Warring States Call

Chapter 677 Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 677 Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty
"Your Majesty... Your Majesty...!"

Wu Sui's face turned ugly when a generation of kings also ended up in such a tragic death. He was not good in the battle, and he was incomplete in protecting the king. He should be apologetic with death.

Fu Chai's arrangement can be regarded as carefully planned. People who are about to die speak well. The south has become a hodgepodge. Zhu Yuanzhang has evil intentions. Chu State has been destroyed. Blood feud, Qi State is not as powerful as Han Yi now, and Yan... Zhao... Wei in the north are far away. In summary, only Han Yi is suitable.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! So I will take good care of the young master!" After Wu Sui finished speaking, he tore off the cloak on his back, wrapped Fu Chai's body behind him, and rode on his horse to approach the front with a hint of sadness in the autumn wind.

"Ding, Fu Chai, the King of Wu, died in battle. Because he was a generation of monarchs, the system will explode four people, and the host should be prepared!"

"Fu Chai is dead!" Han Yi was shocked, the brush in his hand almost lost his grip and fell to the ground: "Dead! How did he die!"

"Ding, it is currently not within the service scope of the system, and we will provide a hit list next!"

Just now, there were no generals whose abilities were beyond the charts, and Han Yi was also sober, but now I see if my thinking is too simple......

"Ding, No. 1 on the list, Empress Ma, the founding queen of the Ming Dynasty: force 71, commander 81, intelligence 94, politics 90, charm 92, currently implanted as the wife of Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"Ding, the second person on the list, Li Ji: Force 42 Commander 71 Intelligence 92 Politics 90 Charm 100, implanted in the beauty presented by Lu Buwei, I want to hand him over to Ying Zheng!"

"Ding, the third person on the list, Pan An: Force 71, Commander 72, Intelligence 93, Politics 82, Charm 100, the current implantation status is Qi State, and the same name as Lanling King Gao Changgong, known as the Great Qi Shuangjie!"

"Uh... this...!" This was the first time Han Yi saw an attractive...man with a value of over [-]!With his Siwei, he can be regarded as a Daqi Shuangjie, how handsome is he?Is there a handsome guy?

Han Yi can't do without some narcissism. After all, when he was young, he was also a handsome guy. Isn't it true that I am still very young now?Han Yi secretly belittled himself, stroking his chin, looking extremely wretched.

"Ding, the last person on the list, Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty: Force 95 Commander 99 Intelligence 98 Politics 98! Currently implanted as Liu Bang's younger brother, I want to help my brother unify the world!"

"Damn it!" At this moment, Han Yizheng was not calm at all. Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, one of the three most outstanding emperors of the Han Dynasty, although he was originally a descendant of the Han Dynasty, he was also like ordinary civilians, growing food all day long, and Helping his elder brother to share the housework, and the battle of Kunyang was like a miracle. He defeated the enemy's entire 40 army with [-] soldiers and horses.

"You give this kind of person to Liu Bang! Are you sure you don't want to help Liu Bang unify the world!" Han Yi questioned. Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty... Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty... Gaozu of the Han Dynasty gathered together, and Han Yi began to wonder if this was a bit too much...

"Host, please don't say that, this is also a recognition of the host's ability!"

Hearing the shameless voice of the system, Han Yi was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he had no choice but to uninstall him. He still had [-] summon points that were useless. It would be a pity to waste them.

Han Yi was so irritated that he threw the bamboo slips in his hand, walked to the front of the stage, and said half aloud: "Gao Lishi!"

"The slave is here!"

"Let's go to the back garden and relax!" Han Yi exhaled, combining work and rest is the last way to keep healthy.

Today, the back garden was quite crowded. Just as Han Yi came in, he saw a few women, each carrying a small bench underneath, and he was still joking.

But there are always a few people who seem not so harmonious......

Wei Zifu was sitting on the flank, followed by Shangguan Wan'er and Dou Xiantong. These two people were sent to Wei Zifu by Han Yi, and asked him to cooperate with Wei Zifu to deal with the affairs of the harem. , and nothing will go wrong.

On the top are two people who are incompatible with each other, each of them is holding a walking and talking person in their arms, and there are two charming girls behind them.

The person on the left side is wearing a basket shirt, and looks slightly fat, with a cock that looks pleasing to the eye. The other person is wearing white clothes, looking unstained from mud, but the obsequiousness in front of her has betrayed her. Holding a chubby child.

These two people are Zhao Feiyan and Yang Yuhuan, who are incompatible with each other. Behind them are two peerless beauties, and they are not giving in to each other.

Behind Yang Yuhuan are Diao Chan and Li Ping'er, two of them are unusual, behind him is Li Ping'er on the far left, she is elegant and elegant, with a lightness of her own, delicate skin, leisurely demeanor, Beautiful eyes looking forward, peachy cheeks with a smile, staring at Han Yi from time to time, speechless, angry like orchids, indescribably gentle and pleasant, but no one knows what it is like deep inside...

And the person next to Li Ping'er is Diao Chan. Her skin is as good as snow, her eyes are like a pool of clear water, and she looks at Han Yi with a pair of spiritual eyes. She has an elegant and noble temperament, which makes people admire her. Li Ping'er, who was photographed and on both sides, was also ashamed of himself in front of him, and the scene of jealousy in his heart was also suppressed.

Zhao Feiyan leaned on the bench alone, and behind her were Wang Zhaojun and Zhao Hede, whom she dug up. In order to deal with Yang Yuhuan, she took great pains, and her hard work paid off.

Zhao Feiyan glanced at Zhao Hede behind her, and gave her a look. Zhao Hede instantly understood what he should do, and then took a step forward

"Slave Zhao Hede has seen the king!" Hearing her spit out words like pearls, her voice was soft and clear, and it was extremely pleasant. From time to time, she took a closer look at Han Yi, and Han Yi also looked at her, seeing her innocent and charming expression Naughty, with flushed cheeks, although she is young, she has a clear complexion, but there is a hint of coquettishness in her eyes, she is indeed a beauty, and it is no wonder that Emperor Han Cheng was fascinated by these two stunning beauties, but she was also powerful.

The person behind is Wang Zhaojun. Since Han Yi brought him back from Handan, he has only met once now.

But he was also dignified and graceful, but there was a trace of fear towards Zhao Hede in his brows, and Han Yi bowed his head and murmured slightly without saying anything.

And what Han Yi cares about is just a few children, each of the nine sons born to a dragon is different, but if his mother is instigating it, it may not be so good for the child's development in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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