Warring States Call

Chapter 611 Deportation

Chapter 611 Deportation

Han Yi handled domestic affairs with peace of mind, promoted officials, rectified the bureaucracy, and hoarded food and grass.

But there are always a few people who are dishonest. Under the instigation of Pan Jinlian, King Zhou Ping issued eight orders in a row. Zhai.

"Report to the Son of Heaven! The King of Han is here today, please be safe and calm!" Han Sizhong frowned. This guy was typically looking for faults, and he fired more than 30 times in a row, all under the pretext of quelling the war. Han Sizhong had to report to Han Yi.

Pan Jinlian, who had been snuggling in King Zhou Ping's arms, couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard Han Sizhong's words, and then quickly suppressed it. She glanced at King Zhou Ping from time to time, and found that this guy didn't notice it at all, so she couldn't help secretly delighting in her heart.

"King Han is here...!"

Han Yi was wearing chain mail, holding a sword in his crotch, and started walking like a dragon and a tiger, with extraordinary momentum, followed by Dian Wei and others.

"Welcome Your Majesty!" Seeing that Han Yi had arrived, Han Sizhong quickly knelt down on one knee, which was different from King Zhou Ping's bow. This moment hinted at the status of the two of them. The other Zhou ministers, seeing this appearance, Not even daring to take a breath, suppressing his heart, looking at the current scene.

"I don't know what the emperor called the king, what is the so-called?" Han Yi frowned, looking quite impatient.

"Bold, you don't kneel down when you see the emperor, are you going to offend King Han?" An old official stood up immediately, pointing at Han Yi's nose and cursing.

King Zhou Ping glanced at the old minister, smiled involuntarily, and gave him an encouraging look, obviously wanting to beat Han Yi up.

Han Yi glanced at the veteran, walked closer to the veteran, and said with a smile, "My lord, what's your name!"

"The old man is on the doctor's week, Han Yi, you..."

"Crack!" Han Yi pulled out the hatred of the emperor in his arms, and the afterglow appeared, like a remnant rainbow, a wound was drawn on Zhou's throat in an instant, pointing at Han Yi, hesitating to speak, and could only fall down powerlessly .

Han Yi withdrew the sword in his hand, and when he saw someone who didn't look at Zhou, he calmly said, "Drag it out, confiscate the land, and serve as an army!"


When King Zhou Ping saw Han Yi's actions, he couldn't help being startled. He stood up suddenly, looked at Han Yi, and snorted coldly, "Han Yi, what do you want to do? Rebellion?"

Han Yi put away the sword in his arms, looked at King Zhou Ping indifferently, pretending that nothing had happened, and looked at King Zhou Ping: "This person who deceived the king has been killed by the humble minister, please don't listen to the slander "

"Bastard, where is the left and right, take down this traitor!" Zhou Tianzi was furious, his face was flushed, and he clapped his hands to command.

But the surrounding generals and soldiers hardly moved. When King Zhou Ping saw it, his expression changed involuntarily. He stared at these people and said in shock, "You want to rebel no matter what you want to do!"


A sword was thrown at King Ping of Zhou. King Ping of Zhou was startled and fell to his seat immediately. His face changed, like fear or fear.

Han Yi turned around and looked at the ministers around him. Some were afraid and some were looking for a good show. After a while, he said, "Your Majesty, please save some effort. In this palace, and even the entire Yangdi, you are alone. You are the one in your hands." Soldiers, all were separated by the orphans!"

"Han Yi, you...!"


"Bastard..." Han Sizhong strode forward and slapped King Ping of Zhou.

This slap woke up Zhou Ping Wang completely. He covered his cheeks, twisted his fat body and retreated to the back.

Han Yi glanced back at Han Sizhong, and scolded: "You bastard, the Son of Heaven is the ruler of the world, what are you doing!"

Although what he said on his lips, there was a look of approval in his eyes.

"The general knows his mistake!" Han Sizhong also knew what Han Yi meant, so he couldn't help but smile and pretended to say.

Han Yi walked up slowly, glanced at Emperor Zhou, and whispered in his ear: "If you are honest, you are still the king here, and the prosperity and wealth here are inexhaustible." , but if you don’t know good from bad, that week’s fate will be your fate! Did you hear that clearly?”

"Okay...okay...okay...you're wrong...you're wrong!" Zhou Tianzi's eyes were full of fear, anger, and unwillingness, but at this moment he had to suppress it, otherwise he would die without a place to die. .

"Send the emperor back to the bedroom!" Han Yi stood up as if nothing had happened.


"Let's go! Let's go!" Today's King Ping of Zhou doesn't even want to stay here for a moment, he pulls off his shoes and runs away.

Han Yi looked at Han Sizhong ahead, and calmly said, "Let's get started!"


"Zhou Pan...Zhou Chang...Wang Yi...Wait, how many people are secretly plotting to rebel...!" Every time Han Sizhong called a person, a soldier stepped forward, grabbed the ministers present, and dragged them to the main hall.

Han Yi was sitting on the steps of King Ping of Zhou, with the sword in his hand standing in front of him, and Dian and Wei standing behind him.

"Your Majesty and these people are all here, please send them to your Majesty!" Han Sizhong roughly counted, there are dozens of people here.

"Drag out! Cut!" Han Yi slowly opened his eyes, not waiting for a trace of expression in his eyes.

"Forgive me, King Han, we have no other choice..."

"Han Yi, you are so rebellious, you must die...!"

"Drag out...cut..." Han Sizhong waved his hand, and all the high-ranking adults instantly became ghosts under the sword.

Pan Jinlian, who had been sitting on the throne, walked towards Han Yi slowly with her lotus steps.

"Where did you come from, you girls, leave quickly!" Xing Tian didn't know where Pan Jinlian was, so he stood up with the huge ax in his hand, and took away the entire Feng Sha.

"Is the King of Han so incomprehensible to style?" Pan Jinlian looked so charming, her eyes seemed blurred, she bit her lip, looking pitiful.

Han Yi stood up, walked close to Pan Jinlian, his eyes were soft, suddenly Han Yi's big rough hand, like an eagle's claw, grabbed Pan Jinlian's throat, Han Yi looked at Pan Jinlian and snorted coldly: "What do you want? die!"

"Han Yi...you...!" Pan Jinlian looked at the murderous intent on Han Yi's face, her face was startled, she quickly patted Han Yi's arm, her eyes were full of tears, she looked at Han Yi wronged and said: " How could you treat me like this... how much I have done for you..."

Hearing this, Han Yi frowned, took a deep breath for a while, and threw Pan Jinlian down. Looking at Pan Jinlian on the ground, Han Yi was still unable to do anything, and said for a while: "Someone gave her A box of gold cakes, tell Li Ru that she will be driven out of the country, and she will never be allowed to enter the country!"


"Han Yi...I hate you...I hate you!" At this moment, Pan Jinlian is like a crazy woman, her eyes are blood red. The feeling of being teased makes her go crazy. He wants to take revenge on Han Yi. Yi, he wants to explode Han Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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