Chapter 546
cast city
Han Xin put his sword on his hand, looked around the situation, and said half aloud: "How about the casualties of our army!"

"Report to General! We had more than 800 casualties, killed 7000 enemies, and captured more than 9000 enemies!" Xia Houxuan below looked at the record, with a smile on his face, his long-suppressed nerves, Also relaxed a lot at this moment.

Han Xin looked around, took a few wild jujubes in his hand, and stuffed one or two into his mouth. After a while, Han Xin looked around and said calmly: "That's right! Let's suppress these soldiers for now, and take them down to build the city. !"

"Don't the general kill them?" Xia Houxuan looked at Han Xin with a puzzled face, looking a little confused. This guy's style is completely different from Cao Cao's.

Han Xin, who was watching in front of him, suddenly turned his head and said to Xia Houxuan, "You are..."

"Next Xia Houxuan, named Taichu, is a general under the command of General Cao Cao!" Xia Houxuan quickly replied truthfully, for this famous general in the world, Xia Houxuan also became inexplicably nervous.

Han Xin looked at Xia Houxuan, thought about it carefully for a while, and then said half aloud: "What is the relationship between Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun and you!"

"Back to the general! The two generals are the next uncles!" Xia Houxuan said solemnly, with a trace of pride in his heart. The two uncles of his own were also the top ones under Han Yi. In important positions, one is in the Shangdang, defending the Qin State, and the other is guarding the best chariot troops in the country.

"No wonder it is so! According to what you said! Cao Cao and you are also uncles!" Han Xin said thoughtfully, looking at the young general, there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"Exactly!" Seeing Han Xin, Xia Houxuan mentioned that his three uncles did not change their faces, thinking that the general is indeed a general, and his background is nothing in front of him, or he said: Han Xin looks down on their relationship household.

Han Xin yelled at Xia Houxuan for a while, and found that this guy still didn't change his face, and said for a while: "Xiahou's clan! Talented people come forth in large numbers! There are successors!"

"General's second praise! I dare not take it any further!" Seeing that Han Xin was exaggerating, Xia Houxuan's face instantly improved a lot.

Han Xin glanced at the impatient Xia Houxuan, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your ability is good, but your murderous aura is too strong, you'd better restrain yourself, otherwise! You will be unable to move an inch in the future!"

It turned out that Xia Houxuan, who was praised by Han Xin, was ecstatic. You must know that to be evaluated by such a person is really... Sansheng is lucky, but Xia Houxuan's face was shocked when he heard Han Xin's words, and he looked at Han Xin: " But please enlighten me, General! Please listen carefully!"

After Xia Houxuan finished speaking, he saluted Han Xin with a very sincere expression on his face.

Han Xin glanced at Xia Houxuan who was saluting to him, and said with a smile, "Let me ask you! If you keep killing! Although you can gain a great reputation, you think those soldiers who know that surrender is death will surrender to you ?"

"This... cut off the hope of life! Naturally they won't surrender anymore!" Xia Houxuan said with a serious face.

"Not only will they not surrender! They will rise up to resist, and then we will suffer heavy losses. Therefore, surrendering without fighting is the best strategy. It can not only strengthen our own strength, but also avoid the loss of life!" Han Xin Looking at Xia Houxuan who was lost in thought, he persuaded him.

"But my uncle told me that killing them can reduce many uneasy factors and prevent them from rebelling!" Xia Houxuan seemed to be questioning something.

"The uncle you are talking about should be General Cao Cao. I have heard about the fact that he slaughtered [-] troops in Zhongshan! But he also adapted to local conditions." Han Xin picked up the sword in his hand and looked at Xia Houxuan: "At that time, the sword in the hands of General Cao Cao The soldiers and horses are only [-], and the generals are no more than two hands. If you don't kill them, you can't control it at all, let alone confront the enemy, so what your uncle did is not wrong, and it is very right!"

"But now our soldiers and horses can firmly control them, not to mention the [-] troops destroyed by General Cao Cao, plus the [-] here! Zhongshan's army has lost most of its vitality. Next, let's look at Han. They captured the tigers!" Han Xin stroked his beard and said with emotion.

"This..." Xia Houxuan also pondered for a while, and then looked at Han Dao for a while: "Listening to the king's words is better than reading ten years of books! Thank you, General!"

"Well! Back off!" Han Xin waved his hand.

Xia Houxuan also stepped back and began to work on his own affairs. Han Xin looked at Xia Houxuan's leaving back, and said to Mengyan behind him, "What do you think of him!"

"This person has good abilities! He is above me!" Meng Yan looked at Xia Houxuan for a long time, and could only give this answer.

Han Xin glanced at his face and said: "Your ability is actually not inferior to his! It's just that you lack actual combat. What you need to do now is to accumulate knowledge!"

"Yes! Master!" Meng Yan said seriously.

"Tell Lu Xiangsheng and Zhang Dingbian to each lead 1 people to the Broken Bridge to help Cao Cao! Be sure to swallow Song Jiang for me!" Han Xin looked at the time and said immediately.

"Master! Didn't you go there yourself!" Mengyan asked curiously.

Han Xin glanced at Mengyan and said, "With Han Qinhu here! There must be no problem!"

"Master! Don't tell me you just give this credit to...!" Meng Yan's next words were self-evident.

Han Xin was stunned for a moment, for a while!Han Xin stroked his chin, looked at Mengyan and said, "You're right! But to deal with Song Jiang, I really think highly of him for asking me to go out in person! This time you will lead the army, you and Xia Houxuan Go ahead, leave Lu Xiangsheng and Zhang Dingbian behind, and send Hua Yun and Pang De to cooperate with you! It will also be a good training for you!"

"This master! Can I do it!" Mengyan looked at Han Xin hesitantly, his face full of unconfidence.

Han Xin saw Meng Yan's reaction, and patted the back of his head: "This is your first time to fight, nervousness is inevitable, think about Meng Yuan's hatred, if you can't even get over this hurdle! In the future you What you have to face is Bai Qi, you have to think about the weight of it yourself."

"This..." Meng Yan, who was still a little nervous at first, seemed to be ignited with a nameless anger engine at this moment. The obsession to complete.

"The last general takes orders!" Meng Yan said these four words eloquently, raised the sword in his hand, and went down to prepare.

Looking at Mengyan's back, Han Xin muttered to himself, "Master has paved the way for you, what you will do in the future depends on your own good luck!"

(End of this chapter)

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