Warring States Call

Chapter 553 The General Doesn’t Care About Us

Chapter 553 The General Doesn’t Care About Us

Deng Zilong, who had just climbed up the city wall, stared down, and saw rows of people in a rigorous lineup, each of them armed with armor and ready to fight.

In the center of the army is Tian Dan, one of the most famous generals in Qi. Tian Dan is riding a BMW alone, staring at the front with firm eyes, pulling out the sword in his arms, and coldly snorting: "Give me...kill!"

Can communicate too much, no language, only one word... kill.

It was obvious that Tian Dan wanted a quick battle, and the soldiers behind him, like wolf cubs, picked up their weapons one by one and went to kill them.

Deng Zilong on the city wall, holding a spear in his hand, stared down, watching Tian Dan's battle: "Shoot arrows! Stop them for me!"

"General! What should we do next!" The lieutenant general who was reminding Deng Zilong just now, looking at the crowds of people below, suddenly lost his mind, and flew around like a headless chicken.
Deng Zilong held the sword in his hand, not as teasing as before, but held the sword in his hand and snorted coldly: "The whole army obeys the order, don't let the enemy soldiers approach the city for half a step, and don't give up an inch of ground!"


"Fire arrows!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Tian Dan watched the series of changes from below, put out the sword in his arms, and snorted coldly: "Everyone listen! The archers step forward to suppress the archers above, and the front army sets up the ladder for me, and attack!"

Deng Zilong stared down, when a wave of cold arrows came, Deng Zilong's face was even more startled, he quickly took half a step back, and hid behind the shield, several soldiers beside him were shot dead by this wave of cold arrows indivual.

"Damn it! There are so many troops!" At this moment Deng Zilong was considering whether to call in the surrounding soldiers to resist Tian Dan.

"General! It's not good! Tens of thousands of troops have been found at the South Gate!"

"What!" This time it was Deng Zilong's turn to be surprised, his eyes widened, and his face instantly turned ugly.

"South gate!"

Tian Rangju led the army and began to approach slowly. Facing the soldiers behind, he snorted coldly: "There are only [-] guards on the city wall, and we have a total of [-]. Listen to me, everyone, the first one!" Those who climb the city wall will be rewarded heavily, but those who retreat, don't blame this general for being ruthless!"


"Kill" I saw a tiger-headed and tiger-brained soldier below, with a thick back and a waist, took down a shield, held a knife in his hand, and walked forward like flying.

A soldier at the back looked at this guy and sighed, "Who is this guy! He's so fierce!"

"You don't know yet! This guy's name is Cheng Hu, and he's good at wielding a big sword! I'm afraid he's the first one to climb the city wall." A middle-aged man next to him ran and said, obviously for this guy , is also the understanding of ten.

In less than half a while, this guy came rushing forward, set up a ladder and rushed forward.

But Tanzi, Chuzi, Shengzi, and Dazi were all carrying out Tian Dan's original plan. In less than half a while, the city, which was originally calm, became full of enthusiasm at this moment.

"General! An army of [-] is found at the south gate, and the south gate is in a hurry!"

"General! Ximen found an army of tens of thousands, Ximen is in a hurry!"

Deng Zilong, who was thinking deeply, his face turned green. He only had an army of [-] in his hands, which is not bad for defending a city, but the enemy's strength is already beyond their control.

Deng Zilong hesitated for a while, knowing this city is very important, if he is lost, Quchi and Zhucheng will be separated, and Han Yi will be extremely dangerous at that time.

But if he didn't escape, he would be dead here, which made Deng Zilong extremely entangled.

Looking around, Deng Zilong rolled his eyes, looked at the soldiers in front, and said, "Give me an order to gather troops and horses, and follow me out of the west city!"


Deng Zilong had already made up his mind, since he couldn't defend the city, he would have to bite off a piece of meat, otherwise he would be really sorry for himself.

In less than half a while, the entire [-] army was assembled. Deng Zilong rode his horse, looked at the soldiers below, and said coldly: "This city will be impossible to defend! But this general is not made of mud. There are two soldiers in the west gate. Ten thousand soldiers, I will lead you to rush out, do you hear me clearly!"

"No!" Tens of thousands of people said in unison.

"Very good, come and fire me up, and burn all the food and grass here!" Deng Zilong said in a deep voice.


Tian Dan outside the city looked at the much weaker city, his complexion changed, he stroked his beard, and muttered to himself: "What's going on! How did this city become so quiet!"


The ancient city gate slowly opened, and Deng Zilong stared forward with a spear in his hand: "Kill!"

Deng Zilong rode his war horse, as fast as lightning, the silver spear in his hand turned into several spear shadows, covering the surrounding enemy soldiers.

"Killing" the soldiers behind Deng Zilong, each of them had an abnormal desire for survival, holding a big knife in their hand, and followed closely behind Deng Zilong.


Deng Zilong picked up the silver spear in his hand, picked up a fence, and threw it at the enemy soldiers in front, blood and dust flew all over the place.

Sheng Zi, who was watching the battle from behind, looked at Deng Zilong who had killed, and snorted coldly: "Don't be presumptuous! Look at the gun!"

I saw Shengzi, with the spear in his hand, coming out of the mountain like a tiger, stabbing Deng Zilong's throat with both hands.

"Go away!" Deng Zilong was very depressed, he moved the spear in his hand, and with a light sweep, Sheng Zi's spear flew out.

"Ding, Deng Zilong's Bravery attribute activates, the force value is increased by 3, the base force value is 98, and the current force value is 101!"


When the spear was fired, there was a bloody hole in Shengzi's throat. In fact, Shengzi is not good at fighting generals, but leading troops in battle. He could shine brilliantly, but this guy chose to compete in force. I have to say This guy still has a big heart.

"Shengzi!" Dazi, who was watching the battle behind, looked startled, looked to the left and right and snorted coldly: "Let the arrow...quick! Let the arrow!"

"Whoever stands in my way will die!" Deng Zilong, who killed Shengzi, was as imposing as the sun, and the silver spear in his hand was also swept away, taking the lives of several soldiers.

"Kill!" Deng Zilong's long spear danced up and down, within a few breaths, he tore the entire Qi soldier open, and the soldiers behind him followed closely.

"Fire arrows!"


With a cold arrow, the soldiers who were still on the attack were split into two, and Deng Zilong's eyes were red, so he naturally didn't notice the changes in the soldiers behind him.

In less than a few breaths, Deng Zilong led thousands of troops, and he was so tired that he was out of breath.

Looking at the back, I saw tens of thousands of soldiers behind, surrounded by Dazi. The soldiers behind saw Deng Zilong go further and further, and said: "The general still has us! The general doesn't care about us?"

(End of this chapter)

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