Chapter 422
Shangjie's reaction speed is considered fast, but the manpower is still not as good as the things thrown. Hundreds of people should not be able to escape, and they were thrown straight by him and died under the gun.

When Shang Jie saw several guns thrown to and fro, he panicked in a hurry. A donkey rolled over and looked back, only to see several guns thrown in pieces in his original place.

Looking at the soldiers behind him, there were different costumes, some were pierced to death, some were stabbed in the limbs, and wailed all over the place for a while, Wen Pin stared at the Lu soldiers in front of them who were in a disordered formation, and snorted coldly: "Fire the rockets!"

Hundreds of people took out a small strand of bamboo tube from their arms, almost as long as a stick, filled with crackling piles of wine or oil.

Wenpin looked forward and snorted coldly: "Throw it!"

"one two Three!"

Seeing thousands of bamboo slips being thrown, some Lu soldiers relied on their own abilities to chop them up, and some oil or wine was chopped off.

Although Shang Jie was sure, he still couldn't understand Wenpin's tactics, but he knew that it was definitely not a good thing, so he hurriedly said to the soldiers beside him, "Go back quickly! This person is acting weird!"

"Let's go! Are you leaving?" Wenpin smiled, bowed his bow and set an arrow, his hair was full of fire, and stared at Shangjie in front of him with a sneer: "Let go!"

Hundreds of rockets shot out in salvo, and the scene was extremely spectacular. It turned out that the kerosene below, etc. were all ignited by the rockets. The merchants on the side were shocked. Looking at the rockets in the sky, they were shocked and said: "Hurry up! Back off!"

Wen Pin looked at Shang Jie, who was in command, and snorted coldly, took out an arrow from the arrow feather on his back, stared at Shang Jie's retreat, and snorted coldly: "Medium!"

The long arrow pierced through the wind, as fast as lightning, and hit Shang Jie's calf, Shang Jie said loudly: "Pain!"

Looking back, thousands of people behind him were surrounded by raging fire, thousands of people were killed or injured, and the fire was still spreading, which was extremely fierce.

Shang Jie was also drenched in sweat from the scorching fire. Wen Pinhu stared ahead and snorted coldly: "Archer, you have spotted the shot!"


Hundreds of people bowed their bows and set up arrows, shooting them as if they were alive. The scene was extremely terrifying, as if it was the Shura hell class.

Han Xin was on the high platform, looking at the raging fire in front of him, and appreciatively said: "Who is this guy! The use of this formation is not inferior to Gao Shun at all! His method of fighting is more suitable for field battles."

"Master! I'm afraid this guy is not suitable for fighting in rainy days, otherwise he will be easily restricted by the weather!" Mengyan standing behind Han Xin said seriously.

"You're right, but the business has caught up!" Han Xin stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Break!" Gao Chong was carrying a big wooden stake, and directly knocked open the gate, only to see Gao Chong flying up and down with a treasure gun in his hand.

Gao Chong's eyes shot coldly, he looked forward and said, "Put down your weapons, and spare your lives!"

Thousands of people almost all wanted to live, and those who didn't want to live were all trapped in the fire formation by Wenpin with Shangjie, unable to get out!
For a while, the scattered soldiers put down their weapons. Han Xin looked forward, sneered, and said to Zhong Hui who was at the side: "Send the order! Tell General Gao Chong! Hand over these people to Wei Ji, Du Fu, etc. Go back to the two, take them to Chang'an, and hand them over to the king!"

"Design!" Zhong Hui took the sword in his hand and rode over.

Han Xin looked to the other side again, picked up the sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "You two come with me! See if this Shangjie is dead!"

The fire burned more and more, and now Shang Jie would rather die than surrender. Wenpin looked at the Shang Jie below with a bit of heartlessness, and said helplessly: "General Shang! You are a good man! Surrender! I will report it in front of the general. You die!"

"Hahahahaha!" Shang Jie smiled wistfully, stared at Wenpin, and shouted, "Heaven will not help my country of Lu! The king will be sorry for you at the end!"

Shang Jie pulled out the sword in his bosom, and the setting sun leaped over, blood spattered three feet, staining the half foot of blue sky.

Shang Jie's burly and straight body fell down slowly. Han Xin rushed over and just saw Shang Jie in the ground, and sighed: "Fighting on the battlefield for dozens of years! Dedicated to the country and blood stained the sky!"

"The general is see!" Wenpin said worriedly.

"He's a man! Great burial!" Han Xin spat out these words helplessly. For some reason, this was his first time leading an army to fight, but when he saw the scene of the business knot, Han Xin thought of what nature will look like in the future, I also need myself to be the same as Shangjie one day, a glass of loess, a glass of sky!

There are never victors in wars, and there are endless pain and regrets in addition to mourning
Han Xin is working on the main hall in the dark night.

"General! In this battle, our army beheaded [-] people and took [-] prisoners!" Han Jian below said seriously.

Han Xin frowned, puzzled and said: "Didn't I already give the order? Why are there still so many dead!"

"General Qibao! General Wenpin alone burned [-] enemy soldiers to death. In addition, General Gao Chong charged and fell into the battle. This battle really killed a lot!" Han Jian was also helpless, such a record was really shocking. He can hardly imagine it himself.

"How many people have we died!" Han Xin said halfway.

"Our side killed 300 people and injured 1000 people!" Han Jian said truthfully.

Han Xin looked forward and sighed: "General Wenpin has made great contributions! This general will invite the king in the future, and make the general a soldier in front of the imperial court, waiting for the order of the king!"

"The general praised it for a second, and it's just opportunistic, and I can't be in the hall of elegance! Compared with General Gao Shun and their camp, I am nothing!" Excessive inflation.

Han Xin smiled and said: "Today's battle report has been passed on, and in a few days, the title and order of the king will definitely come down!"

"Thank you, General!" Wen Pin said with a smile.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Han Xin stared at the map in front of him, and said with a smile: "I am afraid that Yuan Chonghuan has discovered my plan to divide the army into two groups, so he will definitely lay down heavy defenses in Wucheng!"

"This martial city is the only way to pass through Qufu. If we disturb it, our food and grass will be seriously affected, so we need to take this strong city!" Chen Tai, who came with Deng Ai and the others, analyzed Dao, obviously he also knows the importance of this city.

Han Xin looked forward and said: "This city is wide, and there is a lake next to it! Behind it is the city of Bei. There are many people, excellent soldiers, and a large amount of food and grass. We can't afford to fight a war of attrition! A strong attack may also hurt the enemy. One thousand, eight hundred damages!"

"There are water lakes all around here, and it is spring again, so plagues are prone to occur, and it will be bad for the army at that time!"

(End of this chapter)

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