anything goes wrong! Shoot and kill!"


After talking, the three of them entered the hall. At the moment, the drowsy Crown Prince Shen and the terminally ill King Wei Hui were chatting. Wei He looked at the two, as if they were enjoying family happiness, and said puzzledly: "Brother, you What kind of medicine is bought in this gourd?"

Prince Shen stared at Han Yi, and said weakly: "Now the entire palace... has been controlled by you, what else can I say!"

Wei He, however, stared at the crown prince below indifferently and said, "Brother, say your last words!"

It wasn't that Wei He was unkind, the medical officer at the side was there, and he shook his head, signaling that Prince Shen didn't have much time.

Prince Shen's face was pale and weak, and said: "Be kind to me, Great Wei! Dominate the sky... the sky... the world!"

Prince Shen seemed to have exhausted all his strength, pointing at Wei He, as if he had put down the heavy burden of gold, and then fell down powerlessly, without any breath, no one thought, how could a generation of princes plan so hard die.

There is no emotion in Wei He's eyes. No emperor can act emotionally. Tang Taizong could kill his brother and brother for the throne, and Liu Bang almost abandoned his son, father and wife for the sake of the world. Wei He is still like this. This seems to be a curse. , as if every emperor through the ages had to do something.

Seeing that the eldest son below was dead, King Wei Hui on the bed forced his own body to get up, and pointed at his mouth seriously to the medical officer beside him!As if it was discussed in advance!
The medical officer shook his hands, slowly pushed away the needle bag in his arms, picked up the needle and pierced Wei Huiwang's body!

Wei He gradually didn't understand why he seemed to be caught in a trap step by step as if they had planned everything.

After a while, King Wei Hui was finally able to speak, looked at Wei He below and said, "The Kingdom of Wei will be handed over to you in the future!"

Wei He looked at King Wei Hui puzzled and said, "Father, I don't understand why Wei Li said it was mine, and elder brother said it was mine! Father, what do you mean by this!"

King Wei Hui looked at Wei He and said, "Wei Li intends to commit treason, and he deserves death, but Prince Shen's plan for many years is actually not for himself, nor for his children, but for this country!"

"Father, what do you mean!" Wei He felt more and more confused.

"Decades ago in the Battle of Maling, your elder brother was a soldier, and he was obliged to serve the country. However, he was hit by an arrow and left the root of his illness. He could no longer take on the heavy responsibility, so he devoted himself to choosing one between you and Wei Li. Sparse talent, lack of character! It's hard to be the leader of a country!" Wei Huiwang said helplessly.

The frost on Wei He's face at the side gradually melted, and he began to admire his brother unconsciously.

Seeing that Wei He didn't speak, King Wei Hui said, "Your brother sees that you have a calm mind, and you are calm and calm in order to plan big things, which is the posture of a potential dragon! So I specially arranged for Butler Liang to be by your side. If you don't kill him, it means that you are serious. He is timid and fearful, and deserves to be a puppet for the rest of his life, but now like today, I am afraid it is also the side he wants to see the most!"

Wei He still looked calm, but King Wei Hui didn't have so much strength. He looked at Wei He and said, "I don't have much time, this edict is for you, and the Kingdom of Wei is entrusted to you. I hope you will not let me down." Your brother is planning like this!"

Looking at the cold corpse below, Wei He muttered to himself: "Wei Shen, you won, you succeeded. Although you died, I still fell into your trap!"

king!What a king!Emperor!What an emperor!emperor!What is an emperor; he is just a puppet and prisoner of power.

Looking at Wei He in front of him at this moment, King Wei Hui rejoiced and said, "Wei has been peaceful for several years!"

(End of this chapter)

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