Warring States Call

Chapter 343 The Covenant

Chapter 343 The Covenant
"Let's go!" Xue Ju in his hand didn't give up, took advantage of Xiang Yu's speaking space, drew out his sword, swung Xiang Yu's treasured halberd away, and rolled back his own Overlord Spear like a donkey. It is not allowed to lose.

Xiang Yu was also surprised, and looked at Xue Ju who had a fighting spirit on his face, and said, "You are so stubborn!"

Xue Ju looked at Xiang Yu above and snorted coldly: "Be cautious as a general, you are careless, or you are too conceited!"

Looking at Xue Ju below, Xiang Yu smiled and said, "Forget it! Let's take you down first!"

"Ding, Xiang Yu's overlord attribute is activated, and his force value is increased by 3. The current force value is 135!"

Now Xiang Yu's momentum has increased greatly, Xue Ju, who is looking down, lifts the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand and presses it down.

"Dang!", Xue Ju hurriedly raised the sword in his hand. When the halberd sword was crossed, Xue Ju seemed to have turned into a balloon, slapping the ground and splashing dust on his body.

"Father!" Xue Rengao's eyes below are full of anxiety. His father is a god-like existence by his side. How can he bear it now that he is defeated? Now that Xue Ju is in Xiang Yu's hands, if Xiang Yu kills him, Xue Rengao will Send troops to kill.

And Xue Ju barely supported his body, using the sword in his hand as a crutch, stood up slowly, spat out blood and said, "Again... again... again!"

The voice was like a beast from hell, Xiang Yu was surprised, but at the same time, he also loved talent and said: "Surrender!"

But Xue Ju looked at Xiang Yu unexpectedly and said, "There are only Xue Ju who died in battle, and there is no Xue Ju who surrendered!"

Xiang Yu also smiled, put away his weapon, looked at Xue Ju and said, "In that case, how dare you compete with me?"

"How to compare!" Xue Ju also looked at Xiang Yu unwillingly. If it weren't for his lack of strength just now, I am afraid that Xiang Yu would not be able to get cheap.

"I'll give you three chances. Today I'll let you go, and tomorrow I'll lead an army to attack the city. If you can hold on for three days, then I, Xiang Yu, have lost! If you lose, you have to take refuge in me and recognize me as master! "Xiang Yu said with a smile.

"You won't kill me!" Xue Ju said in surprise.

Xiang Yu glanced at Xue Ju below and said, "How to think about it!"

As he spoke, Xiang Yu saw the treasured halberd in his hand retracted, looked down and Xue Ju was not waiting, and drove Wu Ya back to the camp.

Xiang Liang below glanced at Xiang Yu who had returned to the formation and said, "Why didn't Yu'er kill him!"

Xiang Yu glanced at Xue Ju who was behind him and said, "Uncle, don't worry! Such a talent is what our army is looking for, it's a pity to miss it!"

Xiang Liang also sighed, looked down at Shan Xiongxin and Long Qie and said with great concern: "You two are fine!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. We are fine!" Shan Xiongxin and Long Qie fought Xue Ju and Xue Rengao, and suffered minor injuries, unlike Xiang Yu, whose internal organs began to ache from Xue Ju's beating.

"Father!" Xue Rengao hurriedly brought people to help Xue Ju who was lying on the ground and said worriedly.

Xue Ju waved his hands weakly and said, "Father, let's retreat!"

Xue Ju stared at his child and said out of anger, "The most important thing for a general is faith and righteousness. Hurry back to the city and hurry up to prepare for the city defense!"

"Yes!" Xue Rengao didn't dare to make his father unhappy, and he admired him very much for his father.

In the big tent, everyone in Xiang Liang started to have difficulties, saying: "The walls of Xu's city are thick and high! What should we do!"

Shan Xiong at the bottom said: "Let's attack with my building!"

"Don't attack by force, otherwise we will suffer heavy losses!" the newcomer Hao Yuan said hastily.

"Then let's dig a tunnel!" Xiang Zhuang said beside him.

"No, if you dig through it, it will take at least half a month!" Fan Zeng said below.

"This won't work, that won't work! What should we do!" Xiang Zhuang was dissatisfied with the quilt, and he was already upset, but now he was even more anxious.

"Actually, it's not impossible!" Hao Yuan who was sitting on the side reminded.

"Oh! Please tell me, sir!" Xiang Liang said hastily.

"Let's recharge our batteries and send troops to harass Xue Ju. When our energy is lacking, it's time for us to send troops!" Hao Yuan said.

Xiang Liang also felt that his method was feasible, and hurriedly said: "We are running out of food and grass now! Zhu Yuanzhang below is also making false claims with us, and he was blocked by He Ruobi. Now we have to fight quickly!"

"Where is Xiang Sheng!" Xiang Liang did not dare to neglect, and directly pointed out the few talents in his clan.

"The last general is here!" At this moment, a young man in armor with a resolute face came, and he was staring at the front seriously with a sword in his hands.

"You and Xiang Zhuang lead [-] soldiers to pretend to attack the city! Harass Xue Ju!" Xiang Liang's words cannot be doubted.

"Decree!" Xiang Sheng led the order and walked out, and Xiang Zhuang hurriedly followed.

And Xiang Yu smiled vaguely, I don't know how long it has been, how long he has not been so excited.

Xue Ju was not idle either, clutching his chest, walked around and said, "Brothers hold on! As long as we persevere, we can go home for the New Year!"


Xue Rengao was worried about Xue Ju's body, so he hurriedly said, "Father, take a good rest." I am here! "

"No, I don't worry!" Xue Ju said worriedly.

"Father is actually based on my construction. Let's retreat! Once our city is broken, what should we do? Why don't we retreat and join forces with the king so that we can plan big things together?" Xue Rengao looked at Xue Ju worriedly and said.

Xue Ju shook his head and said, "We are the generals of the Xu State. As generals, we must do our best for our family and our country. If everyone behaves like you, what will happen to the world!"

"Father, I have listened to you since I was a child, but now is not the time to be stubborn!" Xue Rengao looked at Xue Ju worriedly.

Xue Ju glanced at Xue Rengao indifferently and said: "Be careful of nonsense, I will kill you, hurry up and defend the city, otherwise don't blame me for not thinking of father and son!"

"But father...!"

"Enough!" Xue Ju looked at his child and said solemnly: "You and I work together, if we defend for three days, we will naturally withdraw our troops for my father! Otherwise, I can only die here!"

"Okay! Now that the father has made up his mind, the son will be the father!" Xue Rengao was also furious, picked up his spear and began to organize the troops.

And Xue Ju was naturally busy, but he always looked at the front with a confused face, not knowing whether to surrender or die in battle, but neither choice was what he wanted.

It's a pity he has nowhere to go.

The night was long and there was no mood to sleep. Xiang Yu strolled out, stared at Yu Ji who was admiring the plum blossoms, and said with a smile, "Miss Yu is so excited to enjoy the flowers here!"

(End of this chapter)

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