Warring States Call

Chapter 710, Meng Haigong

Chapter 710, Meng Haigong
"Pass down the order, order the soldiers to bury the pot to make food, and raise their spirits," Zhang Ren said with a serious expression.

"Zhang Ren, what are you going to do, there are [-] enemy troops attacking the city below! We are going to leave, isn't this...!" Chen Dao twitched his eyebrows when he saw Zhang Ren's self-defeating look. .

Zhang Ren pressed against the city wall, his eyes were bloodshot and his hair looked disheveled. He stared at the front: "I can't bear it any longer. I have to go out and fight Wang Jian to the death. Even if I die in battle, I will die with no regrets!"

"Crack!" As soon as Zhang Ren finished speaking, Chen Dao punched him, snorting coldly, "No... If the Jiange falls, we will die without a place to die! Chengdu is also safe. Shou!"

"Then what should we do! Tell me!" Zhang Ren's eyes were confused. This war was fought so hard that he couldn't bear it anymore.

"There's no other way! I can only defend myself and wait for the opportunity to fight. If that's enough, go down and rest first, I'm here!" Chen Dao said calmly.

Wang Jian at the foot of the city held the sword in his hand, staring ahead with piercing eyes, pulled out the sword he was carrying, and shouted: Soldiers!We have been fighting for nearly seven days, and you must have been very tired in these seven days, but the enemy is also human, and they are also tired, and more tired than you, me!Wang Jian swears here today that he will never retreat without destroying the city! "

"Shh...dang!" Wang Jian pulled out the sword in his arms and stood there, the sword made a slight sword sound, Wang Jian stared at the front with a pair of tiger eyes, and said coldly: "Anyone who retreats from this sword! Slash!"

"Follow me, brothers! Go!" Wang Yanzhang took a shield casually, put it on top of his head, and holding his iron spear, Cui Ma rushed into the formation.


Chen Dao narrowed his eyes, took three cold arrows with one hand, and shot towards Wang Yanzhang.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The three swords honestly hit Wang Yanzhang's shield.

When Wang Yanzhang saw it, his expression changed, and he shouted, "Come on!"

"Where are Wang Lu and Heng Lu?" Wang Jian said with a serious expression.

"The last general is here!" The two-yuan tiger will walk out, a pair of tiger eyes are piercing, and the two are wearing bronze armor, holding a spear in their hands. The only difference between the two is that one is taller and the other is taller. Longer and fatter.

"You two, one of you will bring five thousand archers to suppress the archers on the city wall, and the other will transport the siege vehicles over! Break the city away, and today I will fight to determine the world!" Wang Jian was full of spirits, and the horses under him Breathing out white air, the whole person looks like a tiger coming out of the mountain.

"Decree!" General Liang Yuan led the troops and stepped forward to help Wang Yanzhang.

In Wang Jian's camp, the two generals had nothing to do, they could only cook wine and chat during their own battles. Their complexions were dark, and they each had a few feathers on their heads, which were tied in their own headbands.

The two were Meng Kang and Meng Haigong who were transferred by Wang Jian to Yingdang.

Meng Kang opened his thugs, tore off a piece of meat, opened his big mouth and bit it off, with a burst of hostility in the corner of his eyes: "What is this Wang Jian who wants you and my brother to guard the gate for him?" , I can't stand this bird air!"

Compared with Meng Kang, Meng Haigong was able to hold his breath. He just ate meat and didn't talk much. If you observe carefully, this guy has been thinking about something and didn't listen to Meng Kang's words seriously.

"Let me tell you! The two of us should...!"

"The general is not good! Hundreds of cavalry are coming towards us outside the city, what should we do!" A soldier hurried over, his face was pale, and there were some bloodstains on his body.

"How many people?" Meng Kang froze for a moment when he heard this. Did this kid come to make a joke?

"Hundred riders...!"

"Fuck you!" Meng Kang lost his temper when he heard it. He threw the bone in his hand directly at him, slapped him several times in a row, and said with a grim face, "Tell me how many people...!"

"I...I...!" The soldier was beaten so disoriented that he didn't know what to say.

"Come on, Meng Kang! Let's take a quick look! After Meng Haigong finished speaking, he raised the sword in his hand, walked out of the tent, and saw the cavalry rushing into the formation at a glance.

"Everyone come with me...I want to see, it's that guy who has the guts of a bear." Meng Kang took his ax with one hand, got on the horse and killed him.

Meng Haigong stood at the back, stroked his beard, half sleeve said: "Where is Ling Jing!"

"My lord, what are your orders!" Suddenly, a civil servant appeared behind Meng Haigong, but he was wearing a small soldier uniform, and came to Meng Haigong's side.

"Which side is this soldier!"

"Come from the mountains, no way to know!"

"Who is coming, please report the name!" Meng Kang gathered a full 1000 people and killed them with an axe.

The leading general is wearing silver armor, holding a silver gun, and riding a white horse. He is such a young man and a general with a white horse.

"I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan! So is Zhao Yun!" The cold gun in Zhao Yun's hand was shining under the sun, giving off a chill. In addition to the cold weather, Zhao Yun's eyes were like a cold knife, making people chill And stand.

"Zhao Yun! I haven't heard of it, but if you want to die today, no wonder I came! Kill me!" Meng Kang raised his ax and came to kill.

The Thirteen Generals of Jingyun, although it is a collective name for thirteen people, but few of them are famous, and the most famous among them is Da Dao Guan Yu!Yinji Taisui Jia Fu, Death God Fei Lian, Shuangjue Li Cunxiao, and young general Shi Jiantang have just become famous Zhaohu. The rest are Zhao Yun and others. Their fame has been overshadowed by them, but it doesn't matter now.

Zhao Yun smiled randomly, holding the silver gun in his hand, and sneered: "Forget it, the cold gun is shaking Kyushu today, and the world knows my name, come on!"


"Eat me with an axe!" Meng Kang didn't know how to live or die, and the first thing he saw was that he wanted to challenge Zhao Yun one-on-one.

"Death!" Zhao Yun changed the long spear he pointed at, and the lion pounced on the rabbit with all his strength, and the gentian silver spear pointed at him changed to a seven-pronged silver spear, covering Meng Kang away.

Meng Kang couldn't help being shocked when he saw it, the ax in his hand was nowhere to be placed, Zhao Yun's move had several afterimages, he couldn't hold it for a while, and seemed to be in a hurry.


With a cold shot, blood gushed like a spring, just one shot, and Meng Kang was killed. Are there many famous generals around here?

Huang Zhong pulled up his dragon and phoenix tongue-coated bow from behind, pierced the throats of several soldiers with five arrows in one move, saw Zhao Yun couldn't help but rejoiced and said: "General Zhao is indeed a good skill, I admire you! Hahahahaha "

"Kill with me!"

Meng Haigong twitched his eyebrows: "How many people are there in this army!"

"forty thousand!"

"Pass my order, all arrows will be fired, and they will all be shot!"

(End of this chapter)

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