Warring States Call

Chapter 446 Mountain Lion Camel

Chapter 446 Mountain Lion Camel

Gao Chong looked forward and said with a smile: "A man can do something and not do something! This Gongsun Mei can be regarded as a titan, let him be left as a whole!"

"But this guy killed Yu Wenxian!" Deng Zilong was shocked, suddenly felt that this guy had lost his mind.

Gao Chonghu looked forward, and said calmly: "People are destined to die, if one day you kill a person whose strength is not as good as yours, and you are killed in the end, and you can't get the whole body after death, what do you think? !"

"Uh... this!" Deng Zilong swallowed the words as soon as they came to his lips. Gao Chong's words were rough and unreasonable, so he could only watch the two carry the corpse away.

In the big tent, generals gradually came in, one by one, all disheveled, obviously they were really aggrieved by this battle.

Han Xin frowned. Although Yu Wenxian's death had avenged him, Han Xin still couldn't explain it, so he sighed helplessly: "Put away General Yuwen's body and let Wei Ji and Du Hui take it to Chang'an , leave it to the king to decide!"

"Report to General! More than 1000 enemies were killed in this battle, and our side lost 800 people, food...!" Chen Tai's throat was choked up, and it was difficult to speak.

"Say!" Han Xin slapped the table angrily.

"The loss of grain is 2 stone loads!" Chen Tai said helplessly.

Han Xinhu stared at the front. Now that the food is damaged, I am afraid that he will have to make a quick decision. Yuan Chonghuan also gave him a reason to flood the city.

"Where are Han Jian and Shi Bao!" Han Xin took down the command below and stood up.

"The last general is here!" Han Jian and Shi Bao strode out. Han Jian can be said to be the biggest winner of this battle. He got the sword and dragon horn, and now he feels very happy.

Han Xin looked at Han Jian and Shi Bao below: "You lead thousands of soldiers and dig the lake for me, I will flood this city!"

"The last general has an order!" The two looked at each other, took down the order flag and retreated.

"Gao Chong, Huang Feihu, Meng Yan, Luo Cheng, Wenpin, Lai Huer, you six are divided into two teams, and you attack day and night continuously, disturbing their sight!" Han Xin said. A member of the tiger will fight out.

Han Xin specially chose Mengyan on this trip, firstly to practice and practice him, not only theory, but no actual combat is not enough.

Han Xin then put his eyes on Sun Bin who was on the side, smiled in his eyes, and suddenly had a plan, and walked out with Sun Bin on the side, leaving everyone in a bewilderment.

"Ding, Yu Wenxian died in battle, with a basic strength of 95, five people off the chart, Gongsun Mei died in battle, a basic force of 101, eight people off the chart, host please prepare!"

Han Yi, who was walking, was suddenly stunned by the sudden news that Yu Wenxian had died in battle...

If Yu Wenxian is in a real sense, Han Yi has only met once, but he did not expect that this hasty meeting turned out to be a farewell between heaven and man. I am afraid that this matter will be known to Yu Wencheng, and it will be strange if he does not kill him, but this matter I can't hide it...

"Ding, Yuwen Shenju: Force 96 Commander 90 Intelligence 90 Politics 66! Implant identity Yuwen Chengdu's younger brother!"

"Ding, Zhou Panlong: Force 97 Commander 95 Intelligence 89 Politics 75 Implanted identity, host Langying Commander, special reminder for Panlong to capture the tiger, Zhou Panlong and Han Qinhu will command together, the force value will increase by 3, and the commander will increase by 1 point!"

"This... the system, are you still you? Why is it so good all of a sudden! Give me two at once! Happiness came so suddenly!" Han Yi said excitedly.

"Ding, Mountain Lion Camel: Armed Forces 105 Commander 74 Intelligence 61 Politics 50 Implanted identity, take refuge in Genghis Khan's fierce general!"

"This... is so fierce!" Han Yi stared dumbfounded at the ruthless burst of the system, and this gave Genghis Khan a fierce general, and now Genghis Khan is almost a tyrant on the grassland.

"Ding, Guan Ping: strength 99, commander 74, intelligence 55 implanted identity Guan Yu's son"

"Ding, Zhu Wu: Strength 71, Commander 90, Intelligence 93, Politics 89. The implanted identity is Liu Bei's newly recruited general!"

"This! I didn't expect Liu Bei to be strengthened. I hope he won't be beaten too badly by Ying Zheng!" Han Yi shook his head helplessly. Even with the addition of these two people, it is still difficult to change Ying Zheng's footsteps going south. ah.

"Ding, the current Yu Wenxian explosion is over! Next, we will provide the host with Gongsunmei's report!"

"Wait for that system!" Han Yi said seriously.

"Ding! What's wrong!"

"If I remember correctly, a general who dies in battle has a summoning point. Since Han Meng's death, there have been at least a dozen generals! The system asks you to settle it for me first!" Han Yi said calmly.

"Ding, Han Meng, Gao Lan, Li Congke, Ji Ling, Che...etc, congratulations to the host for getting 245 summoning points, the current host has 1302 summoning points, may I ask the host if you want to summon!"

"Forget it! The system feels off the charts!" Han Yi said impatiently.

"Ding, Yan Yan: Force 93, Commander 72, Intelligence 66, Politics 59 Implanted identity, Liu Bei's newly recruited general!"

"Ding, Qin Hui: Armed Forces 61, Commander 79, Intelligence 93, Politics 94. A commoner in Qi State who has been promoted by relying on his advice, is currently the servant of Duke Huan of Qi."

"Oh! I didn't expect this guy to come out. The grievances and grievances in history have almost caused this guy to bear the blame for a lifetime!" Han Yi has no pity for this person at all. He deserves the blame for this history, because This path was chosen by himself...

"Ding, Cai Jing: Armed Forces 54 Commander 67 Intelligence 91 Politics 92 Implanted Status Wu Wang Fucha's favorite!"

"I'll go! It's okay if we don't come out! There are two treacherous ministers!" Han Yi said speechlessly.

"Ding, Ji Xiaolan's force is 59, commander is 58, intelligence is 92, politics is 93, and his identity is implanted in the Indochina Peninsula. Liu Bang's new civil servant.

"Ding, Du Fu: Armed Forces 77 Commander 65 Intelligence 91 Politics 77 Implanted Identity Chudi Homeless"

"Ding, Ouyang Xiu: Force 64 Commander 77 Intelligence 92 Politics 88 Identity implantation, Wei He's newly recruited talent!"

"Ding, blue-eyed tiger Li Yun: Force 86, Commander 77, Intelligence 61, Politics 54. The general who came to seek refuge with Song Jiang!"

"Ding, faceless and anxious: force 87, commander 76, intelligence 54, politics 45, the general who came to join Song Jiang with his identity implanted!"

"Ding, the current explosion is over,"

Han Yi looked forward. He didn't know why. Now facing the general who died in battle, Han Yi no longer felt the sadness of the past. Is he too cold-blooded, or has he become numb?
"Your Majesty won't! Master Shen Buhui suddenly fell ill, Your Majesty hastened to check!" The people on the side ran away in a hurry.

Han Yi frowned in confusion and said, "It's so good, why did it fall ill?"

"I don't know. When Shen Xiang was changing the bamboo slips, he fell down in the dark."

(End of this chapter)

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