Warring States Call

Chapter 693 Yoshiko

Chapter 693 Yoshiko
"Zhang Fei...Huang Zhong..." Han Yi was stunned for a while. The five tiger generals himself were only Guan Yu and Zhao Yun. He didn't expect to send him two more. It was a godsend.

As soon as Han Yi thought about it, he had to think carefully about how to use them for his own use...

"Cough cough...!" Gao Lishi pretended to cough twice, and Han Yi put away his wolfish gaze, licked his lips, and rubbed his hands unconsciously: "I don't know if the four of you are here What's the matter!"

Zhang Song took a look at Han Yi, stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, please send troops to rescue our Majesty, I will be very grateful! To show our sincerity, our Majesty sent his son Liu Chan as a hostage!"

After Zhang Song finished speaking, he couldn't help showing a sneer, Huang Zhong and Zhang Fei are warriors, playing with them is the same as playing with them, the most important thing now is to try their best to keep them here, and want to subdue them for their own use. The only thing that seems to be Liu Bei... is dead.

When Han Yi was thinking about it, Zhang Fei couldn't wait any longer, and shouted loudly: "Will King Han give you a good word, if not, I'm going to find someone else!"

Han Yi looked at the three people below, forcibly suppressing the joy in his heart, Zhang Fei!Han Yi rubbed his wrist: "The King of Shu is kind to me, and I should be rescued both in love and in reason, so the two generals should not wait for the discussion with Gu, and will definitely give the general an answer! "

"King Han, we don't want much. As long as the king gives me [-] soldiers and horses to help me fight back, I will be very grateful!" Zhang Fei patted his big belly, his heart was open, and he didn't shy away from it at all.

"Presumptuous! What do you think of as a soldier of our country, a cabbage on the side of the road?" Gao Lishi was the first to be dissatisfied. This Zhang Fei is so rude, it is really uncomfortable.

"Back off!" Seeing Gao Lishi who was the first to go mad, Han Yi yelled softly.


Zhang Song looked at Han Yi, then smiled and said, "No, my lord! General Zhang has a reckless character, so I invite you, my lord, Haihan!"

Han Yi shook his head immediately, and laughed loudly: "It's okay... It's okay! General Zhang is really temperamental, and I admire him very much!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei was immediately happy, these are two great kings who don't dislike their roughness, the first one is naturally his elder brother Liu Bei, Zhang Fei immediately laughed and said: "Today, a word from the King of Han is worth more than a thousand pieces of gold! "

Han Yi immediately laughed and said, "This is...!"

Han Yi was referring to Liu Chan, of course!
"My lord! This is my little prince, named Liu Chan!" Huang Zhong, who hadn't spoken all this time, took a step up, his expression serious, and his words and actions were much smoother than Zhang Fei's.

Han Yi looked at Liu Chan below, and smiled slightly: "Come here, come and give him the syrup! Let's eat something along the way!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Song smiled and said, "Prince, don't thank you, Your Majesty!"

Little Liu Chan didn't understand anything, Wei Wei bowed to Han Yi and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Han Yi nodded, with a smile on his face: "The system will check his data for me!"

"Ding, Liu Chan: Force 61 Commander 87 Intelligence 93 Politics 87!"

"This..." Han Yi raised his brows slightly. Such data can be used. It is more than enough to be an army defending the country, but Liu Chan appointed Jiang Wei to launch the Northern Expedition, which led to the tragedy of extinction!
Looking at Liu Chan, Han Yi suddenly felt a shock in his heart, lifted his clothes, walked down, looked at Liu Chan and said, "From today on, you will live here, okay! There are delicious and fun things here! Would you like to stay here?" Yes!"

"Delicious! Is it fun?" Liu Chan bit his thumb, looking joyful, and at the same time raised his head, glanced at Zhang Fei and the others.

Only then did Han Yi stand up slowly, looked at the three of them and said, "I like this child so much, and I want to adopt him as a foster son. I don't know what you guys think."

"It's a good thing for the king to accept the little prince, and the little prince hasn't thanked the king yet!" Zhang Song reminded him.

"Wait a minute!" Huang Zhong stretched out his hand to stop him, then looked at Han Yi and said, "This matter still needs a long-term plan,...!"

Han Yi smiled immediately, but he was secretly surprised. This Huang Zhong is indeed a man who has lived a long life. It is indeed a troublesome thing to subdue him. He said: "Listen to General Huang, he Accepting orphans as a righteous father, and even wronging him!"

"Your Majesty! Zhong didn't mean that! Please don't take offense, Your Majesty." Huang Zhong saluted quickly. He might not be able to explain Han Yi's words. How did he get over this problem...

Zhang Song secretly scolded Huang Zhong for his ignorance of flattery: "Your Majesty, don't be offended, the little prince is willing to think about it...!"

Zhang Fei watched the battle from the sidelines without saying anything. Anyway, he had already agreed to Han Yi's request to send troops to rescue Liu Bei, and it had nothing to do with him.

"In this case, this matter is settled. From today on, you will live in Gongli, and Wei Zifu will take care of you." Han Yi immediately smiled and hugged her up.

Zhang Song helped out and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty...!" Liu Chan was babbling, not knowing what to do, so he could only go along with the flow.

"You can just call me adoptive father in the future. You don't have to kneel down when you see everyone except Gu!" Han Yi smiled.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Han Yi then put it down and looked at Gao Lishi: "Take him down and have a good rest!"

"No!" Gao Lishi responded, and took Liu Chan's little hand: "The little prince follows me!"

Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong didn't say anything when they arrived, at least Han Yi wouldn't be against them
Han Yi walked back to his seat, thought for a while, and said, "Hangu Pass is in the hands of Wei Guo. If Gu goes anywhere, it must be time-consuming and labor-intensive, so Gu decided to go to Yong!"

"Shangyong!" Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and the others were taken aback for a moment. It was unclear whether they could go there. Zhang Fei strode forward with a violent temper: "Is the king joking with me? Shangyong is from the state of Chu." When we came here, there were still tens of thousands of Chu troops, what does Your Majesty mean by this!"

"That's right!" Han Yi looked calm, held the weapon in his hand, and said half aloud: "Shangyong is already in his pocket, you don't have to worry, when the time comes to trouble Mr. Zhang Song, as a temporary army, follow us It happened!"

"Let me go, my lord...!" Zhang Fei was immediately unhappy when he heard that, why did he leave the matter of the war to a literati?

"Yes, my lord! I'm not good at fighting any more!" Zhang Song smiled wryly. He didn't want to go. If he went, he would be close to death.

Han Yi immediately smiled and said, "General Zhang, don't be in a hurry! Take a good rest here first!"

(End of this chapter)

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