Chapter 536
"Quick... pull us up!" Sun Xin said angrily.



Shi Bao raised the knife in his hand and fell, with two knives, he directly cut off the entire bridge deck, and the entire bridge deck began to slowly fall into the water, and under the impact of the water flow, it slowly flowed downstream.

Shi Bao breathed out the air, and the fine sweat on his head gradually came out. With such high-intensity use, even Shi Bao couldn't bear it gradually, and kept panting for air.

Seeing that the matter here is over, Shi Bao looked at the soldiers at the back and said, "Follow me and leave here quickly."

"No... General Shi Bao is brave!"


A few people left quickly. The fire and smoke were rising rapidly. If they didn't leave, they would really be here.

Two brothers, Sun Li and Sun Xin, climbed up to the river bank, and they sat on the ground, exhaling, looking exhausted, looking at the messy scene, Sun Xin looked at Sun Li and said, "Brother, what should we do now! "

Sun Li looked at the chaotic scene and said, "Whatever, anyway, our task has been completed, and we have done our best!"

Sun Xin looked at the nonchalant Sun Li, and smiled wryly, "Brother! Don't you know! My lord these days...!"

Sun Li frowned, and said for a while: "What to do! Let's do what we want! Let's... let nature take its course!"

Sun Xin patted his butt, looked at his wet body, and stared at the soldiers who looked at him vigilantly, with vigilance, hatred... and fear.

Sun Xin looked at them and said with disdain: "What are you looking at! Get out of the way!"

One by one the soldiers were pushed away by Sun Li, and Sun Xin followed. The two of them had no idea that this would directly cause their defeat and their deaths.

Song Jiang was currently rubbing his temples in the car, and after a while, he saw Hua Rong rushing over and said, "My lord... the two brothers, Sun Xin"

Song Jiang rubbed his brows: "Call the two of them over here!"


"Chen! Sun Li! Chen Sunxin has met the lord!" The two looked at Song Jiang anxiously, and the atmosphere seemed depressed for a while.

After a while Song Jiang said: "How is it! Have they retreated yet?"

"My lord! They have retreated! The fire in the woods is also... ignited!" Sun Xin and the two hurriedly said.

"Oh! Well done!" Song Jiang said with a smile, obviously very satisfied with the two of them.

"But...!" Sun Li hesitated to speak, looked at Song Jiang anxiously, and glanced at Song Jiang from time to time to see his expression.

"But what!" Song Jiang said in a deep voice.

"But the broken!" Sun Xin said directly, anyway, early death and early rebirth, it's not their style to grind like this.

"Master...!" Sun Li asked tentatively.

Song Jiang didn't reply for a long time, Song Jiang looked at the wet clothes of the two of them: "It's fine as long as people are free! You two go down and change your clothes! Don't catch a cold!"

"My lord... you...!" Sun Xin and Sun Xin looked at Song Jiang with different expressions as if they didn't hear clearly.

Song Jiang waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay! You can't blame you for this matter! Go down and rest!"

Wu Yong also touched his beard. The reason why Song Jiang was able to get so many people's support was that he was informal and generous.

"Thank you, my lord!" I thought that what was waiting for them was a storm, but now it seems that they have the heart of a villain to save a gentleman's belly.

The two of them didn't stay any longer, and left here quickly. Now the two of them feel that they have no face, and they dare not look directly at Song Jiang.

Watching the two leave, Song Jiang got out of the car, looked forward and said, "Is this river easy to cross?"

"My lord! The river is full of water, and I am afraid that warships cannot cross it.

Song Jiang stroked his beard, and said half aloud: "Send me an order to let Song Qing, Wang Ying, Shi En, Du Qian, Shi Qian, Huang Xin, Kong Ming, Kong Liang, and others! Fill up this river for me. , come up with a way!"

"No!" Everyone didn't dare to refute, anyway, the matter is halfway through now, and the rest is just a proper arrangement.

Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong and said, "What happened to the casualties during this trip!"

"We died seven times this time...!" Wu Yong said in fear

"How much is it!" Song Jiang said in a deep voice.

"We have 7000 deaths!" Wu Yong said seriously, obviously this number of nearly [-] made Wu Yong feel a little distressed.

Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong, his face became colder and said: "Seven thousand dead or seven thousand dead or injured!"

"Seven thousand and one hundred and eighty people died!" Wu Yong said the number with difficulty.

"How is it possible!" Song Jiang said in disbelief
Wu Yong looked at Song Jiang and said, "My lord, most of them use poisonous arrows. Our medical craftsmen are helpless and can only save a few main generals!"

Song Jiang breathed out, this is really a death before he left the teacher. He gave Hu Yanzhuo 5, and he brought 3000 horses. After doing the calculations, he only had [-] people left. Loss, even he is a little bit heartbroken.

"My lord! If we go on like this... I'm afraid it will be...!" Wu Yong worried.

Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong behind him, and snorted coldly: "Do you think I don't know? From the beginning of the war to the present, we have lost... almost 4 people! What do you want me to do...!"

Wu Yong looked at Song Jiang and said helplessly, "My lord, now we have only two ways to go. One is to persevere, and the other is to withdraw immediately. With the prestige of the lord, it is more than enough to deal with King Zhongshan!"

Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong and snorted coldly: "I don't want you to say that, if I go back like this, it will be a fatal blow to my prestige in Zhongshan. I am afraid that those who have evil intentions will come out!"

"But! My lord...with our current strength, if we go to fight Han Yi, we are looking for our own death!" Wu Yong said with a wry smile.

Song Jiang glanced at Wu Yong, and snorted coldly: "Huh! Of course this solitary person knows, but I'm really not reconciled to retreating like this. Besides, if I don't take down Han Yi this time, the oath I swear in front of the king It’s really going to come true!”

"This...well..." Wu Yong also confirmed this point, now that the knife rested on his neck, he had to say it.

"You guys... Hurry up... Dig the soil! Fill me with the soil...! Hurry up...!" Kong Ming shouted, holding a whip from time to time, and whipped the soldiers next to him a few times
"What are you guys doing! Hurry up, you're messing around, you're wasting time, be careful I'll kill you!" Kong Liang also yelled a few times, with a trace of irritability in his eyes.

Almost all the soil and stones that can be used have been filled in, and a road has gradually emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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