Warring States Call

Chapter 437 Confessions

Chapter 437 Confessions
Hao Yuan hurried forward, hoping that Xiang Yu would not do anything stupid!

Xiang Yu put his eyes on the front and said calmly: "The fat meat in the mouth, the country does not take a bite, it is really not reconciled! Chu Guogu must want it, and Lu Guogu also wants it!"

"The king built on his ministers, we should unify the entire south, sweep Wu Pingyue and establish Chu, occupy the entire south of the Yangtze River, hide our strengths and bide our time, and wait for the world to change. When the Central Plains changes, we should send troops to the north!" Hao Yuan said seriously.

"We still don't have enough soldiers and horses. Counting the 2 captives, the 11 soldiers from Pengcheng, the [-] elite soldiers from the king, and the [-] soldiers from He Ruobi, we only have [-] soldiers and horses in our hands alone." , so we can't establish Chu at all, even the small state of Wu is stronger than us, so we can only grab the territory!" Xiang Yu said seriously.

If you have land, you will have food and grass. With food and grass, you can recruit soldiers. With soldiers, you can lay down more land. If this cycle continues, you can become stronger.

Hao Yuan shook his head helplessly, now no one can stop Xiang Yu from destroying Lu State.

Xianglu border
Liu Yu quickly lost and fled with 3 remnants, each of them was disgraced, the main general was dead, and the army was gone, only more than [-] people from this area came back.

There are not many generals who can come back alive from this battle!Only Cao Mo and Gongsun Shu!Tian Feng has been decompressed back.

Also, Shu Lianghe, who was covered in bruises, was taken out by Pei Yuanqing and Nangong Changwan, and broke out of the siege.

Shu Lianghe lay powerlessly on the ground, looked up at Liu Yu, and said solemnly: "Thank you General for saving your life, I will never forget it again!"

Liu Yu waved his hand and comforted Shu Lianghe: "Don't talk about this matter anymore! It's better for the general to heal his wounds as soon as possible!"

Liu Yu was on the city wall, looked forward and said helplessly: "In order to prevent Xiang Yu from making a comeback, we need to keep a general to guard the city wall, so as not to let Xiang Yu go north!"

"I'm besieged on all sides now! Let me come! Generals, leave quickly!" Cao Mo walked up slowly, with a disheveled face, holding a sword in his hand, and looked at death as if at home.

Obviously everyone understands that whoever stays here is looking for death. There is a lack of food and grass here, and the soldiers are depressed and have no fighting spirit at all. It will be very difficult to stop Xiang Yu.

Liu Yu looked at Cao Mo, who was seven feet tall, with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes, and his beard fluttered in the wind, looking disheveled.

"Since this is the case, general, please leave it to you. There are 3 troops left for the general. Generals Shulianghe, Gongsun Shu and I will lead thousands of remnants to Wucheng to fight Han Xin to the death. Come and help the general retreat from the enemy!"

"Don't worry, General Liu. If Xiang Yu can pass here, he must be stepping on my dead body. General, you should go quickly!" Cao Mo made a gesture of invitation.

Liu Yu glanced at Cao Mo and sighed in his heart: It's a pity that such a person died, but in order to hurry up, it's too late now!
Liu Yu turned his head to look forward, walked out with big strides, and led Shulianghe to rush forward. Now Liu Yu is not following the orders of the Lu State. As soon as the time comes, he will leave the Lu State. Now go to Yuan Chonghuan. It's just to see if I can win him over.

In order to prevent Yuan Chonghuan from being buried with the State of Lu, Liu Yu looked forward, his eyes became confused, and he looked at Xie Hui and Liu Tang at the side for a while: "Sir! You and Liu Tang quickly go north and leave the State of Lu. Then I will join you in Yan Country!"

"My lord! This is not acceptable!" Liu Tang and Xie Hui disagreed.

Liu Yu looked forward and said calmly: "When we arrive in Yan State, Mu Zhi and Youqiu will go to meet him. When the time comes, you will bring Xuan Chu, Xian Zhi, and Liang Xing to Lu State! Don't stay for long!"

"But! My lord! What are you going to do!" Liu Tang on the side was worried. After all, the two of them were brothers, so they naturally cared about Liu Yu's safety.

Liu Yu looked at Liu Tang and patted him on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Wen Long and Yuan Qing are here! I'll be fine!"

Liu Tang thought for a while about the pair of guns in Lu Wenlong's hands and the pair of silver hammers in Pei Yuanqing's hands, and suddenly he had a lot of direction. He looked at Liu Yu and said seriously: "If that's the case! My lord, be careful yourself!"

Liu Yu nodded, casually looked at Shu Lianghe who was unconscious on the back horse, and was planning in his mind how to subdue him. Now the state of Lu is besieged on all sides, and its demise is only a matter of time!

King Lu's Palace.

Lu Zhuanggong looked at the battle report in front of him with blood dripping eyes, his angry face turned from blue to purple, from purple to blue, his heart burst into anger, he directly threw the letter down, and said angrily: "What is this Yuan Shao doing! A whole hundred thousand troops, a whole hundred thousand troops, fell into Yuan Shao's hands!"

"Report... Your Majesty! General Yuan Shao died in battle! General Cao Mo defended the border, and General Liu Yu rushed to join forces with General Yuan Chonghuan to resist Han Xin's army together!" The soldier below said solemnly.

"Report to Your Majesty! Qi State sent generals Tian Ji and Gao Changgong to divide into two groups to fight from both sides. General Wu Anguo was defeated and stopped Tian Ji's army at Tangfu. Gao Changgong drove straight in and was about to threaten Chang Shao! Your Majesty Please send troops quickly!"

"Pfft...!" Lu Zhuanggong spat out a mouthful of old blood, and the bamboo slips in his hand fell to the ground, and the eunuch at the side rushed to help him up, worried: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... !"

Duke Zhuang of Lu looked at the roof, and shouted: "The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop! The sky is going to destroy my country of Lu......!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Everyone exclaimed in shock, and hurriedly helped Duke Lu Zhuang to his feet, for fear that something might happen to him.

Duke Zhuang of Lu looked forward and said weakly, "Bi... Biography... Zang Xibo, Zang Aibo, Zang Wenzhong, Xia Fuzhan, Shen Jing, Uncle Sunbao, Zifu Jingbo!"

After speaking in one breath, Duke Zhuang of Lu fainted, and everyone hurriedly helped him up, their eyes full of worry.

After a while, the seven adults hurried into the palace, seeing that there was a lot of air coming out and less air coming in, but Lord Lu Zhuang, everyone panicked. Lord Lu Zhuang looked at the few people below and said solemnly: "Zang Xibo, Zang Aibo, Zang Wenzhong, and the three of you, go to Qi State and tell Duke Huan of Qi that the king is willing to cede land for peace! Let them stop fighting here! Just tell Jiang Xiaobai that our country is willing to become his vassal state and pay taxes! "

"Father Xia, Uncle Sun Bao! You two are full of tongues. You go to South Korea and tell Han Yi! Just say... this king is willing to give him the city between Sucheng and Jiafu! I hope he will do this! strike!"

"My lord... Your lord, how can this be possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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