Chapter 642 (Things happen for a reason)
Under Fuhu Mountain
Sun Ce, who rushed out with his troops, looked back at Xiang Yan in front of him, his eyes were full of anger, looked at the soldiers behind him, and said seriously: "Someone bring me a bow and arrow."

"General! You..." Looking at Sun Ce's appearance, Gan Ning immediately understood what Sun Ce meant. He patted the horse and looked forward with his big knife, and snorted coldly, "Kill me! Keep the distance between the two sides !"

Sun Ce then backhanded three arrows and shot towards Xiang Yan.


Three arrows pierced through the air and shot towards Xiang Yan. Xiang Yan's face turned pale for a moment. He almost forgot that this Sun Ce is not inferior to his grandson in bravery. In the past when the two were in the city, Xiang Yu was a little overlord, and Sun Ce was also a city-wide tiger. , the two fought each other in the city, neither of them took advantage of it, but Xiang Yu was better.

Xiang Yu beat Sun Ce so hard that he couldn't get up for a long time, Xiang Yu also crawled on the ground tired, and he didn't beat Sun Ce until night. Generally speaking, Sun Ce showed a trace of perseverance at that time, and even Xiang Yu was helpless in the end. Said: "I can beat you, but I can't beat you!"

"Father, be careful!" Chen Ba first grabbed Xiang Yan and pulled him in the wrong direction. Only then did the three cold arrows come to nothing

Seeing that he missed Xiang Yan, Sun Ce untied Sun Jian from his arms, threw him to Dong Xi, and said solemnly, "Quickly lead the army to break out, and I'll kill the old man Xiang Yan."

"Young master! There are tens of thousands of troops ahead! Besides, Xiang Yan is surrounded by elite soldiers and strong generals," Dong Xi hesitated.

"Don't waste time! Hurry up! I'll attract their main force, and when the time comes, you will break out at will, Gan Ning and I will come." Sun Ce wiped off the blood on his face, his face became embarrassing, facing the enemy's attack With an army of tens of thousands, he also seemed to be struggling.

"This!... Promise!" Dong Xi struggled for a long time, but Sun Ce is the current coach after all, so he couldn't say anything. He took off his dry food and water, handed them to Sun Ce, looked at Sun Ce and said, "Young master, be careful!" Got it! Take this"

Sun Ce glanced at the things Dong Xi handed over with both eyes, took down the fine wine above, stared at the front tightly with black eyes, and snorted coldly: "I'll eat the meat when I go back, brothers, kill me!"

"Kill!" Gan Ning copied the big knife in his hand, with a little bit of arrogance in his eyes, he cut and said: "It's so happy... so fucking happy!"

"Ding, Gan Ning's burst attribute activates, and the force value instantly increases by 3. The current base force value of Gan Ning is 95, the force value of the Water Moon Sword increases by 1, the force value of the Red Flame Horse increases by 1, and the current force value is 100!"

"Bastard, Sun Ce is going to be rampant, Chen Ba will come first!" I saw Chen Ba first comfort Xiang Yan, picked up the weapon in his hand, and looked at Sun Ce who broke into the camp alone. Xiang Yan hastily stopped him and said, "Invincible!"

"But!" Seeing Xiang Yan holding him back, Chen Ba had no way to refute him for a while, and a little bit of puzzlement appeared in his eyes.

Xiang Yan said calmly: "You lead 3 troops to hold Dong Xi, and make sure they don't break through!"

"No! Father-in-law, be careful yourself!" Chen Ba first took a look at the battle situation, and found that Sun Ce was attacking this way, holding back most of their troops. Now there are very few troops guarding Dong Xi. If they don't go to support, I'm afraid It was about to be broken out by them.

"Drive!" Chen Baxian took the lead, led the soldiers and retreated to the side.

Xiang Yan was looking at Sun Ce, and shouted: "Sun Ce has the ability to kill you, I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!
"Yeah...!" Sun Ce gritted his teeth angrily, staring at the front, and snorted coldly: "Old man, wait for me, kill!"

The silver spear in Sun Ce's hand was like a streamer in the moon. Under the sunlight, it was like a spear of holy light, shining radiantly. In addition, Sun Ce's marksmanship was extremely fast, like a thousand arrows, covering the soldiers on all sides. In less than three rounds, he killed the soldiers around him and headed towards Xiang Yan.

"Rush out!" Dong Xiwu rushed to kill with the treasured sword in his hand.

"I want to leave, but I don't want to see where this is!" Chen Baxian slashed at the horse with the big sword in his hand, and the sword in his hand danced vigorously, slashing at Dong Xi with one hand.

Dong Xi's expression changed, he raised the big knife in his hand, and slashed away with his backhand.




Dong Xi danced with a knife, but was actually suppressed by Chen Baxian. He lost to Chen Baxian and was almost chopped off by Chen Baxian. Fortunately, he didn't hurt his life, but his hands were weak.

Chen Baxian was cold and heartless, without any expression of joy. He lowered his sword, and Dong Xi's expression became embarrassing in comparison. The whole situation became deeper and deeper, and more and more Chu soldiers joined the battlefield, making the breakthrough that was about to occur. The soldiers who went out were blocked back.

Dong Xi glanced at the stumbling block, frowned, looked around and smiled wryly: "Come on! Those who retreat will be cut!"


"General Dong, don't panic, the old man is coming!"

The Chu soldiers who were still surrounded by water suddenly rushed out two people in the deep forest, namely Huang Gai and Cheng Pu. Going out is not enough for them to eat, so it is better to catch him by surprise and catch him off guard. Now it seems that the time is just right.

"Whoever stands in my way will die!" The iron whip in Huang Gai's hand flew up and down, with an aura of one man guarding the gate, and the surrounding Chu soldiers were confused by this sudden blow, and they were fighting with Dong Xi behind him. The first army can be described as being attacked by the enemy.

"Quickly, follow this place to get closer to here!" Dong Xi saw that the fighter planes had arrived, and the chances were fleeting. If he didn't take them out, he would be in danger. Wars are often cruel, and opportunities are fleeting.

"Chen Ba, don't panic, the old man is coming!" I saw a brave general, holding a big knife, riding a horse with a hunchback, charging forward. He is a veteran of the Xiong family, named Xiong Huben, and the precious knife in his hand is flying up and down , within three rounds, they rushed towards Huang Gai's direction. The purpose was very clear, and they had to be blocked.

"Those who stand in my way will die." Seeing the comer's feint, Xiong Huben, who was about to fight Cheng Pu, saw Cheng Pu's quick movements and his face changed, and hurriedly dodged.

Cheng Pu seized the opportunity, played a loophole, avoided Xiong Huben, and rushed forward, looked back at Xiong Huben and said mockingly: "The old man is so old, go back and take care of yourself."

"Bastard! It's too small to look down on people! Leave it to the old man!" Xiong Huben's expression changed after being teased by Cheng Pu, and he picked up the big knife in his hand and was about to give chase.

Huang Gai glanced back at Dazi, bent his bow and set an arrow, looked at Dazi behind him, and snorted coldly, "Middle!"

"call out!"

"Bastard... boy, give me..." The long arrow pierced his throat, Xiong Huben just let out this anger, the cold arrow shot along his face, and fell out, Dazi couldn't believe it, his mouth was abnormally big , his mind went blank, and finally fell to the ground, sleeping in the loess forever.

(End of this chapter)

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