Warring States Call

Chapter 483 Domineering Han Yi

Chapter 483 Domineering Han Yi

Han Yi stared at Xia Fuzhan below, and sneered: "From the moment I killed Lu Wangban! Nothing is important! Let me tell you! Your land of Lu Kingdom will pay a heavy price for this! "

"Send an order to Han Xin! Send troops to break the city! Afterwards! Kill all the nobles of the Lu Kingdom! The women are demoted to slaves!" Han Yi looked fierce, and there was no discussion.

Xia Fuzhan on the side didn't realize that Han Yi was joking, after all he...has this strength, Xia Fuzhan stared at Han Yi, and snorted coldly: "Han Yi, you must die...I'll wait for you below... ...!"

"Wait for a few hundred years!" Han Yi snorted coldly, the Emperor's Hate in his hand flashed coldly, and a cold light flashed in Xia Fuzhan's eyes, and there was a sword mark on Xia Fuzhan's throat .

Father Xia stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. He remembered too many things in this second, maybe it was a mistake starting from Yuan Shao...

Han Yi looked at the terrified soldiers below who surrendered with their heads in their arms. The Emperor's Hatred in their hands was slowly sheathed, walked to Xu Chu's side, and snorted coldly: "Kill!"

"Kill!" Gao Shun raised his knife and cut off the heads of all the descendants below. At this second, the land was ripe with blood, and the ground was stained red.

"Next, Song Jiang is willing to help King Han! Destroy the country of Lu!" Song Jiang, who was on the side, immediately reacted, and smiled quickly, revealing his simple and honest smile.

Xiang Yu's face was gloomy, disdainful to do such sneaky things, one side of his expression was unwilling to talk to him, while Hao Yuan on the other side came out, his expression became much more embarrassed: "My king is also willing...!"

Before Hao Yuan finished speaking, Xiang Yuhu shouted from behind: "Shut up!"

Han Yi looked at Xu Chu whose breathing was getting weaker and weaker underground, and smiled helplessly. With his arms together, he hugged Xu Chu with difficulty, and said with a wry smile: "Brother! I will take you back!"

Xu Chu's weak eyes looked at Han Yi, and he still showed his simple and honest smile as before, but this smile was so difficult, Xu Chu almost exhausted all his strength for this smile.

Seeing inexplicable pain and loss in Han Yi's eyes, he hugged Xu Chu and walked out, while Dian Wei Elai and the two guarded Han Yi, one on the right and the other on the left.

"Song Jiang! You listen to Gu! If you dare to touch half of Lu's city! Gu let you Zhongshan, you will be the next Lu!" Han Yi turned his back to Song Jiang, the best way to deal with such a hesitant person The way is to make him see no hope.

Immediately, Han Yi turned his head to look at Xiang Yu, and said calmly, "Xue Cheng! I will let you guys! But there is one condition!"

Hao Yuan, who was at the side, couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw that there was something going on, and regardless of Xiang Yu's embarrassing expression, he immediately asked, "What are the conditions!"

"I want you to capture Cao Mo alive! Leave it to me! I don't know if King Xiang can do it!" Han Yi snorted coldly, staring at Xiang Yu beside him.

It’s not that Han Yi doesn’t want this Xuecheng, but that Xuecheng has Cao Mo’s [-] troops, and it’s hard enough to deal with a Qi country by itself. Adding another Cao Mo, although it’s more than capable, but always unable to do what it wants, it’s better to buy Xiang Yu A favor!
Xiang Yu stroked his beard, stared at Han Yi with double black pupils, and snorted coldly: "Yes!"

Xiang Yu is still so domineering, even in front of Han Yi, he is not inferior to half-flying majesty, but Song Jiang's face has turned into a pig's liver.

insult!For the naked insult, Song Jiang gritted his teeth and went out, but Lin Chong and Hua Rong who were on the side did not dare to mess around. There was no other reason. Fei Lian, who was holding a sickle, was not a good opponent. Not necessarily his opponent.

Seeing that Xiang Yu agreed, Han Yi looked at Yu Wencheng and said, "Let's go!"


As soon as hundreds of people went out, they saw Wu Qiujiu coming with Xiaobai. Han Yi looked ahead and snorted coldly: "Leave quickly! Don't stay here for long!"

"I want to go! Have you asked the old man?" Zang Xibo shouted, wearing heavy armor, holding a sword in his hand, and leading thousands of soldiers behind him, obviously Lu Wangban made two-handed preparations, but this guy can't see him Such a scene...

"Is there no one in your country of Lu! Did you even send the old man here to die?" Meng Zhan snorted coldly with two guns in his hands.

"Idiot boy! The general is not brave, but scheming, you are doomed today! Kill me!" Zang Xibo snorted coldly, and swung his sword to command the soldiers below to lose quickly.

Han Yi is upset now, put Xu Chu on Xiaobai's body, and said coldly: "Quick battle!"

"My lord, don't worry! The future will lead the way." Li Cunxiao opened and closed the King Yu's spear in his hand, and charged towards Zang Xibo.

Seeing this, Meng Zhan couldn't help being overjoyed and said, "Master, leave this old man to me!"

Holding two guns in his hands, Meng Zhan urged the horse under his crotch. The spears in his hands danced like a dragon and a phoenix. The soldiers behind him were also the best of the best, all of them murderous.

These Lu soldiers are all newly recruited recruits, so how can they be the opponents of these veterans.

In less than half a moment, the two of them fought a bloody path, and Zang Xibo in the rear couldn't help being furious: "Come on! Bring the old man's sword!"

"Old general! You can't...you can't!" The lieutenant at the side hastily blocked the way.

"Bastard!" Zang Xibo was furious, and beat down the whip in his hand, "Crack!"

"The general should die on the battlefield, and dare to lie under the embroidered couch! Quickly bring the knife!" Zang Xibo said angrily.

Seeing that he could not stop Zang Xibo, the lieutenant general at the side smiled wryly: "In that case! The final general will go with the old general!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Zang Xibo took the sword in his hand and snorted coldly: "Soldiers! Generals fight on the battlefield! How can there be undead soldiers! After ten years of sharpening a sword, it is only for the battlefield and for the country. Die without regret! I rush!"

It has to be said that Zang Xibo is a veteran on the battlefield, and with just a few words, these soldiers' spines trembled, and each of them secretly made up their minds.

Meng Zhanhu stared at Zang Xibo and snorted coldly: "The old man wants to die!"

"Ziwu (Meng Zhan's character) will open the way for you." The weapons in Li Cunxiao's hands are unpredictable, but every soldier who meets Li Cunxiao is extremely frightened, hating his parents for losing two legs and running away.

"Don't be presumptuous!" Zang Xibo snorted coldly and urged his horse away.

The deputy general at the back saw it and couldn't help being shocked, and said in a panic: "Old general! Old general...!"

"Little baby, don't be presumptuous! Take the knife from the old man!" The big knife in Zang Xibo's hand struck Meng Zhan's head with a thunderous half-moon.

"Block my master's way and die!" The spear in Meng Zhan's hand held up to the sky with every move, and he forcibly received Zang Xibo's knife!

(End of this chapter)

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