Warring States Call

Chapter 696 Yang Yansi Steals Peach

Chapter 696 Yang Yansi Steals Peach

"The king's matter is not that simple!" Zhuge Liang's face changed. If he was asked to help the Shu Kingdom to fight against the Qin Kingdom, he would definitely go all out, but this duplicitous task made him a little bit embarrassed.

"The demise of the Shu Kingdom has become the overall situation. Above Shangyong is the land of Hanzhong. This place is rich. With Shangyong, we are threatening their abdomen. Therefore, when necessary, you can have Shangyong's [-] soldiers and horses." Power mobilization!" Han Yi raised his eyebrows, stretched out his palm at random, and saw a falling flower falling in Han Yi's hand.

Looking at the petals in his hand, the five corners are distinct and pink, Han Yi smiled slightly, spread him out in front of Zhuge Liang and said with a smile: "I don't want anything this time, and I don't want to have any losses at the same time, so you can take it with you." How many soldiers and horses come back will be your commander in the future, how about it!"

Zhuge Liang casually ordered the wine in the cup, lightly wrote the word "loyalty" on the stone slab, and said with a slight smile: "Since your majesty is interested, if you drink it again, you will definitely die!"

Han Yi took a look at Zhuge Liang's writing of the word loyalty on the slate, and said with a smile, "What does Kong Ming mean by that!"

Zhuge Liang got up slowly and said: "As a general, you should obey the military orders, and as a minister, you should do your duty faithfully. Since I have chosen the king, I will naturally not betray the king!"

"What does Kong Ming mean by this!" Han Yi smiled and drank a glass of wine slowly, covering his cheeks while preventing Zhuge Liang from seeing his expression.

"Your Majesty is the one who can calm this troubled world. We all come here to admire His Majesty's name. If Your Majesty believes in us, then let us go. If Your Majesty does not believe, he will be abandoned by others in the future!" Zhuge Liang talked eloquently.

Han Yi smiled slightly, with a calm face, took a drink casually, and laughed loudly: "Since Wei Zheng left, no one dares to talk to Gu like this!"

"Your Majesty is willing to help your Majesty rule the world!" Kong Ming seemed to have returned to the gentleness and elegance of the past, holding the fan in his hand, and bowed to Han Yi.

Han Yi remained calm, and said for a while: "You let go!"

"No!" Zhuge Liang turned around immediately, and Guiguzi gave him Zen mind skills. How could he not know the purpose of Han Yi's wolf shadow? Today's superficial voice can be regarded as an explanation to Han Yi.

Han Yi looked at the back of Zhuge Liang who was about to leave, and suddenly said: "Wait a minute..."

Zhuge Liang turned his head and said, "What orders does your majesty have!"

"Gao Lishi!"


"Where will I get my sword!"


Han Yi looked at Zhuge Liang: "Hold my emperor's hatred, all the soldiers and horses can be mobilized by you! Shangdang! Zhoudi! There are more than 30 people in the three places of Shangyong, and you can dispatch them all!"

Zhuge Liang's white clothes moved with the wind, and peach blossoms fell around Zhuge Liang. The whole person seemed to come out of the words. Zhuge Liang saluted Han Yi slightly: "I will fulfill the orders entrusted by the king!"

"Gu! There is one more request!" Han Yi picked up the fine wine in his hand and drank it all: "Come back alive! Gu is waiting for you to create a peaceful world!"

Zhuge Liang looked at Han Yi, the face that had been smiling all the time, changed at this moment, became ordinary, and said half aloud: "It seems that I have to change my name, do you think it is... the lord!"

"Hahahahahahaha! Good! Good! This sound sounds good!" Han Yi couldn't help being overjoyed. Being able to subdue Zhuge Liang meant that he was about to produce another famous general in the army.

"General Zhuge! Please take the sword!" Gao Lishi held the sword in both hands and came to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang looked down at Han Yi's sword. The whole body of the sword was silver, and the scabbard was engraved with this fierce beast...hungry ghost...killing...the most important thing is that the sword body is sharp and can be broken by blowing...its power is no less than that of Qin State Tai Ah, Cheng Ying of Qi!

Gao Lishi looked at Zhuge Liang who was in a daze, and then said: "General, you must do your best! The king's sword has not been handed over to others, so it can be seen that the king is watching this matter!"

Zhuge Liang took the sword with both hands, only felt a cold ice in his hand, it looked cool, his arms sank, this sword is heavy enough, without careful questioning, Zhuge Liang could feel the bloody smell on the sword, and then he said to the whole country's head : "The minister will live up to the king's expectations!"

"Well! Go!" Han Yi nodded.


Looking at the back of Zhuge Liang leaving, Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Gao Lishi in front, and said calmly: "The father and son of the Yang family are here!"

"Your Majesty Qi and the others are waiting outside the Peach Blossom Forest?"

"Let them come in." Han Yi casually ate a jujube and said calmly.


Outside the forest
Yang Yansi was walking in the forest, the first thing he saw was the big peach, he couldn't help drooling, and when Yang Ye wasn't paying attention, he sneaked over and picked it off.

Yang Yansi walked to the side, holding a few peaches in his arms, saw a person urinating at the side, and couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "This brother, you are the supervisor here."

Yang Yansi saw this man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, as tall as himself, with a beard on his chin, he was handsome and unrestrained, so he couldn't help feeling a little more fond of him.

And Han Yi looked back at Yang Yansi, looking at the peach in his arms, and said differently: "You are...!"

In fact, Han Yi didn't blame him for questioning him, it was because this guy was too ruthless, he directly broke off a tree branch with many peaches, and carried it on his shoulders, with a hint of joy in the corner of his eyes.

Seeing that Han Yi was in a daze, Yang Yansi smiled and said, "I think the peaches here are quite fresh. If you pick one or two of them, the king won't find out. Brother, come get one!"

You call picking one or two, Han Yi's eyebrows are one, if it's one or two, he will give his head to him.

Yang Yansi picked a peach casually, rubbed it on his body and said, "Brother, give me a taste!"

Han Yi was stunned for a moment, and he didn't care about his 21 when he took it, and ate it directly, not to mention it was quite delicious.

There was a smile in Yang Yansi's eyes, and he said for a while: "Brother won't talk to you anymore, I have something to do today, and I will talk to you tomorrow!"

After speaking, Yang Yansi carried the tree pole and swaggered towards Yang Ye's direction.

Han Yi stared at the ordinary peach in his hand, and smiled slightly: "This guy! It's also interesting!"

The group of people walked in an orderly manner, Yang Yansi was behind Yang Yanzhao again, the military commander also watched all directions and heard all directions, he felt that there was no wind when walking behind, Hu looked back and found that Yang Yansi was gone, so he didn't dare to make any noise, Can only look left and right.

A figure in the peach forest came quickly, holding a peach in his hand, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes, carrying it on his shoulder, and eating it in his hand.

Yang Yanzhao looked at his silly brother and said softly, "What are you doing here! Hurry up!"

"Brother! Try this peach! It's so sweet!" Yang Yansi didn't know it, and took out a peach from his bosom and threw it to Yang Yanzhao.

(End of this chapter)

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