Warring States Call

Chapter 370 Jing Si

Chapter 370 Jing Si
Liu Xiahui smiled wryly, and looked at Cao GUI: "General! Look at Yuan Shao's confidence now! Can they give up easily! The current state of Lu is probably doomed!"

"Lord Liu, take care! I will leave Qufu in a few days, and I don't know what year and month it will be when we meet again. Brother, take care!" Cao GUI helplessly patted Liu Xiahui on the shoulder, looking at the long road ahead, I don't know when we can meet again.

Liu Xiahui was also helpless, sighed, and stared at Cao GUI: "General Cao is going all the way, I am afraid it will not be smooth! In the future, brother Cao will return to Luoyang along the road of Xiang Guo! If you go to Han, then Yuan Shao I may not let you go!"

"Thank you dear brother! After I leave! Yuan Shao will definitely attack you and Li Ge, Li Ge has a hot temper! If you are loyal and honest, you must be on the same level as Yuan Shao. You can slowly withdraw from the court, my dear brother, so as not to be killed. Ah!" Cao GUI worried.

Liu Xiahui laughed, and looked at Cao GUI: "As a courtier, I have long put life and death aside! Brother Cao, aren't you a little selfish!"

Cao GUI shook his head: "I, Cao GUI, naturally disregarded life and death for the lord of the Ming Dynasty, but Duke Lu just...forget it! Take care, brother Yu! Farewell brother Yu!"

Said Cao GUI strode away, no longer nostalgic for this sad place!Liu Xiahui looked at the back of Cao GUI leaving: "Brother, take care!"

Liu Xiahui was also thinking about Cao GUI's words. Although it was extremely vulgar, it simplified the complexity and explained the essence of things clearly. He looked up at the sky, birds and swallows were flying, and watched the dark clouds enveloping him: "It's going to change!"

Second day

Cao GUI sorted out the housework, scattered all the presents among the people, and took some gold and silver treasures, his wife and son, and walked towards the direction of Xiang Guo!
Yuan Shao stood on the city wall, looked at the background of Cao GUI going away, touched the bricks on the city wall with his palm, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Gao Lan below looked at Yuan Shao's tangled expression, and hurriedly said, "Master, do you want to kill him!"

"No!" Tian Feng hurriedly stopped him.

Yuan Shao looked at Tian Feng in puzzlement and said: "Why not! This Cao GUI is always against me, as long as I kill him! Surely I can kill those who resist me. Wouldn't it be more beneficial for me to control the entire Lu country!"

"And then?" Ju Shou, who was following behind Tian Feng, asked back.

Yuan Shao stroked his goatee, and said in a stuttering voice, "Then...then...!"

"Then the world will know that the lord is an unscrupulous and despicable villain, and all the virtuous and talented people in the world are unwilling to serve the lord!" Ju Shou's words were like a sharp sword piercing Yuan Shao's young heart.

"A little loses a lot! My lord, think twice!" Tian Feng's words settled in Yuan Shao's heart like a ding.

Yuan Shao also learned from the painful experience. What he wants is the world, not a momentary gain or loss, so he can't help but blame himself.

"Ding, when Tian Feng and Ju Shou's Mingjian attributes are activated, whenever Yuan Shao adopts their opinions, the intelligence value will be permanently increased by 1, and the political value will be increased by 1, but if Yuan Shao does not adopt their opinions, or makes them feel cold, it will make them The intelligence point drops by 3 points, and the special reminder is that one person is chilling, and the ability drops by 3 points, and two people are disappointed in Yuan Shao at the same time, and the political and intelligence points drop by 6 points at the same time!"

"In this case, let this old man Cao GUI go!" Yuan Shao's face gradually calmed down, staring at Cao Gui in front of him and snorted coldly: "It's cheaper for this old man!"

Tian Feng and Ju Shou smiled at Shi Shi: "My lord is wise."

"Ding, Yuan Shao adopts the two people's suggestions, adding 1 to intelligence and 1 to politics. The current four-dimensional force is 77, commander 81, intelligence 81, and politics 74."

In history, Yuan Shao convicts Tian Feng and Ju Shou and imprisoned them, which leads to his defeat, no wonder others.It's no wonder that his ability dropped by 6 points at the same time. For Yuan Shao whose ability is not enough, this is fatal.

Cao GUI traveled halfway, and had nothing to do to travel around the mountains and rivers. He took his son Cao Lin to travel around the mountains and rivers.

Cao Lin looked at Cao GUI puzzled and said, "Father! Then Yuan Shao hates you so much! Why didn't he send someone to chase us down!"

Cao GUI looked at Cao Lin below, and looked at his son who didn't know if his head was kicked by a donkey, but he would ask such a question, but he also taught him carefully: "Are you being chased and killed by him just because you are a father? !"

"Don't dare! I'm just curious!" Cao Lin was embarrassed and quickly explained.

Cao GUI looked at the front and said, "My father is a well-known figure in the world, Yuan Shao wants to touch me! He also has to take his own reputation into consideration. I have to say that Yuan Shao didn't act rashly, he became much calmer!"

"Oh! So that's the case! By the way! Father, why don't we take the Han road! I heard that Kaifeng city is very lively somewhere!" After all, Cao Lin is a child, and he still loves to play in his heart.

Cao GUI shook his head and said: "Han Yi coerced the emperor to command the princes! He is a hero! He went to Xiang country to let Yuan Shao take care of it. Now the relationship between the two countries is tense! Yuan Shao dare not rashly send troops to Xiang country to assassinate you Me! Second, go all the way south for my father and find a place to live in seclusion!"

"Sir, you are a great talent! Why do you live in seclusion!" A tease, I saw the leader holding a long gun, riding a black horse, followed by hundreds of soldiers, smiling.

Cao GUI squinted his eyes and looked at the general, only to see that he was wearing silver armor!At least seven feet tall, looking at the fortitude on his face, the face of a country son, he looks burly and extraordinary, he looks like a veteran of many battles.

The soldiers behind him were also extraordinary, every one of them was armored and sharpened, and they kept their swords in their hands, watching Cao GUI and the two of them covetously.

The two of them were like two little sheep being stared at by a pack of hungry wolves.

Cao GUI was shocked. He had just come out of the border of Lu country, and someone killed him. He saw that these were all elite soldiers, and they were wearing the military uniform of Xiang country. He cursed inwardly. Sometimes there are such troops.

Cao GUI managed to calm himself down, looked at the general in front of him, and said with a cold snort, "General, I'm a grassroots! Why should the general have trouble with me?"

The leading general snorted coldly, and couldn't help smiling: "If General Cao GUI is a grassroots, then what are we unknown pawns?"

"You were sent by Yuan Shao!" Cao GUI tentatively said.

"A mediocre person like Yuan Shao! You don't deserve me to recognize him as the master!" The leading general sneered.

"Then who are you! Why did you let me go!" Cao GUI was also relieved when he heard that it was not Yuan Shao's soldier.

"Next Jing Si, under the order of my lord, I have been waiting here for the general for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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