Warring States Call

Chapter 683 Liu Bei's Danger

Chapter 683 Liu Bei's Danger
"But hand over the two things of one hundred thousand grain and grass and Shangyong! I'm not reconciled!" Liu Bang rubbed his hands. This matter is really too big. If it is really handed over, it may take three years to recover.

"Brother, it is the best policy to stabilize the current situation. We can't act too hastily. As long as the land we grab fits the name of the Great Zhou, then we will take the name justified. Otherwise, they will use the foreign name, and then we will be able to do it." It's dangerous." Liu Xiu looked serious.

"Is it dangerous!" Liu Bang's expression was uncertain. If it was true what Liu Xiu said, they might be in danger.

Liu Xiu saw that there were more worries in Liu Bang's eyes, and thought to himself that this matter could not be sloppy, and if he accidentally wiped out the whole army, he took a step forward slightly: "Brother, the land of superiority is a battleground for military strategists, we want it for now Not to mention whether we can hold it, but the garrison where it is, food and grass, etc. are all headaches for us, and Han Yi is on the top, Qin State is in the west, and Shangyong is facing two evil wolves. We may not be able to hold it, and It will also lose soldiers and generals!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry about food and grass. We see that the rain this year is not bad. It must be a bumper harvest year. Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Yi Yin took a step forward. From his words, everyone knew that Yi Yin's situation It is to support Liu Xiu's opinion.

Liu Bang also began to think about it, and his eyes gradually calmed down. For such a price, Liu Bang couldn't accept it for a while.

Looking at Liu Bang's pained expression, Chen Ping took a step forward and said slightly: "Be willing to give up! Only if you give up can you gain! Your Majesty gave up the comfort of the mountain city, and in exchange for the expansion of the territory, if the King is not willing to give up this How can the little Shangyong and food and grass be exchanged for the comfort and peace in the future!"

"In other words, my lord, I think it's a very good deal to trade this little Shangyong and a hundred thousand grain and grass for the comfort of our country!" Yi Yin stood up behind, with a smile in his eyes .

"This...!" All the generals behind were speechless, especially Fan Kui, he was a rough man, but it was the first time he saw someone who could talk about the cession and compensation in such a dignified manner.

All eyes are on Liu Bang's expression, he is the core and key of this matter.

Liu Bang was watched by everyone, and the whole person looked unnatural. Looking at the gradually gloomy sky, Liu Bang said for a while: "Yes! Tell Han Yi, Gu... Gu agreed!"

"Promise!" Zhou Bo whispered softly, not daring to greet loudly, walked forward, and said to Liu Bang and the others: "The emperor gave the name Han, I don't know how the king feels..."

"Han...!" Liu Bang was obviously in deep thought, but the underground generals exploded.

Fan Kuai was the first one who couldn't help it: "What kind of man...fuck the man, I only recognize the mountain country!"

Liu Bang stroked his beard, then smiled and said, "Han...Han is also good! Pass me the order to change it!"

"But Your Majesty...!" Everyone wanted to argue with Liu Bang, but Liu Bang waved his hand, looked forward and said, "Let's settle this matter. For the sake of the stability of the people and the country in the future, this matter will be settled." Let's come to an end for now!" Liu Bang seemed disheartened, after all, this matter is not simple, and Liu Bang dare not be careless alone.

Since then, Liu Bang has used Han as his country name, and began to compete in the Central Plains.

Shu State

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty... Wang Jian has already led an army of [-] to break through Hanzhong, and will soon go south to threaten Chengdu. What should we do, Your Majesty!" Zhang Song from below ran over with a little dust on his face. .

Liu Bei frowned, Wang Jian actually called, and Liu Bei stood up, "Where's Li Xiaogong!"

"General Li Xiaogong retreated to Tianshui, Zhang Ni was shot to death by Wang Yanzhang, and Zhang Nan was shot to death by Hou Junji. We suffered heavy losses in this battle!"

"What......... Pfft!" Liu Bei spat out a mouthful of old blood, the road he had worked so hard to plan was gone just like that.

Liu Bei's face was embarrassed, and he tried his best to support himself, not to let himself fall, and hung his spirits: "How many soldiers and horses did Wang Jian come to!"

"Report to the king! A full 15 troops! Plus one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to win"

"Pfft!" Liu Bei couldn't help it this time, spit out a mouthful of old blood on his chest, and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your Majesty!" Everyone was shocked for a moment, and quickly stepped forward to help Liu Bei.

"Imperial doctor! Hurry up! Imperial doctor!"

When Liu Bei was waking up, he was surrounded by civil and military forces. Liu Bei looked at Wei Yan and stretched out his hands.

"My lord! My lord... you should rest at ease!" Wei Yanzheng was about to put a blanket on Liu Beigai.

However, Liu Bei stopped and took a step forward and said, "Chuan Gu summoned an order to lead one hundred thousand troops and recall the general Zhang Fei! Huang Zhong! Fazheng..."

"My lord, if things go on like this, all of our soldiers will be empty!" Zhang Song said with a pale face.

Liu Bei's face turned pale: "Who else do you have, come up with any plan quickly, Gu will definitely adopt it!"

Under the main hall, everyone is pretending to be dumb. In this case, they really have nothing to do.

Zhang Song lifted his clothes, took a step forward and said, "I'm afraid the king can only ask Han Yi to send troops to help him, and the state of Qin will buy Han Yi some face.

Liu Bei's eyes were empty, and he said half aloud: "Yes! I can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

"The humble minister takes orders!" Zhang Song secretly rejoiced in his heart, the Kingdom of Shu has become a big hole, a big hole that can hardly be filled.

Liu Bei thought for a while, this time he could be said to be more ominous than good, and this Zhang Song's behavior, I am afraid that some careful thinking will be necessary for this trip. It will take more than half a month, and whether he can hold on at that time will be a problem, Liu Bei Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Chuan Guling, named Huang Zhong... Zhang Song and Zhang Song are envoys, and Liu Chan is the hostage, so hurry up and leave without delay!"

"But Your Majesty... this...!" What was originally a good job for one person, now brings two more people, which is very uncomfortable.

Even though Liu Bei was seriously ill, his aura only increased and never diminished.

"No! No! How dare a humble minister have it?" Zhang Song smiled slightly, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Back off, Huang Zhong stay!" Liu Bei glanced at Huang Zhong who had just entered the door in a hurry.

"No!" Everyone retreated slowly, and there were only Huang Zhong and Liu Bei in the entire hall.

Liu Bei was lying on the bed, looked down, and said immediately: "This trip, you protect my son Liu Chan and be careful of Zhang Song. If there is any accident, kill him directly!"

"But your body...!" Huang Zhong said worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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