Chapter 815

"Hey! Our wolf! Ride your horse, bring your warriors, and let's go and get back our glory!" I saw a big sweat riding a black horse, wearing this brown leather Armor, wearing riding boots on his feet, holding a whip in his hand, riding a majestic horse, with a hulking back, a full moon scimitar on his waist, a tooth knife like a big knife in his hand, and his hair tied His body is solid, with a beard growing out of his nose, the whole person is like a living lion, like a beast in the night, the most important thing is nothing else but the quiver on his back, and his Immediately Diao Gong, this guy is a well-known sharpshooter on the grassland.

"Zhebe! Why are you here!" In front of Jebe is a general. He is taller than Jebe and has a sword in his waist, but his weapon is a heavy axe. His war horse is doing massage, this is his invincible weapon on the battlefield, he is a wild bear in the night, he can easily shatter the land.

Zhebie turned his head, squinted his eyes and stared at the vast grassland in front of him, and said absently, "It was Khan who asked me to follow you! Don't think too much about it, Subutai."

"I know what Khan means! I won't go against his will, after all my wolf cubs are in Khan's hands! Let's go!" Subotai couldn't see the angry expression, but some were just helpless , turned on his horse, and said to the soldiers who were ready to go behind him: "My warriors on the grassland! Let's go! Take away their salt and women! Bring disaster to them! Bring back glory!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill...!"

"Let's go...!" Subotai rushed forward, holding the horse rope, followed behind the two, helplessly rubbing his head, staring at the front and snorting coldly :"drive!"

The women and children who were grazing on the grassland put down the ropes and playthings in their hands, put their hands on their chests and saluted: "Oh! My respected Changsheng Tian! May you bless their safe return!"

Genghis Khan rode his own horse, wiped the scimitar in his hand, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and said half aloud: "Tuo Lei! Wo Kuo Tai! Are you two ready?"

"Father! I am the five thousand wolf cavalry behind me ready to go. As long as you give an order, I can bite the enemy's throat!" Tuo Lei said with a gloomy face, holding the scimitar in his hand, shining brightly Staring straight ahead, he is eight feet long, with strong arms, like a hungry wolf in the dark.

"Hmm! Very good! As expected of a goshawk that can fly!" Genghis Khan exclaimed.

"Father, the cavalry under my command! They can ride and shoot, and they are as powerful as the cavalry that drags thunder!" Wo Kuotai was wearing a black leopard-skin cap, holding a long gun with a wolf's tail on it, Tethered by him, he was half a head shorter than Tuo Lei, his beard was stuck on his chin like a steel needle, and he looked serious, not as if he was joking.

Genghis Khan clapped his palms with his horsewhip, and said in a short voice, "Yelu Chucai!"

"My respected master, do you know what you want me to do?" Behind the three of them, Yelu Chucai stepped forward and said seriously.

"Tell them how many soldiers and horses there are upstairs!" Genghis Khan stroked his beard and said seriously.

"There are [-] soldiers upstairs, and they have eight pastures!" Yelu Chucai said unhurriedly.

"Did you hear that! They have [-] soldiers! And we only have [-]. Don't you think you are crazy for your father!" Genghis Khan said with a smile.

"Father, our military strength is on par with theirs, isn't it too risky!" Tuo Lei said with a surprised expression.

"Yes, father! They are backed by Lin Hu"

"Hahahahahaha! Let me tell you now, Lou Fan and Lin Hu have already gathered 15 people to rob the sheep of Zhao for their city and food. What they keep at home is only women and cattle and sheep, and the guards there are only a thousand soldiers. , as long as we swallow them, they will have no food and grass in their hands, and a wolf without teeth will pose any threat. At that time, they will have no choice but to surrender to us, so take this opportunity to take them down in one go , the people who annexed them, wait for this wolf to come back exhausted, our 5 people are enough to destroy them!" Genghis Khan's eyes were shining, he waited for this opportunity for a long time, he will not give up easily Well, this is their only hope. Once he, the hungry wolf, opens his mouth and doesn't bite off a piece of meat, he won't let go.

"Father, what do you need us to do!" Tuo Lei on the side was extremely excited when he thought about it. This is a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and he didn't want to give it to his brother.

"Lou Trouble is nothing to worry about, but it is this Lin Hu who left behind 1 soldiers when they went out. These people are troublesome. We have to annex them. Only in this way can we win, and this battle is related to our five years in the future. Hu's position in the General Assembly, so this time we must win, all 5 people are mobilized, and no one will be left here!" Genghis Khan rubbed his wrist and said solemnly.

"Father! Isn't this too dangerous! Should we keep some people behind...!" Tuo Lei beside him asked worriedly.

"No need! I, Temujin, will make it or not! Just this time! Let's go!" Riding on his horse, Genghis Khan turned up and said with a serious expression.

"Drive!......!" Genghis Khan roared like a hungry wolf in the dark night, and Tuo Lei and Wo Kuotai glanced at each other, then smiled wryly, and rolled over Follow up.

Zhao land
On the city, a young man stared down sharply, holding a sword in his hand, his beard growing under his breath, and he said seriously: "How many people are there in this group of barbarians!"

"Report to Major General 15 people!"

"How many soldiers are there in our city!"

"Less than [-]!" The lieutenant on the side said with an embarrassed expression.

"Oh really! Hehe...!" The young man's face was quite embarrassing. If Han Yi were here, he would definitely recognize him, because he is Zhao Kuo, a former playboy, but now he has a strong blood.

"Pass my order! Strengthen the city wall! Call the people below, whoever is willing to help us defend the city will be rewarded! Also ask for help from Handan!" Zhao Kuo said with a serious expression.

"There are too many barbarians here, general. Let's withdraw. This city is not a fortress anyway, so it's okay to let them!" The deputy general beside him said obviously.

"Bastard! If I hear you say this again, you are a dead man!"

(End of this chapter)

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