Warring States Call

Chapter 818 Worry

Chapter 818 Worry
"My respected master, we can't take it lightly! There are dozens of fish that have slipped through the net here. If they go back and report the news, we will be in great trouble!" Yelu Chucai, who was standing aside, said calmly.

The generals on the side felt a chill in their hearts. This guy looks gentle on the surface, but he kills people without blinking an eye. He hides his knife in his smile. Be vigilant when talking to him, otherwise you will definitely have an extra throat in the next second. wound.

Genghis Khan looked at Yelu Chucai, and he knew his worries. He looked at the guy who was hiding a knife in his smile, and said immediately, "Speak!"

"The master can send two reliable generals to ambush on the left and right, let them lie in ambush on Linhu's way back, and take the opportunity to destroy their only food and grass, so that we can be more sure of victory!" Yelu Chucai stroked his beard after finishing speaking. , His strategy cannot be violated or poisonous, it is tantamount to obliterating the last hope of the enemy.

"Khan, I don't think so. We have a lot of cattle and sheep, and our soldiers and horses are not strong enough to protect them. Maybe we can do something to these cattle and sheep!" Tuo Lei, who just came in, took He wiped the blood off his body with a sheepskin, then threw it to the soldiers beside him, and left with a serious expression.

"Don't be rude to Tuo Lei!" Genghis Khan scolded from the side.

"It's okay! It's okay! Let's express our opinions here. As long as it is beneficial to the king, you can say it. It's no big deal!" Yelu Chucai touched his nose and smiled. This remark not only showed his generosity, but also expressed I am loyal to Genghis Khan, and I can't offend Tuolei, killing three birds with one stone, it can be said that every drop of water is leaking.

Tuo Lei bowed to Yelu Chucai, then looked at Genghis Khan and said, "On the grassland of Linhu, I found a valley mouth, which is in the shape of a wolf's mouth, also known as Langya Valley. We can take these cattle The sheep are all driven in, and Lin Hukeng, who is extremely hungry, will definitely go to snatch it. At that time, we will block the wolf's mouth and lay him in an ambush. This group of people has no water, so what will they have to compete with us!"

After Tuo Lei finished speaking, everyone in the hall looked at the prince in amazement. It is much more convenient to implement this strategy. They don't need to bring these cattle and sheep, and the marching speed must be twice as fast.

"How many people can this Wolf Fang Valley hold!" Genghis Khan tapped his fingers and said seriously.

"It can accommodate 30 people! With the addition of these cattle and sheep, it may be more than enough to accommodate Lin Hu!" Tuo Lei took out the map, which was melted out of something he didn't know, and it also had a slight fishy smell. A map with jagged teeth was drawn on the sheepskin.

Genghis Khan held the horse-headed golden road in his hand, looked at the map, and then said, "How about the top of the Taniguchi!"

"The mouth of the valley here is like walking on flat ground, and the left and right sides can accommodate [-] archers. Once the enemy enters the trap, we will unleash our swords and seal the valley mouth with stones. They are sheep in the mouth of wolves and cannot escape. It's out!" Tuo Lei further analyzed, dividing into two lines, with a radiant look.

Genghis Khan stroked his big foreign beard, and after Tuolei finished speaking, he looked at his son carefully, looked at Yelu Chucai and said, "How about me, wolf cub!"

"Young master is extremely intelligent, I can't wait! Hahahahahaha!" Yelu Chucai also laughed.

"Very good! Let's do what Tuo Lei wants, Cai Hetai! Boerhu! Boershu, you three go with Tuo Lei," Genghis Khan said with a smile.

"No!" The three strong men also smiled. This is a great opportunity to make contributions. As long as you grasp it well, it is not impossible to be rewarded with a pasture.

"Father...Father...Father! Look what I brought!" I saw Wo Kuotai running happily behind, followed by a few women, and they all nodded and lowered their eyebrows.

Genghis Khan looked at Wo Kuotai with a puzzled expression and said, "This is...!"

"Father! This is Lin Hu's beauty, look! Look at this!" Wo Kuotai stroked his beard, turned to look at these women, and scolded: "Lift your head up for me!"

These women reluctantly raised their heads, and everyone looked at them carefully this time, and they were all extremely delicate, and even some generals were very moved, but because of Genghis Khan's face, This is not impulsive, otherwise there would be no fight.

Genghis Khan pressed the table in his hand, and swept around with a pair of eagle eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tuo Lei on the side also retreated to the side, shaking his head secretly, what's all this, just talking about strategy, what are they doing now.

"Father is interested!" Wo Kuotai looked at Genghis Khan with a smile, more or less expectant in his eyes.

Genghis Khan glanced at Wo Kuotai, and then smiled and said: "You wolf cub, do it! Well done! All the generals must be tired from fighting in the battlefield. Pass me orders to divide up the merits! Those who are capable will get more points." Several! Go!"

"Father! This...!" Just as Wo Kuotai was about to say something, Tuo Lei from behind held him down and looked at Wo Kuotai seriously.

This time Wo Kuotai saw the wolfish eyes of the generals behind him, if he said no, I am afraid that these generals would tear him apart, so Wo Kuotai glanced at Tuolei gratefully, and said to Genghis Khan: "Decree! "

"Follow me out!" Wo Kuotai was in an extremely depressed mood, calling to several women.

Genghis Khan looked at the wolves-like generals under his command, and snorted coldly: "Okay, hungry wolves! The killing on the battlefield is over, generals of the night! Go conquer your own women!"

"Thank you, Khan!" The generals showed secret joyful expressions, they couldn't bear it long ago, and ran out quickly, all of them couldn't wait, and some generals even started to discuss the details.

Genghis Khan glanced at Yelu Chucai, this guy was still standing here, with a puzzled expression on his face, he said, "Why don't you go?"

Yelu Chucai shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is still worried! How dare you go out to have fun again?"

"Hmm... Ha ha ha ha ha!" Genghis Khan couldn't help laughing, and at the same time said with a worried face: "Lin Huzheng's real strength... I underestimated it!"

"That's right!" Yelu Chucai nodded, and then said: "The generals are dazzled by this victory, but we haven't, and we have suffered heavy losses in this battle. Lin Hu's weapons are much sharper and harder than ours. !"

"Well! And they often fight with the Zhao Guoyang people! Their tactics are also a problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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