Chapter 455
Xia Fuzhan and Gongshubao looked at each other, and Gongshubao looked at Han Yi embarrassedly, and said with embarrassment: "Sign up to the king! Zhang He failed in the battle of Xinyi, and we also I don't know where he left off!"

"What!" Han Yi pretended to frown, with a serious expression on his face. Xia Fuzhan and Gong Shubao suddenly felt the pressure, and the sweat on their heads suddenly broke out. He has been listed as a traitor by my king, and the whole country ordered him to be wanted, and once he is caught, he will definitely be handed over to the king!"


In the garden behind, there was only a vibration on the wall. Both Xia Fuzhan and Gong Shubao looked around in surprise and pointed, but they didn't dare to ask more.

Han Yi's lips rose slightly. Now that he thought about it, he could imagine how bad Zhang He's face was!
Zhang He by the back wall had cloudy eyes, and Fei Lian patted him on the shoulder, which could be regarded as a kind of comfort. Zhang He's right fist was bleeding, and he never thought that his loyalty would be rewarded. In this situation, he worked hard and almost died in Yu Ziqi's hands.

If I hadn't been alive, I'm afraid I would have been stigmatized in the history books for thousands of years. The more I thought about it, the more unwilling I was, I snorted and strode out. Fei Lian held Zhang He down. force.

Looking at Zhang He, who was crowned with star anger, Fei Lian whispered: "Now is not the time for you to go out!"

Only then did Zhang He come back to his senses, he had already made up his mind, and walked to the side to sit quietly.

"Hahahahaha!" Han Yi laughed suddenly, then stopped suddenly, looked at the two people below, and said coldly: "King Lu is really a good chess player! Just use any reason to prevaricate Gu! Do you feel lonely and easy to fool?"

"Your's true! The traitor Zhang He has really disappeared, and we are forced to do so!" Father Xia couldn't laugh or cry, what should he do.

Gongsun Bao on the side immediately said: "Your Majesty, how about this? As soon as there is news of Zhang He in our country, we will immediately hand over Zhang He to the King! What do you think, Your Majesty!"

"Are the two of you making conditions with Gu! As long as Gu is willing! Please ask the emperor to withdraw your duke throne! It's not impossible!" Han Yi sneered, and now the lifeblood of Lu is in his own hands. Don't be afraid that he won't accept it.

"Your Majesty...don't!" The two of them panicked. If Han Yi really revoked the title of the Lu Kingdom, it would be strange if the two of them didn't get beheaded when they went back.

"Your Majesty... see if you can...!" Uncle Bao was about to cry.

Han Yi smiled and looked at the front calmly: "Why don't you do this! Ten years after you hand over the casting city to our country, how about you take it away from the lonely hand ten years later?"

"Your!" The two were immediately unhappy.

"Why! The envoy Lu thinks Gu's sword is not good! To tell you the truth, Zhucheng Gu can be shot down just as easily as you can use it! Now it's just like you borrowed it for ten years, and it will be returned to you when the time comes! Don't toast or eat Fine wine!" Han Yi's expression suddenly changed, and his murderous aura flashed faintly.

"Kill! Kill!" Xu Chu and others will pull out the sword in their hands, make the sound of scabbard rubbing, and shout: "Kill!"

Xia Fuzhan and Gong Shubao were frightened for a moment, their faces were pale, they knelt on the ground trembling, and were at a loss.

Han Yi looked down at the two of them, and snorted coldly: "Think about it for yourself! Your life is your own! There is no need to give away your own life just to have some time!"

"Your Majesty...we...are willing!! Father Xia is powerless, and now he has lost his wife and lost his army. This time, the land area of ​​Lu Kingdom will shrink in a large area, and it will be in jeopardy from now on!

"In that case! The two of you quickly drafted a memorial! Sign and pledge! You are limited to withdraw from these cities within one month! Otherwise, don't blame Gu for starting a sword fight!" Han Yi said coldly.

Both of them were like roosters who had been defeated in a fight. They retreated weakly and stood up reluctantly, but they only felt that their footsteps were weak and their expressions were helpless.

Looking at the two people who were gradually receding, Han Yi looked back and looked back: "How is it! You heard it all!"

There was no expression on Zhang He's face, he seemed frustrated and angry, looked at Han Yi and said calmly: "I heard it!"

Han Yi looked at him, reached out to pick up the wine bottle on the table, and looked at Zhang He.I hope to see what I want from his eyes.

Zhang He took a deep breath: "Next Zhang He! Meet the lord!"

Compared with Lu Guo's coldness and ruthlessness, Han Yi was completely different from them. Moreover, Han Yi treated him as a corporal, and he had no choice.

Han Yi smiled, put down the wine bottle, and said calmly: "Preach the order of the lonely general! Make Zhang He the general of Ziwu! You can go to Pang Wanchun's hands! Take charge of the soldiers and horses with Zhang Liao, Le Jin, and Yu Jin."

"Minister order!" Zhang He lowered his head and accepted Han Yi's general.

Han Yi smiled, quickly helped Zhang He up, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be like this, General!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting Zhang He, Wu Ziliang will get the fourth one, special reward general Xu Huang, and then provide his various data!"

"Ding, Xu Huang: Force 96 Commander 94 Intelligence 84 Politics 81 The current implantation identity is Zhang He's brother, and will soon accept Zhang He's invitation to go to Zhoudi!"

Han Yi couldn't help being overjoyed, and then smiled.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gathering the five good generals, rewarding 200 summoning points, and the current summoning point is 1752 summoning points!"

"Unknowingly, there are so many summoning points! But it's not the time for summoning yet, after all, there is no need!" Han Yi smiled.

At this moment, Zhang He had changed into a suit of armor, and Lang Tan came out with him, and the two were talking and laughing.

"Let go! Let me in!" I saw a woman struggling frantically.

The soldiers in black armor on both sides said angrily: "Where did you come from? This is the most important part of the palace, and no one else is allowed to enter! You don't have to leave quickly! Otherwise, you will be impolite!"

"Let go!"

"Looking for death!" The soldier held a long spear and hit Gu Li's back left with a club. He was about to go down with a stick, but was firmly blocked by a man's arm.

Wearing a black armor, with a firm look in his eyes, he looked at the woman below with tenderness, and said with a smile, "It's all right!"

"!...Are you okay!" The woman didn't answer the man's question directly, but hugged him tightly.

The soldiers on the side looked at the two of them, and just wanted to stop them, when Lang Tan walked away and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "I said you are not spoiling the scenery! I didn't see them...!"

"The soldier immediately fell silent!"

(End of this chapter)

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