Warring States Call

Chapter 430 Yuan Shao died

Chapter 430 Yuan Shao died

Hao Yuan looked at the front and said happily: "General Shan Xiongxin, the enemy soldiers are already on the verge of being defeated, general, you lead the troops to charge away quickly! You can definitely be defeated in one blow!"

Shan Xiongxin also saw the civil strife inside, and said with great joy: "Fang Jie, Xue Rengao, Heng Chu, Xiang Han, Xiang Ta, Xiang Ying, you guys rushed to kill me, Xiang Zhuang, you lead people to stay in the camp!"


"Soldiers, it's time to make a contribution, let me kill you!" Shan Xiongxin waved the spiked spear in his hand, full of murderous aura.

The [-] army moved together, and the whole earth was shaken. Standing on the formation platform, Gou Xi could see clearly that today's three-party formation, except for Zhang He's formation, has not changed, the others are all Barely hold on.

Gou Xi's eyes widened, the current formation is almost destroyed, and it doesn't make much sense to maintain it like this. Looking forward, the order flag in his hand changed: "Zhang He obeys orders! I order you to lead a formation 3 horses, go to resist, be sure not to let them go!"

"Decree!" Zhang He looked at the changing flags in the sky, and instantly understood. He took his big knife, looked forward and shouted: "Soldiers! Today is a battle of life and death for our country! If you win, you will bring You drink, you lose! I will go to hell with you!"

"Live and die together! Kill!"

Zhang He was also full of anger in his heart now, since he couldn't fight Xiang Yu, he vented his anger on them.

"Kill!" Zhang Heyi took the lead, looked down with the big knife in his hand, and smashed down Mount Tai with an axe.

A soldier was cut off and flew out. Fang Jie looked forward and said angrily: "General Shan Xiongxin! You lead people to break through! Leave this to me!"

Shan Xiong was shocked in his confidence, looked ahead and said: "Everyone follow me!"

Zhang He stared at Fang Jie in front of him, and snorted coldly, "I think you want to die!"

Fang Jie sneered and said, "It's not sure who wins the battle! Kill!"

Fang Tian's painted halberd in Fang Jie's hand transformed into several halberd shadows and charged towards Zhang He's heart.

Zhang He was shocked, and quickly pushed the big knife in his hand, cursing in his heart: "What the hell are these! Why are they all so powerful!"

Zhang He, who was unable to get off the tiger, had no choice but to kill hard in order not to affect his momentum. The big knife in his hand flashed coldly, and he quickly killed.

After more than 30 moves, the two were still tied, but for some reason, Zhang He always felt that he was being suppressed by Fang Jie.

The battle between the two would naturally not affect Shan Xiongxin. Shan Xiongxin only left 2 pairs of people, and he led another [-] people to surprise him.

It was Cao Mo's scattered soldiers who faced the enemy face to face. These soldiers were terrified by Xiang Yu's killing, and now facing Xiang Chu's elite, naturally they cannot be his opponents!Frightened one by one, they put down their weapons and ran away quickly.

As the saying goes, the army was defeated like a mountain, and Cao Mo could no longer control the situation. He could only stabilize the more than 1000 men under his command. Even Qu Yi was affected to varying degrees. And down.

Shan Xiongxin's charge seemed like a slaughterhouse, the whole earth was dyed red by them.

But Zhongli Mo was uncomfortable, what he was facing was Wang Puchen and Shu Lianghe's joint hands, at this moment Zhongli Mo was out of breath, and there were more and more bloodstains on his body.

Wang Puchen trembled slightly with the spear in his hand. Shulianghe looked forward and said Zhong Limei, and said coldly: "Leave quickly! Otherwise, you will die today!"

Zhong Limo spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a smile: "Today there is only a beheaded general! There are no generals who give way!"

"Looking for death!" Wang Puchen was furious, and the spear in his hand shot straight at Zhongli Mo's throat.

"Ding, Wang Puchen's fake strength attribute is that the strength value is reduced by 10 points, and the current strength is 110!"

Zhong Limei picked up the double halberds in his hand and tried his best to hit Wang Puchen's blow to the ground. The Zilei double halberds in his right hand directly killed Wang Puchen's head.


A Lu Ge blocked Zhongli Mo's counterattack, Wang Puchen breathed a sigh of relief, but then reacted, and stabbed with the spear in his hand again.

Zhong Limo cursed secretly: Despicable, randomly dodge to the side at the fastest speed.

There was a crisp sound of "click", and the spear slashed at Zhongli Mo's armor. Fortunately, Zhong Limo reacted quickly, otherwise he would really be finished.

"General Zhongli Mo, don't panic! Shan Xiongxin is here!" Shan Xiongxin rushed over with a spiked gun in his hand.

Zhongli took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "Damn it! It's finally here! I almost confessed here!"

Wang Puchen and Shu Lianghe's expression changed. Today's matter may not be that simple. In other words, today's matter may not be able to leave.

"Drive... drive!" Yuan Shao hurried on, but the BMW under his crotch was not comparable to the Wu Yake under Xiang Yu's crotch.

Xiang Yu looked down at the broken knife, swung the halberd in his hand, like playing polo, and sent him flying towards Yuan Shao's horse.

"Huh...huhhhhhhh!" Can Dao just cut off the horse's leg, and with a plop, the horse directly hit the ground, and Yuan Shao naturally slipped under the horse, and fell to a disgraced face.

Xiang Yu arrived quickly, patted Wu Ya, jumped down with big strides, looked at Yuan Shao below with tiger eyes, and walked step by step, the Tianlong Breaking City Halberd in his hand was hanging low on the ground, making rustling sounds the sound of.

After reacting, Yuan Shao quickly got up, ran forward and said, "Don't! Don't...don't kill me...!"


Xiang Yu's eyes gradually turned scarlet, and he sneered, "Don't worry! You won't die so easily!"

"Crack!" The Tianlong Breaking City Halberd in Xiang Yu's hand hit Yuan Shao's thigh directly.


"Crack!" The blood came to mind along with the sound, Yuan Shao screamed, looking at the legs below, Yuan Shao deeply felt that he was useless!

"Hahahahaha!" Yuan Shao, who was extremely angry, looked at Xiang Yu, and said with a smile: "Hahahaha! In troubled times, the winner is the king! The loser is the bandit! Today I, Yuan Shao, admit defeat! But I don't regret it! Xiang Liang! Hahahaha! Enough!"

"You're courting death!" Xiang Yu was furious, holding a halberd in both hands, and swiped a thousand troops to attack Yuan Shao.

In this second, Yuan Shao saw many things, saw scenes he had never seen before, saw himself occupying the world, realized his ambitions, and accomplished his great achievements, but everything was a dream, and he woke up from the dream will return to reality.

In Yuan Shao's eyes, he could only see a big halberd cutting towards him.

"Pfft!" The blood flowed down like a fountain, and Xiang Yu splashed. The Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in Xiang Yu's hand stood down, looked at the sky, and murmured: "Uncle! I avenged you!"

(End of this chapter)

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