Warring States Call

Chapter 653 The Death of Xiang Yan

Chapter 653 The Death of Xiang Yan (Part [-])
"Go ahead"

On the hillside, Xiang Yan killed more than [-] Wu soldiers from behind. Xiang Yan seemed to have heard Dong Jing, and when he looked back, he saw Zhu Yuanzhang leading an army of tens of thousands to kill him. At this moment, Xiang Yan The pupils dilated suddenly, and the eyes stared forward in disbelief.

"It's not good! Wu Guosha is coming! Withdraw...quickly withdraw!"

The morale of the army in the back fluctuated for a while, and Xiang Yan's face darkened. He looked at Yang Youji and said, "You lead 3 people to support, and pass on my general order. Those who retreat...beheaded!"

"The last general has an order!" Yang Youji clasped his big knife with his backhand, held the knife in one hand, rode away on his horse, stared at the enemy soldiers in front, and shouted: "Whoever stands in my way will die!"


Sun Ce held the weapon in his hand, looked at the [-] soldiers behind him, and shouted: "Soldiers, our reinforcements have arrived! Follow me!"



The two soldiers encircled and wrapped up the Chu soldiers tightly. Seeing the chaos, Xiang Yan secretly called out damn it, raised the sword in her hand, rode on the horse and shouted: "Follow me to the south to break through the encirclement!"


Xiang Yan held a sword in person, and the sword was the result of a soldier who rushed to the front. It can be said that he is always strong.

"Don't be mad, old man, Lu Bu is here!" I saw a general killed below, wearing a scarlet armor, rushing forward like a raging fire.

"The old general retreats quickly, and leave this place to the two of us!"

I saw Xiang Yan killed two distant generals from left and right, raised the weapons in his hands, urged his horse to kill Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was furious on both sides, and snorted coldly: "My Fang Tian painting halberd has long been starving and thirsty! Kill!"

Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand was stabbing towards the front, like a stream of light, when the two generals passed by, the stream of light changed color, and a bright red light fell on the bodies of the two generals. It's blooming.

"Tick!" Lu Bu slowed down on his horse, with his back to the two of them, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand was still dripping with blood.

But the two of them remained motionless, their eyes were demented, and there were wounds on their throats and chests, which looked extremely frightening.


The two of them fell headfirst to the ground, and it can be said that they died with regret before they died.

When Xiang Yan saw it, he quickly turned his horse and fled, and asked the lieutenant beside him puzzled, "Who is this? When will Wu Guo come out to be such a number one figure!"

"General, this man's name is Lu Bu. According to the soldiers who Shouchun came back alive, Shouchun's guard can't last a round in his hands!"

"What...!" When Xiang Yan heard this, she turned her head from time to time to see if Lu Bu was chasing him here, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.


"Old Xiang Yan, leave the head... drink!"

Seeing that Xiang Yan was about to rush out, he saw another blocker coming from above, holding a spiked gun in his hand, looking at Xiang Yu with killing intent in his eyes.

Xiang Yan's mind is now blank, and her heart is also puzzled.
Where did these people come from?

When did it come out?
Where is Shouchun's guard?

How to fight this war?
Who is their leader... All of this forms a mystery in front of Xiang Yan.

"Yingbo is here! Xiang Yan will be captured before he puts his hands on it!" Yingbo rode his horse and rushed up quickly.

Xiang Yan didn't have time to think about anything, there were only a few generals on the left and right, and looking at this guy, his military strength might not be inferior to Lu Bu's.

As for the soldiers behind Xiang Yan, they were being chased around. Every time they were surrounded, there were a lot fewer people behind them, and they looked very scary.

Halfway through the run, Xiang Yan was finally exhausted. She sat down and wiped the sweat off her brow. She looked around with tiger eyes, and from time to time looked at the soldiers and horses that were chasing after her.

"Here is Tian Bu! Capture Xiang Yan without putting up his hands!" At this moment, another soldier and horse came out right in front of Xiang Yan, holding a long spear in his hand, looking at Xiang Yan with a smile, and there was a little more in his eyes. playing around.

Xiang Yan's face changed drastically when he saw it. Now he is on flat ground, and the people who chased him just now are all on plateaus. If he wants to rush out, I'm afraid it will not be that simple. After a while, Xiang Yan put out the sword in his arms and shouted: :"withdraw!"

Tian Bu turned over with a sneer, stretched out his right hand, and the soldier behind handed him a bow and arrow. Tian Bu looked at Xiang Yan in front, aimed in his direction, and shouted: "Medium!"


Xiang Yan was running forward, not paying attention to the soldiers behind him, and was shot in the arm. He gritted his teeth in pain, turned over and fell off the horse. He was drowsy and almost lost consciousness due to the pain.

The soldiers on both sides put their shoulders on the left and right, resisted Xiang Yan, and continued to run forward.

"I want to leave! I'm afraid it won't be that easy!" Tian Bu saw that there was only one bow and arrow in his hand, he raised his own treasure gun and charged forward.

"Protect the general! Quick!"

The generals around him slowly approached and firmly protected Xiang Yan.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't control so much, he opened a few gaps, let go of a few small fish and shrimp, and went back to report the news, and the rest was the key point.

"Break!" Yang Youji took the weapon in his hand and slashed down with the big knife. In front of him was a general who was hacked to death by Yang Youji's knife. Seeing that the opportunity was almost there, Yang Youji took the soldiers He rushed out, almost all of his face and body were covered in blood.

Zhu Yuanzhang's [-] troops surrounded Xiang Yan. Zhu Yuanzhang brought Tang He to Sun Ce's side, and laughed loudly, "Brother Sun, don't come here!"

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang approaching, Sun Ce threw the White Tiger Spear in his hand to Gan Ning who was standing aside, took a cloth, wiped the blood off his face, and said, "Thank you General Zhu today, thank you again all!"

Zhu Yuanzhang patted Sun Ce on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Wherever we are, we just have what we need!"

Sun Ce then looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "I have a vengeance with Xiang Yan for killing my father, so I ask the general to hand Xiang Yan over to me!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Sun Ce, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's take a look at Xiang Yan, it's not too late to make a decision then!"

Sun Ce looked forward with both eyes, and said half aloud, "Please!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was also red, after all, he was the general of Chu State: "Please!"

At this moment, Xiang Yan's complexion was pale, and Xiang Yan knelt down on the ground, her complexion pale: "God! Why don't you help me Chu Kingdom!"

This battle does not blame him for Xiang Yan's incompetence, but that Chu Guozheng is exhausted.

"Xiang Yan, old dog, Feng Shui turns, today you will definitely die, and the Chu Kingdom will surely perish!" Sun Ce stared at Xiang Yan with his eyes blazing, gnashing his teeth, wishing he could tear him to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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