Chapter 498

"I took my king to thank King Qi first." Song Jiang said with a smile, but his smile was so wretched.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Song Jiang and said calmly: "Don't be too happy! Whether you can eat it or not depends on Song Gong's ability!"

Song Jiang said with a smile: "Don't worry, King Qi! If you go down again, you will surely convince my king, and you will get a hundred thousand troops to come and fight against the enemy with King Qi!"

"Oh!" Jiang Xiaobai's complexion changed for the first time, and then he returned to his usual calmness. He clasped his fists at Song Jiang and said, "Since that's the case, I'll wait for Mr. Song!"


"Please!" Jiang Xiaobai made a gesture of invitation, and watched Song Jiang leave. Jiang Xiaobai stroked his beard under his nose, and said with a frown: "I didn't expect this small Zhongshan to be able to come up with an army of [-]. You really underestimated them!"

Guan Zhong came from behind, picked up the bamboo slips below, and said calmly: "A country like the State of Lu has an army of 20, let alone Zhongshan. Even if the State of Lu is seriously injured today, it has an army of 13. It’s usable, so don’t underestimate it!”

Jiang Xiaobai clicked, pointed his chin with his index finger, and said with a smile: "That's fine! Use him to consume Han Yi's troops! Why not do it, as long as Han Yi is repelled, Gu will be the biggest winner of this trip. It took no effort to get the country of Lu!"

The judge at the back looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and with his wisdom, naturally knew that this was Jiang Xiaobai's plan. If it was the original him, I'm afraid he would die with Jiang Xiaobai. Enmity, coupled with the broken mountains and rivers of Lu State, taking refuge in Jiang Xiaobai is his best choice, and it is justifiable.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were misty, and slowly he regained his former majesty, and said solemnly: "Chuan Gu Wang Ling! Order Tian Chensi, Tanzi, Chuzi! Shengzi, Dazi, Qianfu, Zhongshou, Shenfu , Duan Ganpeng, Han Nie and others lead troops to Ludi, and they must fight Han Yi once!"

"No!" Gao Changgong from behind received the order and retreated.

Guan Zhong glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, straightened his clothes, walked up, and said, "Your Majesty, there is another person who recommends it! It can be compared to the great general Tian Ji!"

"Oh! Who is it? Come here quickly!" Jiang Xiaobai became interested when he heard this again, and asked back.

"This person is a concubine of the Tian family, named Tian Rangju. This person has a lot of things in his chest, and now it is a trick to employ people. Your Majesty must not be controlled by any old and young methods!" Guan Zhong stroked his beard and said quickly .

Jiang Xiaobai returned to his seat, picked the lamp wick at the bottom, and said after a while: "Since it was recommended by Prime Minister Guan, it must be quite talented, just follow the prime minister's words!"

The examiner looked at the two of them, and said immediately: "Your Majesty will ask for orders to defend the northern border of Qi State and defend the State of Yan for your Majesty!"

Jiang Xiaobai took a look at the match, then smiled and said: "Don't worry, general! This country of Yan will not attack our country for the time being!"

"Why is Your Majesty so confident!" the judge asked puzzled.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the rain that was getting heavier and heavier, and said calmly: "Because in the north of Yan Kingdom, there are Huns waiting for him, Prince Dan. With his current strength, he can't take care of himself! How can he still have time to take care of Gu's affairs!"

"Oh!" The examiner was startled, and quickly knelt down and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty! The right time, right place and harmonious people! Our country will surely win this battle!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Jiang Xiaobai immediately lost the unhappiness he had just heard when he heard the words of the judge, and he couldn't help but become presumptuous with a hearty laugh.

cast city
Han Yi was sitting on the tent commander, all the generals below were glaring, as well as Han Qinhu, Shi Jiantang, and Su Dingfang who came with troops. Han Qinhu brought 39 soldiers and horses for this trip, and Shi Jiantang brought them The [-] army, Su Dingfang led a [-] army in the border city, plus Han Xin's [-] army, Han Yi's [-] forbidden army, and [-] special forces, a total of [-] troops.

Almost half of the soldiers in the country were used for this trip. Except for the soldiers from Gongsunyan, Wu Qi, Pang Wanchun, and Yue Fei who were not moved, some of the others were mobilized.

"Report! Zhongshan sent the news! Song Jiang led an army of [-] and crossed the border of Lu State!"

"Report! Chang'an Dugu Xin leads his son! Dugu Ji, Dugu Luo, Dugu Shan, Dugu Shun, and Dugu Tuo lead others, wanting to help the king!"

Han Yi had already closed his eyes and rested his mind. He tapped the table with his fingers bit by bit. In fact, he had already made up his mind. After a while, his tiger eyes gradually opened, and said, "Let them come in!"


After a while, I saw Dugu Xin approaching, Hu Mu looked at Han Yi and said, "I have seen the king!"

"Dugu...have met the king!" Duguxin's sons, all wearing silver armor, said solemnly to Han Yi.

Han Yi didn't want to bother about Dugu Xin's attention and plans, so he waved his hand and said indifferently, "Give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Dugu Xin wiped the sweat from his brow, Han Yi's aura was frighteningly cold, and this time he was only ordered by the Prime Minister to transport food.

Han Yihu stared at the people in front of him, every time he passed a person, he straightened his shoulders, Han Yi stared at the people for a while and said, "Where is Han Xin!"

"The last general is here!" Han Xin pressed his sword and walked up to the hall solemnly.

"Dugu Luo, Dugu Shan, Gao Chong, Huang Feihu, Wei Ji, Du Hui!" Every time Han Yi called a name, a person came out from behind and knelt down on the ground.

"The end is here!"

"Han Xingu will give you an army of [-] troops to lead the way for our country and attack the city. I only want you to take down Quchi, the capital of Lu State, and fight Jiang Xiaobai for the long spoon!" Han Yi handed over the tiger amulet in his hand. Jiang Xiaobai.

"I understand!" Han Xin took the Tiger Talisman with both hands, and retreated with several people behind him.

Han Yi looked at the rows of soldiers below and shouted: "Soldiers! This battle is a battle for our country's supremacy. We have already killed [-] troops of Qin State! The [-] troops of Chu State have wiped out Zheng, Song, Wei, Cai, Chen, big and small, five countries! Tell Gu, do you have the confidence to bring down this country of Qi!"

"Where the king's sword is pointing, the ministers and other soldiers are pointing!" Everyone shouted.

Han Yi smiled, pulled out the Emperor's Hate in his hand, cold light flashed, and coldly snorted: "This trip will not break Qi's soldiers! I am alone like this table!"


The sword light flashed past, and the hard table was cut in half. For a while, Han Yi stared at the front and said, "Go down and get ready!"


The whole group retreated, only Cao Cao stood below, still did not leave, Han Yi looked down at Cao Cao, frowned and said, "Why don't you leave!"

"I have a question I want to ask the king!" Cao Cao stroked his beard and said.


"After dominating the hegemony! So what!"

(End of this chapter)

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