Warring States Call

Chapter 337 Dragon and Phoenix Twins

Chapter 337 Dragon and Phoenix Twins
"What!" Han Yi was taken aback. Women pay more attention to childbirth, and the time of delivery is different. Although it is said that the two serve him at the same time, it can't be such a coincidence. How could they give birth at the same time?
Everyone sitting here is curious. Looking at Han Yi in front of him, his face is getting more and more anxious. One or two even Wei Zheng has started to shut up. He can clearly explain state affairs, but this is Han Yi's housework. He also said it hit the muzzle.

"Sanchao!" Han Yi strode out without saying a word.

Now both sides of the hall are busy, Zhao Feiyan is lying on the bed, screaming heart-piercing, Han Yi has not yet reached the front of the hall, he heard his cry.

The pots of water that the court lady carried were coming in and out. Han Yi looked forward and said for a long time: "Send the order and tell Bian Que to come to the palace quickly!"

"Yes!" Fei Lian turned around and walked away, striding like meteors, and disappeared in the palace after a while.

Han Yi frowned, and turned to go to another hall. Yang Yuhuan was also not to be outdone, and shouted at the door, and the maid's water was also basin after basin.

Han Yi's expression became more and more serious. He looked at the front and walked back and forth, and pulled the maid beside him and said, "What's going on! How's the situation inside!"

The palace maid looked at Han Yi and said, "I'm reporting to the King, I don't know what happened, Concubine Yang suddenly cried out in pain, and then it became like this!"

Han Yi suddenly turned his head, looked at the food official beside him and said, "How is the meal for the two noble concubines!"

"The meals of the two empresses are the same, there is no slight difference, and they are carefully provided every day!" The food official said cautiously.

Han Yi also breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had the guts in his heart, and muttered in his heart: "The system is fast! I want to call a doctor!"

"Ding, the host consumes 100 points to summon!"

"Ding, Medical Sage Zhang Zhongjing: Force 55 Commander 53 Intelligence 97 Politics 81 Medicine 100!"

"Ding, genius doctor Hua Tuo: Force 61, commander 44, intelligence 96, politics 52, medical skill 100!"

"Ding, Li Shizhen, Compendium of Materia Medica: Force 71, Commander 54, Intelligence 97, Politics 66, Medicine 99!"

"Ding, host please choose!"

"Get rid of Li Shizhen!" Now is the moment when human life is at stake, and I can't take care of so much, whoever is better will come first.

"Ding, get rid of Li Shizhen and start summoning. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing: force 55, commander 53, intelligence 97, politics 81, medical skill 100! There are still 1442 points in the current summoning point!"

"Ding, Zhang Zhongjing is currently implanted as an intrauterine medical officer, painstakingly studying medical pathology!"

Han Yi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the eunuch beside him and said, "Quickly send medical officer Zhang Zhongjing to Concubine Zhao's place, and Mr. Bian Que to Concubine Yang's place!"

"Your servant takes orders!" The eunuch below hurriedly left, fearing that he was too late for a moment.

Han Yi left quickly, and sat on the stone pavilion with his eyes closed to rest his mind. The last time Wei Yanyu gave birth, he was not by her side, which almost killed her. Now he can only stay with the two of them, in case they appear Unexpectedly.

"Ah...!" Heart-piercing voices came and went, as if they were louder than anyone else, and what Han Yi heard from below was true.

The originally gloomy sky became much clearer, the rainbow gradually appeared, and the sunset glow in the sky was also extraordinarily bright. There were auspicious clouds floating around, and the birds gradually flew in, forming pairs.

Xu Chu below looked at the changes in the sky and said, "Look at this, my lord!"

Han Yi also slowly opened his eyes, and the auspicious clouds gradually condensed, forming a situation of swimming dragon and iron phoenix, but it looked like a dragon but not a dragon, like a phoenix but not a phoenix, like a dragon just taking shape but without spirit, like a phoenix but without spirit The rhyme finally separated the two clouds, the dragon-like one landed on Zhao Feiyan's eaves, and the phoenix-like one landed on Yang Yuhuan's eaves.

Han Yi stared at the two pieces of auspicious clouds and frowned. The dragon and phoenix auspicious clouds are originally auspicious, but the battle between the dragon and the phoenix is ​​a catastrophe.

The officials below looked at the clouds in the sky and said excitedly: "Look... look... look at the clouds in the sky, God bless our country!"

"God bless you!" The people below all knelt on the ground, one or two looked excited.

Han Yi also looked at the clouds above, and finally the dragon, the phoenix and the auspicious clouds dispersed, followed by two shouts.


The two Wen women came out with smiles, looked at Han Yi and said, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty is born! It's born!"

Han Yi's heart was also relieved, and he looked at the two steady women and said, "Is it a boy or a girl!"

Concubine Zhao's steady wife looked at Han Yi happily and said, "It's born! It's born. Concubine Zhao gave birth to a little prince!"

"Cai!" The generals and ministers behind Han Yi stood up and said, obviously Han Yi has successors, so they don't have to worry anymore.

Han Yi asked the other side: "Boy or girl!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Concubine Yang has added a little prince to your Majesty!" Wen Po was very steady, but she couldn't hide the smile on her face.


Han Yi's complexion gradually brightened, he didn't care what he was fighting for, and his two sons were so annoying, but Han Yi just wanted to go out to see, and he was in trouble for a while, should he go to Zhao Feiyan or Yang Yuhuan?

After struggling for a long time, Han Yi did not neglect, striding towards Zhao Feiyan's hall, looking at the very weak Zhao Feiyan, Han Yi also felt distressed: "My concubine has worked hard!"

Zhao Feiyan smiled happily: "It is the duty of a concubine to be able to prolong the succession of the king!"

The woman on the side hurriedly carried the child, looked at Han Yi and said, "Please give me a name from the king!"

Han Yi looked at the chubby child, and said joyfully in his heart: "The forest grows in the wood, and the dragon dives in the wind. Let's call it Han Feng, nicknamed Xiaolongzi!"

Said that Han Yi teased the child in his arms for a while, then handed the child to Wen Po, comforted Zhao Feiyan for a while, and then led them to Yang Yuhuan's hall.

Yang Yuhuan also looked at the baby in her arms with a happy face. Seeing that Han Yi was coming, she got up slowly.

Han Yi did not hesitate, smiled and said: "Aifei has worked hard!"

"My lord, hurry up and name the child!" Yang Yuhuan said, looking at the child beside him.

Han Yi smiled and said: "I've thought about this a long time ago. The man who is Fufeng in the air, Ding Zhong, should be called Han Ning! My life should be called Xiaofengzi!"

"The name Great King is too delicate!" Yang Yuhuan said puzzled.

Han Yi looked at Yang Yuhuan and joked, "Phoenix Phoenix, the male is called Feng, the female is called Huang, so it is possible to call it Xiaohuangzi"

"Yes, yes, what the king said is true!" Yang Yuhuan laughed.

Han Yi also smiled, and stayed with them here to avoid any accidents.

Han Yi was actually also worried. Since ancient times, dragons and phoenixes have fought each other. In order to avoid any accidents, when Xu Fu came back, he had to ask him carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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