Chapter 687
Yingdang's expression was embarrassing, his face sank like water, a pair of tiger eyes turned like the wheels of a car, and he looked up at Wang Jian with a livid face.

Ying Lang immediately stepped forward: "I wish to be the vanguard again, commanding a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and attacking the city first!"

Wang Jian stared at Yingdang with a livid face, and then laughed loudly: "Actually, this matter is not that serious. You only need to hit him for a token, and the rest will be left to the old man!"

As soon as Wang Jian said this, Wang Jian himself had a loud voice, and Wang Jian deliberately raised his voice so that everyone around could hear it, and all the generals around focused their eyes on Wang Jian and Yingdang's livid faces. Does this obviously let Yingshang into a pit?

If Yingdang followed Wang Jian's words and hit him casually, first of all, whether Wang Jian would kill a carbine and give Yingdangan a name of being afraid of fighting before, it would be inconvenient just to recruit talents in the future.

Ying Zheng was secretly dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything. He could only swallow his anger, stared at the front for a while and said, "Meng Ben! Don't be mean!"

"The end is here!"

"The end is here!"

Two tiger generals stepped out, each wearing gold...silver armor, and each holding a pair of hammers in their hands, like two door gods standing here, but they are like tigers and tigers.

"The two of you have 3 horses. You have rushed forward for me. Without my order, you must not retreat!" Ying Chang said with an embarrassed face.

"The last general takes orders!" The two generals did not dare to say anything when they arrived, holding weapons in their hands, they took the command flag and went down.

Ying Lang immediately looked back, and said helplessly for a while, "Meng Huo...where is Zhu Rong!"

"The last general is here!" Meng Huo was already furious in his heart, this time Yingdang suggested him to come forward, but he couldn't refute it, so he and his wife stood up.

"Both of you get [-] yuan each, and fight for them!" Yingdang's face was calm, but his heart was furious. This matter was not what he wanted at all, but Wang Jian avoided it. He was in front of him. I really don't have any right to refute. If I start a battle with Wang Jian, I am afraid that Bai Qi behind will also have a hand. At that time, when I use my soldiers and horses to deal with the two famous generals, my arms will always be unable to twist my thighs.

Wang Jian touched his beard, looked at the sky, and gradually began to be covered with dark clouds. The sky, which was still cloudless, changed at this moment. Wang Jian took a step forward, looked at Ying Dang and said, "Young master! I have a plan." I need to do something, I want to ask the young master to pick up a few people for use!"

"Oh! What's the plan of General Wang, why don't you tell me, if you make another move, you will definitely be able to help the general!" Yingdang smiled, holding his hands tightly, trying to hold back the anger in his heart, and kept admonishing himself : "Hold must hold it back, otherwise...!"

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future………

"My lord, you don't need to know about this matter. As long as you know, it's good for Daqin!" Wang Jian smiled with a trace of greed in his eyes, so greedy that he felt terrible even winning.

Even if Wang Jian took refuge in Ying Zheng, he couldn't be so ruthless!This is simply forcing yourself to death!

After a while, Wang Jian said helplessly, "Meng Kang, Meng Haigong, where are you?"

"The last general is here!" Two generals stood up and followed behind Yinglang.

"Both of you follow General Wang!" Yingdang's mood gradually calmed down. He wanted to place two eyeliners beside Yingdang. Only in this way could he know what this guy Wang Jian wanted to do.

Wang Jian smiled immediately, without saying a word, staring at the city wall below, and glanced twice from time to time.



Meng Ben raised the weapon in his hand, stared at the front and shouted loudly: "The time has come for us to make achievements. The Shu bandits who killed tens of thousands of our brothers in Pingyang Pass are ahead. Today we will take revenge!"


"Okay! Let me charge, brothers!" Meng Ben raised his arms and held a pair of copper hammers in his hands. His legs clamped the horse's legs, and he took the lead. He took down his weapons and was about to chase away.



On the city wall, Li Xiaogong held the weapon in his hand, his face sinking like water: "Where is the king now?"

"Report to General! Your Majesty is now recruiting troops in Chengdu, what should we do!"

"Liao Hua...Xiang Chong!"

"The last general is here!" I saw two big men coming from behind, wearing armor, striding forward with piercing eyes.

"You two, bring soldiers and horses to stand against the city wall, and the others will follow me!"


When the two sides fought, Liao Hua and Xiang Chong could be regarded as real talents. Taking advantage of the city wall, they fought inextricably against them. For a while, there was a tendency to fight against each other, but the winning troops seemed to suffer heavy losses. , There is no other reason, these soldiers were recruited by him through hard work.

And Li Xiaogong under the city also seemed to be in full swing, looking at the map, holding the weapon tightly with his left hand, and said with an embarrassed expression: "This is troublesome!"

"What's the trouble!" Wei Yan, who had just beheaded the four generals of the enemy, threw the weapon in his hand and handed it to the soldier, and asked back with a step up.

"Tianshui and Jiange are the lifeblood of Chengdu. If there is any loss in these two places, we are afraid..." Li Xiaogong's words are self-evident.

Wei Yan looked down at the same time, and said with a worried expression on his face: "Indeed, if we want to deal with the enemy general Wang Jian, our current army is no match for him. There are a total of 25 troops in the local area, and our total military force is nothing more than ten thousand." Ten thousand, it is difficult for us to have an advantage in terms of military strength!"

"We don't have much advantage in terms of the enemy generals. The enemy has a world-renowned general Wang Jian...his son Wang Yanzhang is even more courageous! If we want to deal with him, we are still close." Li Xiaogong said with a worried expression.

"A dead end...could it be a dead end?" Wei Yan put his hands on his hips, he really didn't believe that a living person could be forced to death by this guy.

"How did Hanzhong get lost!" Wei Yan finally remembered the point of this matter, stepped forward to look at Li Xiaogong, and said with a serious expression.

Li Xiaogong looked helpless: "It's because I employed people improperly and sent Brother Zhang Nan to guard, that's why Hanzhong was lost!"

"Brother Zhang Nan...!" Wei Yan rubbed his chin, and then smiled wryly: "The two of them are indeed no match for Wang Jian and the others. We have lived so comfortably this year, without a trace of fierceness. Qi!"

"General Wei, do you have any good plans?" Ma Zhong and others on the side stepped forward and asked.

"There is no other way. We have already lost our innate fighters. The only thing that can be used now is food and grass. Let's see whose food and grass can hold it. Let's see who has more supply lines!"

(End of this chapter)

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