Chapter 464

"Xiang Yu, you have humiliated me so much! I will definitely report to my king! Then you will bear my king's wrath!" Wang Yi was kicked out of the hall by Fang Jie and fell on the stone slab below. He finally stopped, Looking up, Fang Jie cursed.

Fang Jie looked down at Wang Yi and said seriously: "Leave quickly! Otherwise, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

"You...!" Wang Yi was speechless and could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"What are you! Get out!" Fang Jie kicked up impatiently, and Wang Yi fell to the steps in one breath, and stopped after crying for his father and mother. At this moment, Wang Yi hugged himself There was a whole lot of pain on his left leg. Looking at the two people above, he said angrily: "You guys! Wait for me...!"

Xiang Yu had already stood up in the hall, and Fan Zeng looked at Xiang Yu with a wry smile and said, "King Quchi is full of dangers, so it's not easy to go there!"

Xiang Yu patted his head, looked forward and said: "Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain! I prefer to go to the mountain of tiger!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty...!" Fan Zeng was anxious for a while, seeing that he couldn't stop Xiang Yu, he hurriedly said: "Since your majesty definitely asks for it! Please take this humble minister with you!"

Fan Zeng quickly knelt down on the ground, hoping that Xiang Yu would take him with him, Xiang Yu looked at Fan Zeng's old bones, and he didn't look like he was being tossed by him, and then said: "This journey is bumpy, Yafu should not go easily! Tell Hao Yuan to follow me! Don't worry about Yafu!"

"This...!" Fan Zeng was speechless for a while, looking at Hao Yuan, who was indeed more suitable than himself, then put down his hands and patted him on his knee.

Xiang Yu felt upset, so he went down, it could be regarded as retreating from the court, and everyone retreated piecemeal. Hao Yuan at the side convinced Fan Zeng who was kneeling below: "Prime Minister, get up quickly! It's been cold on the ground these few days." !"

Fan Zeng looked helplessly at Hao Yuan at the side, pressed his hands, and said helplessly, "I'll leave the matter to you, Your Majesty."

"Prime Minister, don't worry! I will do my best again!" Hao Yuan said.

Only then did Fan Zeng calm down, and his tiger eyes looked forward, apart from deep helplessness, there was also worry.

Prince Ban of Lu King ascended the throne, named Zhuan Sunsheng as a general, and actively practiced military horses. Fang Xia's father Zhan hurriedly said: "Qi State uses our Lu State Quchi to attract the other three countries! What should we do, my lord!"

"Our country is in danger now! It's not easy to provoke Qi, so we can only let him go!" Lu Wangban also felt helpless, he had no strength and could only be manipulated by others.

"Your Majesty's most urgent task is to deal with Xiang Yu first, and their army has not retreated for a long time, which is always a big worry for us!" Zhuan Sunsheng below said first.

Lu Wangban put his eyes down, thought for a long time, and looked forward: "General Zhuan's words are reasonable, but Xiang Yu can come and go freely among thousands of troops, it is not so easy for us to kill him!"

"This matter is not urgent. Your Majesty can set up an ambush on Xiang Yu's way back and forth after the meeting in Quchi is over, and then he can kill Xiang Yu in one go." Zhuan Sunsheng spoke plausibly, and the ministers below agreed with him. Chances are restored to its former glory.

Qi Guo, Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on top, holding his head, and asked: "How is it! Did they all agree?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Song Jiang was a bit hesitant at first! After the minister's slick tongue! Song Jiang finally agreed." Chen Ju seemed a little arrogant, as if he wanted to show off his slick tongue in front of Duke Huan of Qi.

Jiang Xiaobai looked plain, and smiled at Chen Ju, expressing that he was very satisfied, and then turned his attention to Yan Ying. Jiang Xiaobai's goal this time was Han Yi, so he seemed to pay special attention to it, and Yan Ying was also confident at the moment. , looked up at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile and said, "Han Yi agreed, and plans to go to Quchi in a month's time!"

"Okay! Very good! Very good!" Jiang Xiaobai stood up involuntarily, eyes full of joy, looked at Tian Dan beside him and said, "Quickly send an order to tell your brother to get him ready in Quchi! "

"The last general has orders!" Tian Dan clasped his fists and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's reaction, Chen Ju seemed a little astonished. He was dissatisfied in his heart, and he and Yan Ying were not much different, but judging from the reactions of Jiang Xiaobai and others, his evaluation of Yan Ying was even higher than his own, which made him He couldn't accept it anymore, but there was nothing he could do. The fact was, who made him not choose Han Yi, and choose an insignificant role.

Excited, Jiang Xiaobai didn't forget Wang Yi who was going to the country of Xiang. He looked around, but he didn't find Wang Yi. He couldn't help but wondered: "Wang Yi! Others!"

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wang Yi...are you waiting outside the hall?" Chen Ju got up and said when Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"What are you doing outside! Bring him in!" Jiang Xiaobai said impatiently.

"Xuan! Meet Wang Yi!"

"Da da da!"

Leaning on a cane, Wang Yi limped up to the main hall, with an aggrieved face and a sandbag tied to his hand. This appearance was as miserable as it could be.

"What's going on with you! How did you get into this state!" Jiang Xiaobai looked puzzled, thinking that Wang Yi's trip to Xiang Country was a surefire win, so how did he get into this state.

"Report to the king! That Xiang Yu didn't know good and evil, so he kicked out the minister!" Wang Yi cried loudly at Jiang Xiaobai like a mourner, not like he was acting.

"So! Xiang Yu is not planning to come!" Guan Zhong asked back with narrowed eyes.

When Wang Yi saw Guan Zhong asking, he hurried back: "Xiang Yu agreed! And he will go to Quchi in a month!"

"Oh! Since this is the case, please judge Wang Yi for disturbing the peace of the country!" Guan Zhong walked out with his fists clasped, pointing the finger at Wang Yi.

"Prime Minister! Why are you facing outsiders! I took my country to Xiang country and was insulted by Xiang Yu. Isn't this insulting our country?" Wang Yi looked puzzled and seemed confused.

"Bold! You are still sowing discord between the two countries. Do you know that the war between Qixiang and Qixiang is causing trouble for Qi! Now you are still here to sow discord!" Guan Zhong pointed at Wang Yi's nose and cursed.

Guan Zhong bit the word Qi Xiang very hard just now, Jiang Xiaobai, who has a high score, reacted, waved his hand, pretended to be angry and said: "Someone will pull Wang Yi down and beat him thirty times, so as to imitate others! "

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your ministers are wronged... Your Majesty!" Wang Yi watched in disbelief that Jiang Xiaobai would give such an order.

Jiang Xiaobai was also startled into a cold sweat. If Jiang Xiaobai was furious just now, or let Wang Yi finish speaking, then his subordinates would definitely point the finger at Xiang Yu, and his main goal was Han Yi. Can't go wrong.

"Listen, prepare quickly! Go to Quchi!"

(End of this chapter)

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