Warring States Call

Chapter 469 Zang Palace

Chapter 469 Zang Palace
Yue Xi only felt his arm tremble, as if he had hit a piece of cold black iron, which made his arm ache. He looked back at the person who came, holding a strange weapon in each hand.

From the confrontation just now, Yuexi also became vigilant, tightly holding the trident in his hand, looking at the person who came, swallowing his saliva: "Who is the person! Why are you blocking my way!"

Li Cunxiao looked back and glanced at Yuexi, and said coldly: "Is it you who bullied my apprentice?"

"Oh! What did I think it was! It turned out that the younger one couldn't beat it! Called an old one!" Yue Xi took back his trident, landed behind him, touched his bald head, and said mockingly .

"Bastard...he's coming!" Meng Zhan spat out a mouthful of blood, took a long gun casually, and was about to go up, Li Cunxiao stopped Meng Zhan: "Stinky boy, rest well! Don't move around!"

"Master, he...!" Meng Zhanqi couldn't help but point and gnash his teeth.

Li Cunxiao glanced at Yuexi, waved his hands and said: "This is the person the king has named! Neither you nor I can hurt him! Take him as a teacher and capture him, and return to the king!"

"Obey!" Meng Zhan had no choice but to throw away the spear in his hand, took the bronze sword in his hand, and walked to the side.

Seeing Meng Zhan leave, Li Cunxiao looked back at Yue Xi who was staring at him fiercely, and raised the weapon in his hand: "Boy! Are you taking the initiative to go back with me! You still have to hurt your muscles and bones!"

"Hahahahaha!" Yuexi couldn't help laughing when he heard Li Cunxiao's words, he looked at Li Cunxiao with tiger eyes and said: "I'm not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue, I am Yuexi, no one will accept it except my elder brother! Come on! Let grandpa Look at your skills!"

Li Cunxiao smiled, the smile was so weird, gradually the atmosphere became gloomy, Li Cunxiao's aura was rising steadily, tiger eyes stared at Yuexi, like a jackal staring at its prey, looked at Yuexi, and licked it. With scarlet lips, he smiled and said, "Boy! Here we come!"

At this moment, Li Cunxiao's King Yu's lance made a direct attack on Huang Longhua. With the speed of his horse, Li Cunxiao's King Yu's lance turned into lightning and struck towards Yuexi.

Yuexi was shocked when he saw it, and quickly turned over with a kite and jumped behind the tree. At this moment, Li Cunxiao was hitting the tree with one move from King Yu.

The crisp sound of "Kacha" came to mind, and the tree in front of Yuexi broke in response. Yuexi, who was hiding behind the tree, saw Li Cunxiao, was shocked, and cursed secretly: "His grandma is... so powerful!"

Yuexi reacted quickly, and quickly rolled over to the side, his face was serious, and he looked at the merchants to the side, and the appearance changed drastically, and he was shocked: "It's not easy to fall into the trap!"

The soldiers all around slowly moved closer together and surrounded Yue Xi!
Yue Xi's face was startled, and he said: "Brothers! Don't be afraid! The eldest brother will come soon, and now the brothers and I will break out! We will catch them all in one go!"

The soldiers who were still flustered, when they heard that the eldest brother was coming, calmed down one by one, and slowly approached in one direction.

In fact, only Yuexi knew that he ran out secretly this time, and his elder brother didn't know at all, so it was unknown whether he could go back.

"I want to leave! Ask me if I agree with the White Tiger Seven-Star Knife!" Zhao Hu led thousands of soldiers to surround the place, and looked at the panicked Yue Xi with a sneer.

"This...!" The white tiger seven-star knife in Zhao Hu's hand shone on Yue Xi's face, making Yue Xi nervous, and turned around to look, only to see Li Cunxiao urging the horse under his crotch, strolling towards, and the tiger The eyes are looming.

"This... this... what should we do now as the second master!" The soldiers on the side panicked.

Yuexi also had a headache. He had been hunting hawks for many years, but unexpectedly he was pecked in the eyes by hawks, and secretly regretted that he did not listen to his third brother.

Cao Cao rode a BMW, walked slowly, looked at Yuexi, and calmly said: "We won't make things difficult for you! It's up to you! Tell your king! Just say that we are here to worship the top of the mountain and tell him to come out! We can let him go. you!"

Cao Cao pointed at a soldier and said with a smile, a tiger roared from behind, "I don't think so!"

"Brother, why are you here!" Yue Xi was puzzled, with surprise on his face.

The man looked angrily at the embarrassed Yuexi below, and snorted coldly: "What a big commotion! You think I'm blind!"

Yue Xi lowered his head with a word of hatred, and looked at his elder brother, looking embarrassed.

"Who is coming!" Cao Cao urged his horses to the periphery of the formation, squinting his eyes and looking forward.

"Go down to Nangong and see the military master!" Nangong held a pointed gun in his hand and looked at Cao Cao respectfully.

The man on the side urged the horse to come out, and looked at Cao Cao: "I will go to Zang Palace to see the military master, and hope that the military master will spare my second brother. What happened today, just pretend it never happened!"

"Hahahaha!" Cao Cao laughed suddenly, looked back at the two of them, and said calmly: "Since you know that we are officials! You are bandits! How can we let you go! Put down your weapons now! Surrender! This will save you Things! Otherwise! Don’t blame me!”

"You don't even look at your own weight! You dare to challenge my elder brother! Believe it or not, I will screw your head off." Seeing someone coming from behind, Yuexi immediately became arrogant, and stared at Cao Cao in a pretentious manner.

Cao Cao squinted his eyes and didn't answer Yuexi, but looked at Nangong Shi and said calmly, "General! Have you thought about it yet?"

Nangong Shi took a look at Cao Cao, and calmly said, "My lord, don't daydream! With your strength, I'm afraid you are really no match for us! It's better for you and me to take a step back, than to lose both!"

"This king of the mountain, I advise you to be more honest! It is my king who ordered to take you down! We can't be the master!" Zhaohu said calmly, in his opinion, there are only two differences between killing and not killing.

"Your Majesty...!" Zang Gong who was on the side suddenly reacted in surprise, and said, "But King Han Wu!"

"It's my king! I don't know what advice I can give you!" Zhao Hu looked at Zang Gong beside him, and had a lot of affection for him.

"Brother! This is exactly what we want to take refuge in, what are we still delaying here!" Zang Gongxian on the side was much more excited.

"But something like this happened! We're afraid...!" Nangong said worriedly.

"This... Brother, don't worry! This King Wu of Han is tolerant and won't argue with us. What we need to do is to stop fighting!" Zang Gong tried hard to persuade.

Nangong Shi also swallowed his saliva. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. I'm afraid there will be no return after going there!But what's the point of not living such a mediocre life? After thinking about it for a while, Nan Gongshi looked at Cao Cao and said, "We want to see King Han Wu, and I hope this general will make it easier for us!"

(End of this chapter)

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