Warring States Call

Chapter 409 Revenge

Chapter 409 Revenge ([-])
Zhang He stared at Jing Si who had come to kill him, and when the weapons in his hands changed, hundreds of soldiers lined up, blocking the way of Jing Si, Xiang Yu and others.

Jing Si's expression was calm, he held the eight-treasure saber in his hand, and said, "Tear them apart!"


The two armies confronted each other, Jing Si and his horse were in front of him, Jing Si divided the crane-controlling soldiers into two, with thousands of people on the left and right, and the euphorbia soldiers who killed directly retreated back again and again.

Zhang He looked coldly and saw that Jing Si was opening a gap for Xiang Yu, his face turned cold, and he shouted: "Retreat three hundred steps! Throw the meteor hammer!"



"Crackling...!" The voices continued, and the team of thousands of people was not chaotic.


The meteor hammers all over the sky are so dark that it is impossible to see clearly, but Jing Si and his weapons are different from the Euphorbia warriors. They mainly use bows and arrows, short knives, and shields. "Change, four people into a group! Disc kill!"

"Get up!" The four people exposed their left arms, and the shields above the left arms, the four of them together, big and small, just enough to block it.

The big knife in his hand was exposed again, like a spinning top with thorns, large and small, turning and killing.

When Zhang He saw it, his face changed. The euphorbia warrior itself is a long weapon, which is very lethal against infantry, but once it encounters a battle formation, it becomes troublesome.

"Bump... bump... bump!"

Hundreds of meteor hammers fell on them, as if they had no effect, they obediently blocked them.

"Cut!" Jing Si waved his sword, and hundreds of circles cut away.

Staring at the front, Zhang He's complexion changed!There are harbor alleys all around, and the geographical area is narrow. Then he looked forward and said, "Spread out! Drive fast, fast!"

Thousands of people moved quickly and retreated to the side. Seeing that the time was almost up, Jing Si snorted coldly: "My lord, go quickly! Leave this to me!"

Xiang Yu looked at the scattered euphorbia soldiers urging the Wuyama under his crotch to fight back, followed by the four tigers and tens of thousands of troops.

"Where are Shan Xiongxin, Xue Rengao, and Xiang Han!" Xiang Yu asked while urging his horse to kill.

"My lord, what are your orders!" The three looked forward and said.

"You three! Each lead two thousand soldiers! Kill the fleeing Lu soldiers, remember...not one left!" Xiang Yu's eyes were red, and the murderous intent was faintly exuding from his body.


"You go find each other!" Xiang Yu ordered.

In other words, seeing that Xiang Yu is powerful but Yuan Shao, he quickly left with the remnant soldiers in his hands and ran out of Zhongwu City. The only generals following behind him were Shulianghe and Chunyuqiong!

This battle against Yuan Shao has suffered heavy losses, the fierce general Li Congke died in battle, plus Gao Lan, Han Meng, Jiang Qi, etc...

Liu Yu looked at Yuan Shao who was fleeing from the hill beside him, and shook his head helplessly: "I'm afraid Yuan Shao escaped back, and he will be doomed! You follow me and take these thousands of soldiers and horses, and go to seek refuge in Qi State! "

"My lord! Don't we care about Yuan Shao's life or death!" Pei Yuanqing who was on the side asked in puzzlement, and shook his arm. It was obvious that Xiang Yu's blow just now shocked him severely.

"You have seen it too! The generals in Yuan Shao's hands! None of them are Xiang Yu's three-in-one generals. Even if Yuan Shao has an army of one million, he may not be his opponent! Let's withdraw!" Liu Yu said helplessly.

This feather is really terrifying. With his current strength, he is not his opponent yet, so he should think about it in the long run.

"What about Shu Lianghe!" Pei Yuanqing reminded.

When Liu Yu heard this, he began to hesitate again. Although he wanted such a fierce general, he compared it with his own life!It's really insignificant.

"My lord! I can't leave now!" Xie Hui who was on the side ran away panting.

"Sir, what do you mean by that!" Liu Yu asked puzzled.

"My lord! Look around here! Soldiers from all over the world are following Yuan Shao's footsteps! And going forward is Xinyi City, Yuan Shao must regroup and send troops over here! Now he is just shocked by Xiang Yu's bravery, Panic! It's no big deal!" Xie Hui said helplessly.

"This...!" Liu Yu stroked his beard, and snorted coldly for a while and said, "Forget it, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman today! Follow Yuan Shao with me!"


In Zhongwu City, Zhang He watched more and more Xiang soldiers occupy Zhongwu City. Except for a few hundred of his soldiers who followed him, everyone else had disappeared. He stared at the front and said: "Everyone listen, change The clothes of the soldiers of Shangxiang country, follow me out of the city"

"General! What about the other brothers?" the lieutenant on the side worried.

Zhang He stared at the front and said: "Now that there are so many people in Xiangguo, we will definitely not be able to rush out with great fanfare. You leave marks around! The rest is to see their fate!"

Zhang He was also helpless. This time, he had the determination to die, but he was quick to think, and he naturally thought of a way. Who wants to die if he can live.

"My subordinates understand!"

"Be careful not to be discovered by them!" Zhang He sighed helplessly, ran into a room, and began to change.

But he didn't pay attention, there was a woman beside him, looking at Zhang He in fear.

"Where are people! Come out!" I saw a soldier walking in with a big knife in his hand to see if any fish had escaped the net, followed by dozens of soldiers.

As soon as he came in, he saw Zhang He taking off his clothes, and shouted: "What are you doing?"

Zhang He cried out inwardly, thinking that something bad happened, but as a general, he naturally kept his composure, and was thinking about how to deal with it.

Khan looked around and found a woman, plus Zhang He was taking off his clothes, so he naturally knew what happened, watching Zhang Heyi slapped him on the forehead and said: "What time is it! Let the sperm go to the brain! Solve it quickly Are you going to kill the enemy in a while?"

The others looked like I knew it, and looked at the front with a smile and said, "Can you just have small arms and legs! No brother, help you! Make her happy!"

Only then did Zhang He look around, only to find that there was still a woman there. Zhang He was so frightened that he was terrified. Then he calmed down and said with a smile: "The general said so! The little one will be fine soon! I'll be there in a while!"

"Okay, okay! Hurry up! Brothers, follow me!" The strong man took the big knife in his hand and led the people away, obviously looking for fun.

Seeing that they had all left, Zhang He breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the lovely and pitiful woman with a look of embarrassment on his face. He must have seen his appearance just now, and Zhang He was considering whether to kill her.

I can't bear to kill her, so don't kill her!I am afraid that today I am afraid that I will be doomed.

The woman seemed to see what Zhang He meant, her eyes were full of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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