Warring States Call

Chapter 411 Tian Feng Goes to Prison

Chapter 411 Tian Feng Goes to Prison
At this moment, the armor in front of Gongsun Shu's chest had been lifted off, and the front of his chest was blurred, and bones of the bones could be vaguely seen. Gongsun Shu's face was pale, and he stared at Xiang Yu in front of him, knowing that he could no longer fight, so he rode his horse forward Fang ran.

Xiang Yu stared at Gongsun Shu who was running away, and sighed: "You are a man! Let you go!"

Looking ahead, Yuan Shao had already disappeared without a trace, Xiang Yu stared at the front and said: "Where is the person? Where is the person!"

"My lord! Yuan Shao may have already fled back to Xinyi City, and it may be too late to chase after him. Besides, there are mountains on both sides of the front, so it is easy for us to fall into an ambush! It is not easy to move forward!" Long Qie calmed down his mood, and observed carefully After looking at the terrain above, he said worriedly.

Xiang Yu looked forward and said: "Give me the general order! Bring the troops back to the camp, settle the troops, and eliminate the remaining troops of Yuan Shao!"


Xiang Yu calmed down his mood, he beheaded several generals of Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao's troops also suffered heavy casualties, it can be said to be a complete victory.

Some families are happy and some are sad, Yuan Shao was so high-spirited at the beginning, beheading Xiang Guan and killing Xiang Liang, but now his subordinates have almost withered a large area.

Gao Lan, Jiang Qi, Han Meng, Li Congke, Chun Yuqiong, and the missing Zhang He and Gongsun Shu!Now Yuan Shao's heart is bleeding, Yuan Shao's eyes were full of tears, and he said angrily: "Xiang Yu! I will never die with you...... Ahhh!"

"Your Majesty, we suffered 4 casualties in this battle, and only 5 came back with Your Majesty!" Cao Mo frightened and followed up, and from time to time, Yuan Shao's expression was greatly increased.

"Pass me the general order! The [-] troops in Wang Pucheng's hands are here! I'm going to fight Xiang Yu to the death!" Yuan Shao gritted his teeth, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"My lord, think twice! The army in General Wang's hands is used to guard against the troops of Qi and South Korea! If you send troops easily! We will be in trouble!" Tian Feng who was behind pulled Yuan Shao's arm, he was really afraid that Yuan Shao would be arrogant .

Yuan Shao looked at the front and said: "Hmph! There is a general here! Even if they don't dare to do anything to me! Where is the chariot!"

"The end is here!"

"Pass down the order of the general! Let Wang Puchen send soldiers to come to aid, and wait to annex the country of Xiang! The general is sending his troops back to the country!" Yuan Shao shook off Tian Feng's arm, his eyes full of impatience.

"General... General! General insists on this! Are you putting the lives of our soldiers in danger?" Tian Feng couldn't bear to watch tens of thousands die, strode out, and cursed at Yuan Shao.

"Tian Feng, you are presumptuous!" Yuan Shao cursed.

"Now that the situation is unstable, the general should not send troops!" Tian Feng was resolute and upright, and would never allow himself to watch Yuan Shao make mistakes.

"Come on! Tian Feng has shaken the morale of our army, take him down and lock him up, and choose a day to execute him," Yuan Shao said angrily.

"Decree!" Gou Xi had long been displeased with Tian Feng, and pulled Tian Feng out of the account.

Now the main people in Yuan Shao's tent are not there, Ju Shou, Zhang He and others are all outside and haven't returned yet, the rest are guys who can read words and deeds, so naturally it is impossible to stand up for Tian Feng and speak for him.

Tian Feng cursed: "Such a perverse action! It must be defeated! My lord... My lord... my lord...!"

It wasn't until Tian Feng was dragged out that Yuan Shao's ears became quiet, and he stared at the front and said, "Hurry down and get ready! We will fight someday!"


"My lord... My lord!" Tian Feng felt uncomfortable, but he still spoke loudly, hoping Yuan Shao could listen to it.

"Master Tian, ​​please be quiet! The lord is not here now! It's useless for you to yell like this!" Gou Xi looked at Tian Feng with half sarcasm and half pity, and locked him in.

Tian Feng looked at Gou Xi at the side, as if thinking of something, he quickly said: "General Gou Xi! It's inconvenient to go down now, I hope the general will help you go down again, and persuade the lord! Let him not rashly transfer troops! Why? The current plan should be to stick to Xinyi until Xiang Yu's soldiers run out of food and supplies!"

Gou Xi stared at Tian Feng below and said: "I admire your loyalty! I will take your words with you! But you have also seen the current situation! The country of Lu rashly launched an attack, and it is inevitable to perish The result! We should also think about the way out in the future!"

"What do you mean!" Tian Feng glanced at Gou Xi in surprise, and became vigilant in his heart. This guy said this, which meant that he didn't sincerely submit to Yuan Shao, but just wanted to gain some fame!

"It's nothing interesting! There are constant disputes in the world! The situation is getting more and more stable, and the strong will prey on the weak. I'm afraid the country of Lu will not be able to stand this test!" Gou Xi patted his beard helplessly and looked forward.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear what you said! You just need to tell the lord what I said!" Tian Feng snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Gou Xi.

Looking at the silly and cute Tian Feng below, Gou Xi smiled and said, "By the way, I'll tell you one thing! Jushou hasn't come back yet, what do you think will happen to him!"

"You did it!" Tian Feng's face turned cold, with killing intent in his eyes.

Gou Xi smiled and said: "No no no! Jushou's disappearance has nothing to do with me, I just happened to see him and went southeast!"

"You bastard! You lied! Jushou is a loyal man! How could it be like what you said! You must be the one who would die!" Tian Feng looked at Gou Xi, surprised in his heart, and at the same time secretly guessed.

Gou Xi, as a rare general in Yuan Shao's hands, is also dedicated to Yuan Shao!It also contributed to the battle against Xiang Guo. If there is a war between Xiang State and Lu State, Tan State will benefit the most.

The first Xiangyu is entrenched in Xu State. Apart from Lu and Wu, South Korea and Tan State are next to him. Of course, South Korea is needless to say. With Han Yi's current strength, there is no need to play these tricks at all. The situation is under pressure, and the only possibility is Yang Jian from the Tan Kingdom.

This person is not shallow, and he is a virtuous and corporal, and there are many capable people and strangers under him, especially his sons, who are all literary and martial arts, and each of them is a dragon and a phoenix. As far as he is concerned, he is also reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

Looking at Gou Xi who was going further and further away, Tian Feng seemed to know a big secret, and said in a big way: "Quick...quick...let me out! I have something important to tell the king...let me out! "

"Ding, Xiang Yu fought Yuan Shao vigorously, beheading Li Congke, Gao Lan, Han Meng, Jiang Qi, Chun Yuqiong and others. Except for Li Congke, no one else could touch the explosion table. Li Congke's force is 100, and the system will explode ten people. Please host be prepared!"

(End of this chapter)

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