Chapter 467

Han Yi frowned, then smiled and said, "Since you're here! Let's get rid of them all!"

"Your Majesty, you want to...!" Wei Zheng said puzzled.

Cao Cao on the side touched his beard, looked at Han Yi and said, "Your Majesty has another strategy! You can lure them all out!"

"Oh!" Han Yi looked at the surrounding mountains with doubts, and then asked, "What can you do!"

"My lord! There are many mountains here! If we look for them one by one, I'm afraid it will take time and effort, and it will easily delay our itinerary! The waste of people and money is not worth the loss!" Cao Cao said with a smile.

Han Yi narrowed his eyes, looked at Cao Cao, tapped his index finger on the ground, and said for a while: "Go on!"

"We can pretend to be merchants and pass by here, and we will definitely lure them out!" Cao Cao stroked his beard, turned around, and pointed to the surrounding mountains.

"This plan is feasible! Let me do it according to your will. Call Hu, Meng Zhan, and you two to go and help Meng De!" Han Yi picked up the water bottle below and drank it in one gulp. Tiger eyes watched Shan Ye muttered to himself: "Nangong Shi! You three don't let Gu down!"

Speaking of Zhaohu, he selected a few elite pawns in ghost robes and pretended to be slaves transporting food. Cao Cao also rode a horse in front with a casual expression, admiring the scenery vaguely, but observing the surroundings secretly. terrain.

Meng Zhan is also boring. With his current force, he doesn't pay attention to bandits at all. He looks at the front with carelessness, and doesn't care at all. After all, he is still too young.

Han Yi looked at Cao Cao in action, stood up slowly, and said to the people below: "Peng Yue, Xia Houyuan and Zai!"

"The last general is here!" The two tiger generals hurriedly stood up, looked at Han Yi and said.

"Xiahouyuan, you are good at rushing tactics. If Cao Cao and the others are out of support, you can quickly go to support with your troops!" Han Yi picked up the general order beside him and said.

"The last general has an order!" Xia Houyuan held the spear in his hand, received the order and headed to the rear, and rushed over with all his soldiers and horses.

"Peng Yue! If you see bandits later, follow the clues! Attack them from behind! Disrupt their deployment!" Han Yi said calmly.

"Subordinates have orders!" Peng Yue smiled, he likes things like sneak attacks the most, and this kind of things are just easy to grasp.

Han Yi raised his head and looked up, only to see the beasts frightened and the birds scattered, and it seemed that he had taken action!
In the depths of the mountain, a cottage stood up in the middle of the mountain, everyone held weapons, the women took care of the farms in the cottage, and the men walked side by side, as if they were on patrol. Most of the people here were wearing animal skins , The food they eat is also game from the mountains, and children sometimes have no clothes.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... there is a group of people at the foot of the mountain, and they look like fat sheep!" A sentry ran away cheerfully, dancing with hands and feet. It was obvious that he hadn't seen such a large group for a long time.

"Oh!" The man was very pleasantly surprised when he saw it, and at the same time looked at the soldiers beside him, and said seriously: "Look carefully! Is there any salt in the car!"

"See clearly! The convoy is moving slowly, mainly cloth and clay pots filled with salt! Your Majesty, we will not be robbed!" The sentry below couldn't wait.

The man stroked his beard. A piece of white wolf fur was draped over his broad body. The wolf's scalp was still attached to the bones. It looked lifelike, as if lying on the man's body. The man stood up. Black, and unusually mighty.

"Is it official food! If it is! Then forget it!" the man said cautiously.

"Probably not!" They were transporting slaves not a single soldier.

"In this case, pass the order! Tell the second and third! Let them both come back!"


Not much to say, just after the man finished speaking, he saw two strong men approaching, both of them were extraordinary, one of them was holding a trident, wearing a bearskin, with a plain expression, if there was anything special, it was this The guy has a bald head, and he likes to touch his bald head whenever he has nothing to do.

The other person was not so ordinary, looked at the people above and said: "Brother! This team is not simple!"

"Oh!" The man above was puzzled and looked suspicious, and then asked, "Is there anything suspicious?"

"Brother! I saw it just now! The slaves there are all strong and strong, and each of them has a strong smell of blood! This is not something that ordinary people can have!" Dao, compared with other people, this guy looks out of place. Others like to wear animal skins, but this guy wears cloth. His body is considered strong, but he looks like a person left here.

"Brother! Don't be so troublesome! Take me to snatch him back, and you'll know when the time comes!" The bald man, obviously impatient, picked up his weapon, took his horse and was about to go out.

"Second brother is not easy to go now! We don't know what they are here for!" The man behind grabbed the forward bald head.

"What a big deal! Let me do it!" The bald head snorted coldly, and was about to go.

"Okay!" The man above snorted coldly, looked at the scouts below, and then said: "Go down and investigate quickly! See who else is around here!"


Looking at the man's actions, the bald man couldn't help feeling dissatisfied, and walked down.

"Second brother, what are you going to do!"

"I'm in a hurry to go to the toilet!" The bald man raised the trident in his hand and ran to the side.

The man above had no choice but to let him go.

The three of Cao Cao rode on horses and looked around from time to time. Meng Zhan held two guns in one hand and tied the horse with the other. He looked around and said, "Why haven't these bandits come out yet!"

"Don't worry, little general! You have to be patient when fishing! These bandits have been here for many years, and it's impossible without some skills! We'd better be cautious!" Cao Cao stroked his beard, from his just now Observe, there are no less than twenty secret sentries here, and the leader who wants to come here is also a cautious person.

"Lord Cao is right. The birds were flying around in the mountains just now. Obviously there are people in this forest. We should be more vigilant!" Zhao Hu looked around with his White Tiger Seven Star Knife.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes and said half aloud: "Tell your brothers! Be more vigilant!"

"Squeak... blah... blah... blah!"

At this moment, the originally peaceful forest began to be restless, the tiny bamboos swayed from side to side, sparrows flew around, and sounds began to sound from all directions.

Seeing these changes, Cao Cao frowned: "Here we come! Be vigilant!"

"The whole army is on alert!"

(End of this chapter)

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