Warring States Call

Chapter 636 Chapter 642: Meeting

Chapter 636 Chapter 640 The Second Meeting
Chen Baxian held the sword in his hand and snorted coldly: "Everyone follow me!"


The guards on the city wall suddenly decreased by more than a star and a half. The generals panicked for a moment, looked at Yang Youji, and said worriedly: "General, should we go with General Chen Baxian?"

Yang Youji sneered, backhanded two pots of arrows on his back, then smiled, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile: "Open the city gate, and fight them to the death!"

"General! We only have [-] troops!" the deputy general behind said in disbelief.

"If you are afraid of death, stay in the city. If you are not afraid, I will go to Huangquan to explore the way for you first!" After Yang Youji finished speaking, he picked up the treasured sword below, packed his bow and arrows, and prepared to gather troops below.

The other lieutenants looked at me and I looked at you, and they all began to hesitate, and then a veteran sighed: "I have been fighting for more than ten years, and I am tired of it! I don't want to be a deserter before I die. It is better to die vigorously than to live mediocrely, count me in!"

When the other soldiers heard this, the spark in their hearts instantly ignited the fire in their hearts, and they packed up their weapons one by one.

Some lingering soldiers looked at the men tidying up and said, "Brother, what are you doing!"

The middle-aged man next to him glanced at the timid soldier and said with a smile: "I have fought for so many years, and I have narrowly escaped death. I have never suffered such a defeat. Even if I die, I will drag a few people to be buried with me!"

When the middle-aged man said this, the soldier couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I still have my mother and daughter-in-law at home...I don't want to die yet!"

The middle-aged man took a look at the young man. He put on his armor and went to the battlefield with them, then he patted the young man on the shoulder and said, "Think about it, today If you don’t guard this place, your family will be harmed tomorrow, and if a man can’t protect his homeland, his life will be in vain!”

The soldiers behind "Count me into one" seemed to have made great mental preparations, their eyes turned red, and they wanted to cry but they forcibly held back. They are soldiers, but they are also flesh and blood.

The middle-aged man glanced at the young man, patted him on the shoulder, threw a jug of dirty wine, and then went about his own business.

Yang Youji was riding a war horse, staring at the city wall with tiger eyes, only to see that no one came down from above, and cursed in his heart: "His grandma! These little bastards, can't be so disrespectful?"

"General! Count me in"

"I'll come too"


One second, Yang Youji was still underestimating himself, and the next second there were hundreds of soldiers behind him, and the number was still increasing.

Yang Youji glanced at the back, with a worried look on his face.Relieved, he looked at the brothers behind him and couldn't help but smiled: "Soldiers! Come back alive, drink strong wine, and eat barbecue!"

"Drink strong wine and eat barbecue!"

"Drink strong wine and eat barbecue!"

"Drink strong wine and eat barbecue!"

"Everyone stands by and waits for my order to rush out!" A smile appeared on Yang Youji's resolute face.

"Open the city gate!" Chen Baxian held the treasured sword in his hand, with a cold look in his eyes.


Ba Xian immediately smiled and waved his hand!All the soldiers in all directions were waving their flags and shouting loudly: "General Chen has escaped, retreat! Withdraw quickly!"

I saw that the armor was discarded above the city gate, and Chen Baxian led a group of soldiers and fled towards the east.

There were only about 1 people with him, and they ran towards the south. Sun Ce was still attacking the city with weapons, and Sun Jian didn't have many generals in his hands.

"My lord, what should we do next!" A man walked all the way behind Sun Jian, with a long back and a burly waist, and a lot of hair on his body, standing behind Sun Jian like a wild bear.

Sun Jian laughed loudly and said, "This is a god-given opportunity. This Chen Baxian is really a moron. I will capture him alive! Everyone, follow me!"

"General, if you rush forward, I'm afraid you'll lose it!" I saw a person walking out from behind Sun Jian, dressed in white, who looked to be Wei Xiaokuan.

Sun Jian looked at him and snorted coldly: "Why not! The battlefield is changing rapidly, and there is no certainty. Everyone, follow me!"

Sun Jian had a fiery temper in the first place, and he had no possibility of going back on what he had decided. Holding the weapon in his hand, he rushed forward with a horseshoe.

"My lord... My lord!" Wei Xiaokuan couldn't help but change his face when he saw that he didn't stop Sun Jian.


"Dong Xi, hurry up! Hurry up and protect the lord! Hurry up!" Wei Xiaokuan said worriedly.

"Yes!" Dong Xi didn't dare to neglect, holding the weapon in his hand, he rushed forward to kill.

Wei Xiaokuan frowned, and said in a hurry: "Quickly send an order to tell the young master, just say that the master is in trouble, let him rescue quickly!"

"Sir... this...!"

"Don't go soon!"


Sun Jianze galloped his horse, holding his ancient ingot knife in his hand, followed by tens of thousands of troops, the surroundings gradually became quiet, and many forests gradually appeared.

There was silence all around, and Sun Jian gradually stopped his steps. Sun Jian stared at the surroundings and turned his horse's hooves.

"My lord... My lord, wait...!" Dong Xi hurriedly came from behind, staring at the surroundings anxiously, and hurriedly said: "My lord, I'm afraid it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, so let's leave quickly!"

"Where's Chen Baxian? Why did this guy suddenly disappear!"

"There is an ambush here, withdraw...quickly withdraw...!" Sun Jian reacted instantly.

At the moment at the highest point of the mountain, Xiang Yan pressed the sword in her hand and stared down: "Since you are here! Don't leave!"

Chen Baxian rode out on his horse and stared at Sun Jian in front of him: "Since General Sun is here, don't leave!"

Sun Jian looked forward at Chen Baxian, real fire appeared in his eyes, he looked forward for a while, and his expression changed: "Chen Baxian! You...!"

"This battle is not my work. I have someone to introduce you to. I wonder if General Sun would like to meet you!" Chen Baxian looked at Sun Jian with a smile.


"General Sun is safe and well!" Chen Baxian stepped out from behind, wearing armor and holding a sword in his hand, staring at Sun Jian below, his gray beard blowing messily in the wind.

"Xiang Yan...you're not...!" Sun Jian's face changed, and after looking at Xiang Yan, his face was filled with disbelief.

Xiang Yan looked at Sun Jian and said with a smile, "General Sun hasn't seen you for a few years, so he's fine!"

It's just that Xiang Yan's face turned gloomy and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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