Warring States Call

Chapter 699 Chapter 7 White 05: Differentiation

Chapter 699 Seventh White Zero Five: Differentiation

"Father! Is there any way out for us?" Dugu Jialuo's face sank behind him. He didn't like the feeling of being restrained very much.

Dugu Xin took down the cup below, drank a glass of wine lightly, and then said with a smile: "Your Majesty has the ambition to rule the world, if you give birth to a son, you will naturally enjoy the glory and wealth, but if you still maintain Now that it looks like this, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about it!"

Dugu Xin looked at the few maids at the side, and was about to take out something from his pocket, but he also gave up the idea, cleared his throat, and said: "You guys have nothing to do here, all go down!"


Dugu Xin saw that there was no one around, and this time he took out the two things he was carrying, which were two boxes, and they were ordinary in appearance, nothing special about them.

Dugu Banruo and the others looked at the two boxes, casually held them in their hands and played with them, wondering: "Father! What is this?"

Dugu Xin said with a calm expression: "This is the elixir I brought. I asked for it from Bian Que specially for my father. One is for pregnant women, and the other one is for you not to use when necessary!"

"Father! What the hell is this!" Dugu Banruo's face was serious. If this kind of thing was really used, it might be...

"I found this in Kaifeng. It's an aphrodisiac. Throw it into the incense burner. It's hard to stop the fire. Don't use it when you need it!"

"This..." When their father said this to the girls, their whole faces showed a shyness. It was obvious that Dugu Xin had tried his best to be able to give birth to a son. This kind of thing If it is really used in Han Yisheng, it will be counted as a crime of deceiving the emperor if it is light, and it will be counted as murder if it is serious.

Dugu Mantuo and the others were shocked when they saw this thing. Isn't this thing a little... powerful!

Dugu Banruo casually rubbed the center of his brows and said, "Father, what is the meaning of this! This is unavoidable...!"

Dugu Xing smiled wryly, feeling angry in his heart, and snorted coldly: "If it weren't for you three girls not being up to date, why should I bother to move so much as a father!"

With his hands in his sleeves, Dugu Xin said with emotion: "Now that autumn is over and the weather is getting colder, no matter how one person sleeps, it is still not as comfortable as two people. What's more, there are three of you, and what my father has done for you is not enough. There are only so many, in the future you can go to that step, it all depends on your own ability!"

"Father! You have to take care of your body when you're old!" Although Dugu Jialuo hated Dugu Xin, he was his father after all, and he was getting old, so he should care about it when he should.

Dugu Xin looked back at his little daughter, and said with emotion: "Jia Luo, the father is really sorry for you!"

Dugu Jialuo remained calm and said, "What I want now is not what you can give, father! We will go our own way in the future!"

As soon as Dugu Jialuo's words came out, Dugu Mantuo and Dugu Jialuo both had a trace of solemnity in their eyes. This little guy might change.

Dugu Xin slowly stood up with his hands behind his back, and he looked old. He was almost 50 years old, and he spent half his life on the battlefield, just for his own children. Speaking of Dugu Xin, there was a burst of sadness in his heart. Of his seven sons, two have entered the Heroic Soul Tower, and one is also a disabled person, let's talk!He belongs to the Dugu family, and he can be regarded as full of loyalty.

Dugu Xin looked back at his three daughters, and said with a slight smile, "You three should be careful in this palace, after all, Zhao Feiyan and Yang Yuhuan are not ordinary people, and the power behind them is by no means a star!"


Dugu Xin looked at his three daughters, turned his head randomly and said, "It's almost time today, and I'm going back too, otherwise it will take a long time, and the King will definitely be suspicious!"

"Father take care!"


"Since General Dugu is here, why are you in such a hurry to leave?" A long voice came, and a man in white armor with a sword in his hand approached. He was nine feet long and taller than Duguxin. A head is raised, and there are areas on the cheeks. It is impossible to tell what he looks like, but the whole person is like a sharp sword that has not been drawn.

"Oh! So it's General Fei Lian, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I don't know why General Fei Lian is here!" Dugu Xin is also a trickster, and ordinary things really can't hold him back.

Fei Lian didn't come empty-handed either, he took out his badge and said calmly: "By order of the king, I invite the three ladies and the general to the banquet!"

Fei Lian's voice was like a cold machine, without a trace of emotion.

"Oh!" Dugu Xin frowned, Han Yi came to him at this time, there must be no good thing, but it was impossible not to go, Dugu Xin had to look back at his three daughters.

Dugu Banruo and the others are also helpless, after all, this is the first time they have seen a situation like today.

"Please!" Fei Lian looked calm, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.

"Please!" Dugu Xin has nothing to be afraid of, he is full of loyalty to Dugu Xin, even if Han Yi wants to touch him, he has to think about all the people in the world.

Han Yi sat in the hall, tapped the table with his fingers little by little, and half-knowingly said: "Master Guozhan is here, why don't you say a word, if the greeting is not good, look at Haihan!"

"Where is there! The king is busy with everything, but the villain just misses his daughter, so I came here to take a look!" Dugu Xin smiled awkwardly.

"The concubine has seen the king." Dugu Banruo and the three came, with a hint of a smile in the corner of their eyes.

"It's okay, today is a family feast! You all relax a bit!" Han Yi waved his hands casually.

"Thank you king!"

Han Yi looked at Dugu Xin: "These people, Mr. Guozhan, are in good health!"

"Please worry about your majesty, the old man is still in good health"

Han Yi smiled randomly, and set his sights on Dugu Banruo and the other three: "I've thought about it for the past few days, Jia Luo, you should stay by Gu's side for the first few days!"

Han Yi smiled slightly, Dugu Jialuo's intelligence is not just a little bit, and this guy has great virtues, and more importantly, Han Yi wants his sisters to quarrel, only in this way can provide the best foundation for Wei Zifu's superior position.

It is too difficult for Wei Zifu to take the position, after all, there is Zhao Feiyan in front of him!Yang Yuhuan and the Dugu three later, if this interface is not broken, it will be impossible to break the old and establish the new.

"No!" Dugu Jialuo was fine, but Dugu Banruo and Dugu Mantuo felt a little pissed in their hearts. This is going to make a fuss. Isn't this a slap in the face of the two of them?

And Dugu Xin is also full of joy, at least there is a breakthrough.

Han Yi smiled, it seems that today's goal has been achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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