Chapter 388

"Master Li...Master Li!" Liu Xiahui rushed over as soon as he heard that Li Ge was causing trouble in the school grounds.

Now doctors are coming in and out one by one, the white cloths in their hands are stained with red blood.

When Liu Xiahui saw it, his face turned pale with shock, and he quickly grabbed a medical craftsman and asked with concern: "How is Master Li doing?"

"Master Liu! Master Lige, his head is broken and he's bleeding profusely. I'm afraid time is short!" The doctor caught by Liu Xiahui said helplessly.

"What!" Liu Xiahui lost his mind when he heard this, and looked at Li Ge inside the house, and ran in hastily, only to see the white cloth wrapped around Li Ge's head, but the blood still flowed profusely, his face was pale and weak, and his figure was also weak. Haggard a lot.

Liu Xiahui looked shocked and said, "Master Li, why are you bothering?"

"Lord Liu!" Li Ge's family members greeted Liu Xiahui after seeing Liu Xiahui's arrival.

When Li Ge saw Liu Xiahui coming, he was trembling and weak: "Eat the king... the salary, be... the loyalty to the king, you and I are the same... Lu... Lu Chen, how can we stay out of... the matter!"

"But Master Li! Since you want to stop Yuan Shao, why don't you go in person! Just ask the king to say no!" Liu Xiahui looked at Li Ge, who was about to die, feeling very uncomfortable.

In this court, he has the best relationship with Cao GUI and Li Ge. Now that one of them is gone, the other will not exist in the world. How can he accept this!

Li Ge was helpless, his body also changed rapidly, he breathed less and almost breathed more: "It would be great if... the king... but unfortunately the king turned a blind eye to me. The old man... and... and...!"

Before Li Ge finished speaking, he felt a splitting headache and boredom. He looked down at Liu Xiahui, as if exerting all his strength, and pointed his palm at Liu Xiahui: "Strong...qiang...Lu...!"

Liu Xiahui looked at Li Ge with a fearful expression, her eyes couldn't help but moisten.

Li Ge seemed to have lost his life, and when he uttered the last two words, he exhausted all his strength, his dry arms fell weakly, his eyes were closed, and he could not rest in peace.

Liu Xiahui always felt blood clogged, looking at his old friend Xigui, and thinking of the culprit Yuan Shao, he spit out a mouthful of old blood in a panic, frightening everyone for a moment, one died and one was injured in the house, the house was full of grief.

"Ding, Li Ge died, because his intelligence point is 95, and there are currently 5 people on the list, please prepare the host!"

"Li Ge!" Han Yi was thoughtful, who is this guy...

"Ding, Lige! Minister of the Lu Kingdom! He died trying to stop Yuan Shao from sending troops into the barbarian wall!"

"Stop Yuan Shao from sending troops! How can Yuan Shao send troops!" Han Yi said happily.

"Ding, we are currently providing a list of explosives!"

"Ding, Wang Jizhen: Force 96 Commander 87 Intelligence ***** 55 Implanted identity, son of Wang Puchen!"

"Ding, Fengji: Force 77 Commander 87 Intelligence 90 Politics 87 Implanted identity Tian Feng recommended it to Yuan Shao's civil servant!"

"Ding, trial and match: Force 75, Commander 90, Intelligence 92, Politics 87. Implanted identity and cooperating with Wang Puchen to guard the civil servants of Lu State!"

"Ding, Gongsun Shu of Lidi Golden Sword: Force 103 Commander 90 Intelligence 87 Politics 66! A strong general who implanted his identity and joined Yuan Shao! Accompany Yuan Shao to conquer Xiang Yu!"

"Ding, Gongsun Mei: Armed Forces 101, Commander 91, Intelligence 88, Politics 77 Identity, Yuan Shao's fierce generals, follow Wang Puchen to defend the city!"

"Damn! The system is so fierce!" Han Yi said helplessly, these five people are not simple, this Yuan Shaoming is really good.

But that's good too, Xiang Yu won't be too relaxed anywhere, Han Yi looked forward for a while, and said: "Broadcast! Han Shizhong enters the palace!"

After a while, Han Shizhong came over, looked at Han Yi and said, "I don't know what the king has ordered!"

Han Yi said calmly: "Putting through the order of the lonely general! Yuan Shao does not follow the way of a courtier! As a courtier of my Great Zhou, he hastily launched a war and obeyed the order of the emperor alone! Substitute soldiers to attack Lu!"

"Your Majesty, you want to...!" Han Shizhong said in shock.

Isn't it easy to conquer Lu State under the order of the Son of Heaven?If Lu Guo refuses to accept it, he will obey it.

"Decree! Designate Han Xin as the Great General of Zhengdong! His subordinates have the right to behead first and then play, send [-] troops, hit brakes, tigers, tigers and leopards.
Depart from the border town and cooperate with Han Xin to fight!Meng Yan, Yu Wenxian, Luo Cheng, Deng Zilong, Lai Huer, Sun Bin, Chen Tai, Gao Chong, Du Hui, Wei Ji, Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Shi Bao, Han Jian, and others served as generals under him. Yi gave Han Xin fifteen talents in one go. Here, the fierce general is highly favored and Luo Cheng! Wei Ji has three, and the commander has Sun Bin, Deng Ai, and Zhong Hui. It can be said that beating one is a smile.

"The minister takes orders!" Han Shizhong said.

"Let Jia Fu be responsible for the delivery of food and grass for this trip! He has nothing to do now!" Han Yi drew Jia Fu with a stroke.

"Yes!" Han Qinhu said happily.

It has been at least half a year since Han Yi destroyed the Four Kingdoms, and he has already recharged his energy, otherwise his bones would have rotted.

"Isn't Your Majesty planning to conquest in person?" Han Shizhong asked puzzled.

Han Yi shook his head and said: "Gu promises to Wei Zheng and the others! You can't keep your promises. Besides, there are generations of talents in Korea, so Gu should take a good rest in the back!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Han Shizhong said with a smile.

Han Yi looked ahead, he had been waiting for this opportunity for too long, it was up to Han Xin to do what he did next.

Lu State
Liu Xiahui, who was unconscious, gradually felt her strength regained. Looking at the relatives around her, she said helplessly, "Is Fu'er here?"

"Father! What are your orders!" Liu Fu said while looking at Liu Xiahui below.

"Pack up your bags! I'll go to the palace to meet the king!" Liu Xiahui said forcefully.

"Father, what are you doing!" Liu Fu wondered, looking at Liu Xiahui, getting angry!Also confused.

Liu Xiahui shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm old and tired of this officialdom! Hurry up and get ready! We'll leave Qufu in a few days."


"That's enough! In the past, Li Ge and Cao GUI and I assisted the government! Slowly recovering the vitality of the Qilu War, but now Cao GUI is away from Lu and Lige Mingjian is dead after hitting the wall! I'm already disheartened! I don't want to be here Wait!" Liu Xiahui was pale and weak, her heart seemed ashamed.

"But where are we going?" Liu Fu seemed to have thought of something. In the past, Yuan Shao and Cao GUI fought in separate courts, but now that Yuan Shao is in charge, they probably won't get any benefits here, so let's leave.

"Qi is a big country. We are going east all the way. Let's go to Guan Zhong! This guy is a corporal, and he will recommend me to Duke Huan of Qi!"


In the early morning of the next day, Liu Xiahui met King Lu in person, and after Yifan suffered, he led his family eastward.

"Master Liu, why bother!" A soft voice came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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