Warring States Call

Chapter 397 Yuan Shao who is afraid of death

Chapter 397 Yuan Shao who is afraid of death

Xiang Liang looked at Yuan Shao, who had sent troops to call, with a gloomy expression. He really didn't expect Yuan Shao to be so unruly.

Looking forward, he said angrily: "Dragon, you lead people to defend the city!"

"The last general takes orders!" Long Qi looked at Yuan Shao, who was dispatching troops below, and said with a cold snort, "Archers are ready! Lei Mu and stone are ready!"


Yuan Shao looked at Long Qie who was commanding above and sneered, and said, "Gou Xi, you lead 3 people and attack from the front!"

"Subordinates understand!" Gou Xi sneered, stroked the sword in his arms, looked forward and snorted coldly: "Shu Lianghe ordered you to lead [-] troops and storm the main gate! And remember not to go deep alone, keep the formation!"

"The last general takes orders!" Shu Lianghe picked up Lu Ge in his hand and killed him.

"Where are Li Congke and Han Meng!" Gou Xi's original demeanor changed, and his coldness became more and more serious.

"The last general is here!" The two generals came up with weapons in their hands and said solemnly.

"The two of you led thousands of soldiers and horses to harass the enemy's two walls! Use archers to suppress it, and don't attack the city easily!" A command flag in Gou Xi's hand flew out.

"The last general takes orders" Li Congke and the two took the command flag and killed them.

"Ding, Gou Xi's butcher attribute is activated, which can reduce the force value of the three enemy generals by 6 points. Currently, the force value of Long Qie, Shan Xiongxin, and Xiang Han is reduced by 6 points, the command value of Xiang Liang is reduced by 4 points, and Fan Zeng's intelligence is reduced. 2:[-]"

"Ding, the current situation is as follows, the dragon's force value is 99, the force value has been reduced by 6 points, and the current force value is 93!"

"Ding, Shan Xiongxin's force value is 97, the force value has been reduced by 6 points, and the current force value is 91!"

"Ding, Xiang Han's force value is 99, the force value has been reduced by 6 points, and the current force value is 93!"

"Ding, Commander Xiang Liang's value is 87, down by 3 points, now Commander Xiang Liang's value is 84 points!"

"Ding, Fan Zeng's intelligence point is 99, reduce Fan Zeng's intelligence value by 2 points, and Fan Zeng's intelligence point is currently 97!"

It has to be said that Gou Xi's skill group is very aggressive, and he plays it quite powerfully. Almost Xiang Liang's ability has been cut to pieces.

Looking at the soldiers coming from below on the city wall, Long Qie snorted coldly: "The archers shoot their arrows!"


Tens of thousands of long arrows fell down, and with the sound of rain here, it seemed like a symphony of fate.

Shu Lianghe below snorted coldly and said, "Assemble the formation and raise their shields!"

Long Qi sneered, "Give me stones to kill them!"

"Yes!" The five big men moved the huge stone slowly and with difficulty.


The dust flew up, and the few unlucky guys below were bloody and bloody from being smashed. Shu Lianghe below was furious, snorted coldly, and said, "Someone bring a bow!"

It is said that Shu Lianghe bent his bow and set his arrow, only to hear "咻!"

Long Qie is a hero who enters and exits the battlefield, so he naturally sees all directions and listens to all directions. For the famous enemy generals, Long Qie is naturally cautious, and withdraws in shock.

The arrow brushed past him, staring at the stake above.

Seeing that he didn't win, Shu Lianghe cried out in his heart that it was a pity, and Long Qie also secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Li Congke and Han Meng below hurriedly said, "Suppress the archers ahead!"

"Shoot!" Thousands of people rushed to shoot their arrows back.

Under the city, Xiang Liang said angrily: "If Yu'er is here, why should I be afraid of them!"

"My lord, calm down! Now let's think about how to retreat from the enemy." Fan Zeng below was also distressed for a while.

"Retreat the enemy! How to retreat the enemy! Otherwise, let's sneak attack the enemy's camp! Taking advantage of the darkness and rain, the enemy army is exhausted! Let's kill him by surprise!" Xiang Ying, who was rushing from below, said.

"It's feasible!" Xiang Liang is also in a hurry to go to the doctor now, and the situation he managed to build is about to collapse!How could he accept this.

"No! I just closed the battle on the city wall! I found that the generals leading the army marched and fought in a very organized way! I'm afraid we won't get any good results if we go to attack the camp!" Fan Zeng objected quickly, and now they also know the strength of the Lu State. I'm afraid if it's messing around...

"This won't work, that won't work! Then what do you think we should do!" Xiang Han, who came back in a panic, said while carrying the injured Shan Xiong.

Only then did Xiang Liang notice Shan Xiongxin, looked at him and said, "What's wrong with you!"

"Report to my lord! I lost to him again! I was hurt by him!" Shan Xiongxin smiled wryly.

"You were injured by him!" Xiang Liang couldn't believe it. Shan Xiongxin's force was obvious to all. Today, he was seriously injured by an unknown soldier, and he still won't laugh at him when he wears it.

"My subordinates are ashamed!" Shan Xiongxin said helplessly, not daring to speak out.

"That's all! You go down to recuperate first!" Xiang Liang waved his hand, telling him to go down to recuperate, and looked outside the city!The face is full of worry.

The rain kept falling, the atmosphere became unfriendly, Gou Xijian below was about to run out, and the flag changed: "Send the order to go down and retreat!"

Looking at Gou Xi below, Yuan Shao was puzzled and said, "Why retreat!"

"Report to Your Majesty! This battle is to test the enemy camp! Now that I have seen their situation, the next step is to think about how to lure them out of the city.

"Why don't you go all out to fight it! Why bother so much! You can only eliminate them! Most of Xiang's troops will be wiped out!" Yuan Shao said unwillingly.

"My lord, we have 10 horses! They are prepared to attack the world! Don't waste them here!" Tian Feng, who was below, quickly persuaded.

Yuan Shaoxian was a little impatient, looked forward and said: "Withdraw the troops! Just let Xiang Liang, an old fellow, live for a few days!"


"Withdraw the troops!" Gou Xi ordered the flag to retreat, and tens of thousands of people retreated at a high speed. It can be seen that the training is fast.

Dark night
Yuan Shao was working in the big camp, looked down at the soldiers and said: "The Zhongwu City is high and difficult, and Xiangliang has enough soldiers and horses, what should we do!"

"We will inevitably suffer heavy losses from this hard attack, and we can only outsmart it!" Ju Shou looked at Yuan Shao analytically, and his brain was also thinking.

"The general has another plan! Definitely lure Xiang Liang out!" Tian Feng sneered, no need to see this guy smile, there must be nothing good.

"Come quickly." Yuan Shao touched his long beard, obviously looking forward to the number one adviser under his account.

"The general can personally lead the troops to attack the city! Pretend to be shot by stray arrows! That Liang will definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue it!" Tian Feng said with a smile.

"Impossible! This plan is too dangerous!" Yuan Shao immediately disagreed. This is too dangerous, so why don't you do it yourself?
Seeing that Yuan Shao refused to agree, Tian Feng retreated helplessly.

"My lord, you can spread false news! Said that Han Yi sent troops to attack! We are reducing the number of stoves in our army! It is used to confuse them and create the illusion that we are retreating!"

(End of this chapter)

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