Warring States Call

Chapter 525 4 sons

Chapter 525 Fourth Son
Jiang Xiaobai looked stunned from behind, and couldn't help admiring Houyi's three arrows, and looked at Houyi and said, "The general's arrow skills are really superb, amazing! Really amazing! "

Those who were still dissatisfied turned pale instantly, especially Kuangzhang. Today he was ashamed and thrown home.

"Of course General Kuangzhang, I'm afraid he was careless today and didn't try his best!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled and smoothed things over for Kuangzhang.

Kuangzhang sat down, looked at Houyi, cupped his fists and said, "Submit again!"

Hou Yi glanced at Kuangzhang, still looking calm: "Admit it!"

Jiang Xiaobai stroked his beard. Although this Hou Yi was cold, he was much more capable than Chi You. He returned to his seat and said, "Come on! Let's toast the general!"

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, everyone's interest was not as strong as before. Jiang Xiaobai looked down and said: "Now we have defeated Han Yi! Morale has greatly increased, but Han Yi's strength is still the same. I don't know what the generals are doing. Plan!"

"My lord! Attacking Quchi with my minister's construction is not worth the gain, and it will consume a lot of troops. We should hold Han Yi first, attack the two cities of Xuju and Zhongfu, cut off Han Yi's back, and let him live without food. At that time, we can wait for work and besiege Han Yi." Bao Shuya, who followed Jiang Xiaobai and was silent, stood up and said with a smile in his eyes.

"Oh!" With a thoughtful face, Jiang Xiaobai put down the wine bottle in his hand, picked up the oil lamp and walked to the map, stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the map carefully.

quite a while!Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned around, pointed at Bao Shuya, and laughed loudly: "Yes!"

Bao Shuya, who was offering suggestions below, wiped the fine sweat from his brow. When he heard Jiang Xiaobai's order, he couldn't help but be very surprised, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with an apologetic smile from time to time.

Now he is very cautious!In the past, he originally wanted to help Jiang Xiaobai's younger brother, but unfortunately he failed to assassinate Jiang Xiaobai, and instead brought him back to life. Now, although Guan Zhong has saved him, the previous sharpness has disappeared, and the rest is to be cautious. , offer a strategy from time to time, use it to brush up your own sense of existence.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Bao Shuya and smiled with satisfaction. He suddenly realized that it was the right choice for him to leave this guy alive.

Tian Dan looked at the two maps for a long time and said, "Our soldiers and horses, including those of the State of Lu, total 25. Han Yi must have deployed enough soldiers and horses in these two cities, so we want to To capture the two cities, at least [-] troops are needed...!"

After Tian Dan's analysis, everyone felt that the [-] soldiers and horses for one point must have aroused Han Yi's suspicion. Know who is willing to shoulder this important task!"

"This...!" Some ordinary generals naturally lowered their heads, and the rest are elites.

Tian Ji looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "The general is willing to go!"

"The final general will definitely be able to win the city within a month." Tian Dan also fought hard, in order not to lose half a point to Tian Ji, he directly boasted.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two of them, with two eyeballs circling back and forth beside them, and said half aloud, "Tian Ji, you are considered an important figure in our army, and without you suddenly, Han Yi might be suspicious! So this matter can only be handed over to others!"

What Jiang Xiaobai said was watertight. First, he praised Tian Ji a lot, saying that he is a heavyweight, and I can't do it without you. At the same time, it also shows that these junior generals have a chance!
Jiang Xiaobai still stared down, calmly said: "Which general is willing to go with General Tian Dan?"

Tian Ying and Tian Pan wanted to come out, but when they thought of being sandwiched between Tian Ji and Tian Dan, they were considered to be in line, and they didn't want to go into this muddy water.

You must know that although the two are of the same clan, their relationship is extremely ingenious. Tian Ji is a direct descendant, so he has always obtained most of the family's resources. In addition, Tian Ji also has righteous skills, which is why he became a general.

And Tian Dan is a concubine, without the support of his family, but he is also a person, and he has overcome all obstacles to sit in this position, not to mention his talent.

The two of them are fighting each other, if they don't choose carefully and stand in line at will, they will die without knowing how they died.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes swept over Tian Pan and Tian Ying, as if reminding and expecting, but they still pretended not to see them, calm and composed, which made Jiang Xiaobai a little annoyed.

"Chen, Tian Rangju is willing to give General Tian Shan a helping hand!" Tian Rangju, who was sitting in the last seat at the back, came out, and saw that he was powerful and calm, eight feet long, fierce and majestic, as if he was galloping on the battlefield, but also It seems that there is a strategy in the abdomen, in a word, it is duty-bound.

"Tian Yanju...!" Jiang Xiaobai muttered to himself, trying hard to think about the information about this person in his mind.

Tian Ji on the side changed his expression and said: "You bastard, don't back down! This is a military camp, Qi Rong, you are acting wild!"

Tian Ji was startled, this Tian Rangju was not inferior to him in ability, one Tian Dan was enough to give him a headache, but now another one came out, if the two of them work together, I'm afraid... It's dangerous.

Jiang Xiaobai stared at Tian Rangju, carefully sized him up, but Tian Dan couldn't wait any longer, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said: "The ability of the king Tian Rangju to command troops is not inferior to that of the last general! With his help, we will surely win the battle!" "

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai patted the table, looked forward with tiger eyes, and said half aloud: "Tanzi, Chuzi, Shengzi, Dazi, where are you!"

Jiang Xiaobai handed over four sons in one breath, which also showed his military strength on the side.

"The last general is here!" A middle-aged uncle with a sword in his hand came from behind, holding out his big belly. He is also special, with a big belly and a fat body, but he is short! "

"The last general is here!" Another general also came out, forming a sharp contrast with the previous one. This guy is tall and thin, and he looks like a diamond monkey.

"The end is here!" Compared with the previous two, this person is much more normal, but he is abnormally black, giving people the impression of a black man with white teeth.

"The last general is here!" This contrasts with Wang Fang. This guy is fair and tender, but he is not a boy. He has a deep scar on his face, which is very scary.

"The four of them are generals in the hands of the two of them, there must be no mistake!" Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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