Chapter 444

Han Xin also let go of his worry, at this moment Gao Chong also caught up, and the two tiger generals forced Gongsun Mei back as if they were one.

The current Gongsunmei's strength is exhausted, and with the negative effect of her remaining life, she may not be able to make it out, so she can only persevere.

On the other side, Zhuan Sunsheng led a group of people to kill the food and grass. Now all the soldiers were attracted by Gongsun Mei. Zhuan Sunsheng was relatively relaxed, and the weapons in his hands danced like a revolving lantern. None of the generals who came came together.

Looking forward, Zhuan Sunsheng shouted: "Whoever blocks me will die!"

"You general, don't be mad! Lai Huer is here." At this moment, Lai Huer blew his beard and stared, and came to kill with the treasured sword in his hand.

Looking at the person who came, Zhuan Sunsheng's eyes flickered. He had never heard of a general like Lai Huer, so he raised the big knife in his hand and pressed it down with contempt.

Lai Hu'er snorted coldly, and swept the weapon in his hand forward, like a swallow pounced on Pingqiu, ready to cut off Zhuan Sunsheng in the middle.

The precious sword in Lai Huer's hand, under the reflection of the fire, looked like a burning knife, which was very obvious. Seeing the sudden knife, Zhuan Sunsheng's vigilance rose in his heart, his tiger eyes looked ahead, and roared Said: "Go away!"

Zhuan Sunsheng pulled out the dragon's horn from his bosom, and with a flash of cold light, he brought up a loofah sword and chanted like a dragon.


The precious knife in Lai Huer's hand seemed to be fragile wood, and only the wood was left after being cut by Zhuan Sunsheng. Zhuan Sunsheng looked at the different Lai Huer, and couldn't help sneering: "Old man! You want to die!"

Speaking of which, Zhuan Sunsheng raised the spear in his hand and stabbed at it. After reacting, Lai Huer hurriedly urged the horse to retreat, but was still stabbed in the arm by Zhuan Sunsheng, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed.

Lai Hu'er looked at the bloody left shoulder, and his face was pale. At the same time, he was worried that Zhuan Sunsheng would run away for food. If he was not left behind, there would be serious trouble. Immediate bow and arrow, turning around is an arrow.

"call out!"

The cold arrow shot at Zhuan Sunsheng impartially. Zhuan Sunsheng looked coldly at Lai Hu'er behind him, and at the lieutenant general beside him, and said solemnly, "Set me on fire!"


Hundreds of people shot rockets at the grain and grass, and the nurse behind saw it, his face paled in shock, he turned his horse's head back, and said, "Give it to me!"

The cold arrow shot again, but was blocked by the soldiers on the side, and Zhuan Sunsheng screamed in anger.

Zhuan Sunsheng looked at the ignited fire, looked at the lieutenant at the side, and said solemnly: "You quickly lead your troops to ignite all the food and grass around you, and you must not lose anything!"

"Decree!" The lieutenant at the side hurried away quickly.

"What's going on!" Shi Bao and Han Jian, who had been driven away, looked at the fire all over the sky and wondered.

Lai Hu'er covered her wound and said solemnly: "This enemy general is coming! We didn't stop him!"

"You bastard! I'm coming!" Han Jian gritted his teeth and raised the weapon in his hand to kill.

Lai Hu'er looked at the excited Han Jian, and quickly reminded: "General Han, don't be careless! The weapon in this man's hand is a sharp weapon, and it cuts iron like mud. This old man just suffered this loss!"

Han Jianhu looked ahead and said angrily: "I can't care about that anymore, don't stop him! I'm afraid we are all in danger, General Shi, let's go!"

"Let's go!" The two rushed forward with their weapons in hand, hoping to stop Zhuan Sunsheng.

Lai Hu'er looked at the two of them and sighed: "Sure enough, the younger generation is awesome! But the old man's sword is not old, so how can it be left behind? Everyone follows me and puts out this fire!


On Wucheng, Yuan Chonghuan frowned and looked ahead, worried: "Why is there no movement yet!"

"Look, general! The flames are soaring over there, the two generals must have succeeded," Song Wan said excitedly.

Only then did Yuan Chonghuan squint his eyes, looked forward and laughed loudly: "That's great! The Han army is bound to be in chaos! This general will add fuel to the fire for him!"

"Song Wan ordered [-] soldiers, and charged forward with me. I was going to kill Han Xin!" Yuan Chonghuan slapped the city wall, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious. It seemed that he had made the right move. Just add fuel to the fire.

"Decree!" Song Wan took a deep breath, now is the critical moment to decide the outcome.

Han Jian picked up the big knife in his hand, and charged with extraordinary momentum, shouting: "The enemy general should not be presumptuous! Watch me capture you!"

Zhuan Sunsheng looked forward with tiger eyes, and said with a cold snort, "Just save yourself! Die!"

"Ding, Zhuan Sunsheng's dragging attribute is activated, and every five rounds of dragging, the force value will be increased by 1, the basic force value is 99, the force value will be increased by 1, the force value of the dragon horn sword will be increased by 1, the force value of the fire tiger and thunder will be increased by 1, and the current force value is 102! "

I saw Zhuan Sunsheng holding a sword in his left hand and a knife in his left hand. He used the sword skillfully, without losing the wind at all, and slashed at Han Jian with his sword.

Han Jian was shocked when he saw it. He quickly clamped the horse's belly, bent down, and the dragon's horn ran across Han Jian's cheek, bringing a slight coolness. Turning around to look, Han Jian's face paled instantly.

"Death!" The meteor hammer in Shi Bao's hand was ready to go, and hit Zhuan Sunsheng's temple like a tiger, extremely fast!
"Ding, the Shibao Meteor Hammer is launched, reducing the enemy's force value by 5 points, and the current force value of Zhuan Sunsheng is reduced by 5 points, and the force value is 97"

Seeing the shooting star hammer, Zhuan Sunsheng quickly picked up the dragon horn in his hand, and with a sword, a cold light flashed, and immediately split the attacking meteor hammer in two.

"Ding, Han Jian's fighting attribute is activated, and the force value is increased by 3. Han Jian's basic force is 99, and the current force is 102!"

"Ding, when the second attribute is seized, it can reduce the enemy's intelligence by 5 points. There is an 80.00% chance to snatch the enemy's weapon! Special reminder that you can also win the enemy's skills, but this skill is only limited to two times. !"

Han Jian looked at Zhuan Sunsheng who was holding the sword, sneered, and swept the weapon in his hand forward, and made a move to kill Zhuan Sunsheng's throat with blood sealing his throat.

Zhuan Sunsheng's face was serious, and he bent down quickly. Han Jian sneered, and with a trick of a lion pounced on a rabbit, he took the dragon horn from Zhuan Sunsheng's hand, turned down a few times and ran away.

Zhuan Sunsheng, who left the sword in his hand, was shocked and turned around quickly. From what he could see, Shi Bao had already made a blow with the wind splitter, and he had to block it.

Han Jian looked at the dragon's horn that was cut like iron, and said with a smile: "From today on, he is mine!"

"Bastard! Give him back to me!" Zhuan Sunsheng's big knife moved a little faster, and he slashed away.

"Ding, Zhuan Sunsheng's berserk attribute is activated, this skill will add the drag attribute for five rounds, and increase the drag value by one force value. The current force value of Zhuan Sunsheng is increased by 2, and the force value is 99!"

At this moment, Zhuan Sunsheng was as fast as lightning, and Shi Bao's face turned ugly instantly. He looked at Han Jian and said angrily, "What are you looking at! Come and help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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