Warring States Call

Chapter 452 Flooded City

Chapter 452 Flooded City (Part [-])
General Ping rolled several times before stopping, barely maintaining his balance, looking at Han Jian who was shooting a cold arrow behind his back, he couldn't help being shocked, looking down at the lake, his heart skipped a beat, and he jumped into the lake. Splashes of water.

Han Jian watched General Ping throw himself into the lake, and snorted coldly, "It's not that easy to leave!"

After Han Jian finished speaking, he took out three more arrows from the quiver and shot at the place where General Ping threw himself into the lake. The wooden flowing arrow penetrated a few meters in the water and then floated up feebly. Han Jian saw that Looking at the arrow that floated out of the water, he shook his head helplessly.

Tiger's eyes looked around, and all the Lu soldiers ran away with their heads in their hands. They were defeated and there was nothing to fight, so Han Jian had to turn his eyes back.

He casually looked up and down, and saw General Ping's horse - Huohu Benlei.

This horse is also very individual, the horse hair is reddish, some parts are red and black, the fur looks like a colorful tiger, the horse is strong and looks like a BMW.

Han Jian licked her lips, got off the horse, and couldn't help touching Huohu Benlei's horse hair, with longing in her eyes, stroking his skin, patted his strong arms, and said calmly: "Ma Er Ah, horse! Your master has deserted you for his life, so stay with me!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" "Old Shi, push them all back! The rest of them stay here with me!"

"Leave it to me!" Shi Bao waved his hand, urging the horse under his crotch to lead the troops back.

"The general is bad! There is more and more water in the city! It has already flooded some depressed ground!" Zhuan Sunsheng ran away with the weapon in his hand, his eyes full of anxiety.

Yuan Chonghuan turned around and looked down this time, only to see the rain spreading and expanding upwards, Yuan Chonghuan couldn't help but feel frightened, his tiger eyes looked forward, and his eyes were disturbed.

Looking into the distance, Liu Yu saw that the rain was rising rapidly, and it would not take long to flood the city. Liu Yu's eyes were cloudy, and he stared at Yuan Chonghuan below, and said seriously: "General Yuan, I am afraid that this city cannot be defended." Yes! Moreover, the king ordered! Send three adults to Chang'an and submit the form of surrender. If we don't leave! It will be too late!"

Yuan Chonghuan stared at Liu Yu below, he wanted to live!And I want to live an aboveboard life, but if I leave by myself!The pledge of allegiance made in front of Lu Zhuanggong is nothing but a fart!Thinking of Yuan Chonghuan's heart sank, but he had no choice but to struggle and suffer in his heart.

Shulianghe looked at the people below, one by one took wooden basins and put their children into them. The flood water stretched up to their waists. Some clever ones picked up their wives and children and moved them to the house. On the road, the group of people were all in a panic.

Many people began to disperse because of the flood. Seeing more and more people complaining, Yuan Chonghuan walked up the city wall and walked to a quiet corner, alone in the rain.

He lost!Lost to Han Xin!His Yuan family's decades of hard work were ruined, even now Yuan Chonghuan is thinking about it!Do you want to withdraw your troops...

Liu Yu boarded the city wall alone, looked at Yuan Chonghuan who was alone in the rain, walked up slowly, and said with a smile: "The earth is the chessboard, and the people are the pieces. You and I are just a pawn in the hands of the king."

"How dare you say such rebellious words! Liu Yu...you are so impatient!" Yuan Chonghuan gradually opened his closed eyes, and turned around slowly. , Naturally saw Liu Yu's ambition, thought Yuan Shao would make good use of him, but unexpectedly he was killed before it was used.

Liu Yu smiled, walked side by side with Yuan Chonghuan, and said calmly: "General Yuan! I don't know if you want to play this game of chess! Or you will be played by this game of chess!"

"What do you mean!" Yuan Chonghuan stared at Liu Yu fiercely. From Liu Yu's eyes, Yuan Chonghuan could see that this guy was extremely restless.

Liu Yu said with a smile: "Come with me to the country of Yan! The country of Lu is no longer a climate! You are just wasting your time here!"

"Presumptuous!" Yuan Chonghuan was furious, pulled out the sword in his arms, and placed it on Liu Yu's shoulder. As long as Liu Yu hurriedly moved, Yuan Chonghuan promised that Liu Yu's head would fall to the ground in the next second.

Liu Yu smiled and looked forward calmly: "General Yuan! The State of Lu is over! He no longer has the ability to avenge your brother! Yuan Shao is out! Follow me! I, Liu Yu, swear to the sky that I will kill him in the future." Xiang Yu, come to repay General Yuan Shao's kindness!"

Yuan Chonghuan looked at Liu Yu's black pupils, and for some reason, he had no reason to refuse. Looking at Liu Yu's sincere eyes, Yuan Chonghuan was honest, he...was shaken.

Liu Yu slowly removed the sword from his neck, looked at Yuan Chonghuan, and said with a smile: "I'll wait for your news! An hour later! I'll wait for you at the north gate! Whether you live or die will depend on your own destiny." !"

After Liu Yu finished speaking, he turned and left, walking towards the city.

"If my guess is correct, Shu Lianghe and Gongsun Shu have already been bribed by you!" Yuan Chonghuan looked at Liu Yu's back and said this sentence suddenly.

Liu Yu smiled, only showing a side face to Yuan Chonghuan, looking at the dark clouds and rain, and the blackened sky, Liu Yu calmly said: "What I want is not the territory of one country and one city, what I want is the whole world! "

"What I want is the whole world......!"

These words hit Yuan Chonghuan's heart like a heavy hammer. Yuan Chonghuan looked at the sky with lightning, couldn't help smiling, took off his armor, and walked towards the north gate.

Liu Yu and the few people who were ready to go, were in a hurry at the gate of the city. There were no fewer than dozens of scattered people, and there were no soldiers and horses from Han Xin at the north gate, so it was easy for them to escape. Liu Yu rode on his horse, Run forward quickly.

Pei Yuanqing on the side touched the back of his head in confusion: "My lord! Are you waiting for that guy?"

Liu Yu glanced at the back, and said for a while: "...Listen...!"

The sound of horseshoes came out from behind, and it became louder and louder. I saw Yuan Chonghuan chasing after him wearing a commoner coat and holding a spear. Shu Lianghe and Gongsun Shu looked at each other and smiled, and Liu Yu was even more so. Ahead, with confidence: "Let's go!"

"Drive!" A group of people left the city in a hurry.

"Report to the general!" General Yuan Chonghuan is gone!What should we do! "

Zhuan Sunsheng, who was guarding the city wall, was physically and mentally exhausted, and he couldn't believe it when he heard this sound.

(End of this chapter)

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