Warring States Call

Chapter 659 Zhou Bo

Chapter 659 Zhou Bo
Han Yi looked at Zhang Zhao, who was not interested in drinking, Han Yi's eyes sank slightly, and the brush in his hand was held by Han Yi: "If you have anything to say, you may as well talk about it!"

Zhang Zhao looked at the two of them, hesitated for a while, and said half aloud: "My lord has a daughter named Shang Xiang, who wants to marry the king. I don't know what the king wants!"

Han Yi frowned when he heard it, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no harm to him, and he said after a while: "In this case, Gu will be disrespectful!"

Immediately, Han Yi thought of something, looked at Gao Lishi and said, "Go and get the lonely purple phoenix jade and give it to him!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhang Zhao looked at Han Yi, and said for a while, "I don't know when Your Majesty will be able to send someone to marry him!"

Han Yi smiled and said: "The sooner the better, Gu will definitely be fully prepared by then!"

"King Han! I don't have any food, we don't have any beauties. I came here today, but I want to join Dazhou and become a part of Dazhou!" Compared with the previous two guys, this guy is very straightforward. few.

Han Yi looked at him, and he knew what they were planning. This Liu Bang was really a rascal. He swallowed up other people's territory.

"I've seen someone with a thick skin, but I've never seen someone with such a thick skin!" Zhu Di seemed to be talking but not saying.

Zhou Bo didn't say anything when he arrived, he looked at Wang Fang and said calmly: "My king, my mountain country, is a small country, and it can't compare with other countries. Please ask the king of Han to make amends!"

Han Yi stroked his beard, and said half aloud: "This matter is not difficult, and Gu is not such an unreasonable person. I will give you two choices, one is to hand over 30 shi of grain and grass, and the other is to hand over two personal"

"Two people!" Zhou Bo's face turned green when he heard that Han Yi wanted 30 shi. Isn't this a typical embarrassment for them? If the 30 shi had to be handed over, it would kill him.

"Yes, just two people, as long as you hand over these two people to me!" Han Yi smiled, bringing a whole chill.

"Those two people!" Zhou Bo said puzzled.

"One is Yi Yin pretending to be an ancient man, and the other is a fugitive named Chen Ping. Don't just find two people to fool Gu, they can recognize the two Gus!" Liu Bang gave an arm, and now is the time to test Liu Bang.

As for Han Yi asking these two people to come, it is actually nothing. At most, they are locked up. When Liu Bang dies, when will he use it.

"This..." Zhou Bo showed embarrassment. Although the status of these two in Liu Bang's heart is not as high as his, they are very important to Liu Bang, but the 30 stones are not a joke. Difficult.

Han Yi looked at Zhou Bo's appearance, and said for a while, "Have you thought it through?"

"I can't make a decision on this matter anymore, I will go back and report to the lord, and ask the king for a little more time!" Zhou Bo said with a look of embarrassment.

Han Yi smiled and said: "No hurry! No hurry! Gu is not in a hurry at all, but you have to think clearly, Chu is a big piece of fat, you have no name and no role, and the princes of the world can kill them all!"

"Si...Si...!" As soon as Han Yi said this, Zhu Di and Zhou Bo below both began to stroke their beards. It was obvious that both of them were fishing for profit. The words are right and the name is right.

"Han Wang, this is too difficult for others!" Zhou Bo's eyes showed a trace of unwillingness.

With a smile on his face, Han Yi said half aloud: "Gu will not force you, you can do whatever you want, Gu has always been like this!"

"King Han! You......!" Zhou Bo's face was embarrassed. Isn't this difficult for the strong.

Han Yi smiled immediately, stretched out his left hand, and hung it in front of the three of them: "I am in the north, and you are in the south. The two of us straddle the same Yangtze River. Gu will not go south now, but I still have Wancheng in my hand." , Advance can be attacked, retreated or defended, you should weigh it carefully, Gu will not go south, but Gu is not soft tofu!"

The muscles of Zhou Bo's cheeks were gone, and his face was sinking like water, but there were not many clues on his face. He looked at Han Yi with his eyes, bowed slightly, and clasped his fists and said, "Since this is the case, our country is willing to pay a thousand dollars first. For food, if my king is willing to hand over Yi Yin and Chen Ping, the young general will personally send them back, if the king is willing to hand over 30 grains, I will have nothing to say!"

"A thousand loads of grain...!" Han Yi crossed his hands, pondered for a while, and said, "General Zhou treats Gu as a child! What can one thousand loads of grain do?"

Zhu Di and Zhang Zhao were silent, and Han Yi and Zhou Bo were looking back and forth with four pairs of black pupils. Obviously they were the protagonists of this battle, and they only needed to watch the battle from the sidelines.

"King Han...I...!"

"You don't need to tell Gu these great truths, and I don't want to listen to them. Your mountain country is a place where the barbarians are thrown away. It is already considered as humane and righteous to wait until you ask the emperor to order an attack. The soldiers of the world will kill together!" Han Yi's face was frosty, his words were as sharp as a knife's edge, his aura gradually flashed, and his eyes slowly opened, staring at Zhou Bo like a wolf.

Even Zhou Bo seemed extremely depressed with this kind of aura. He took several steps back and stared at Han Yi in disbelief. He had only seen this kind of murderous aura on some Qian Ren Zhan. This Han Yi...

"Wait, don't push yourself!" Another scribe came out from behind the three of them. He brushed up his clothes, took off the sword in his hand, and walked forward quickly, looking at Zhou Bo in front of him like lightning. , gave him a hard look, then looked back at Han Yi, bowed slightly and said, "Old minister Cheng Yu has seen the king!"

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it! I'm still considering whether to...!" Han Yi's words were self-evident.

Zhou Bo silently pressed the key, his hands tightened secretly, and from time to time he turned his head and gave Cheng Yu a meowing look.

"The country of the Southern Barbarians invaded our Great Zhou land. According to the law of our dynasty, the princes and kings from all over the country send as many as [-] troops, and as few as [-] to drive them away. Your Majesty should not easily believe in their strategy of delaying troops!" Cheng Yu said. Then he glanced at Zhou Bo who was half a head taller than himself, and then complained: "They don't have much sincerity!"

"The King of Han and the Kingdom of Yue are the first to send [-] troops to help the emperor because of the good relationship between the two families!" Zhang Zhao took the lead and stepped forward, with a trace of brightness in his eyes. Obviously, they would not know such a profitable thing. Let it go.

Zhu Di is not stupid, knowing that this matter is beneficial, he immediately said: "My country of Wu is also willing to send troops for the emperor!"

With one word, Zhou Bo was flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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