Warring States Call

Chapter 848 Wu Sui

Chapter 848 Wu Sui
Wang Jian!Han Xin!In vain!Li Mu!Lian Po!Sun Tzu!Han Yi!Wu Qi!Pang Juan!Xiang Yu!Cao Cao!Le Yi!Tian Dan!Tian Ji!Han captures the tiger!Zhuge Liang!Zhu Yuanzhang!Sima Yi!Sun Jian!Gongsun Yan!Happy sheep!Lee Hyo-gong!Cao Mo!Zhao Kuo

Looking at the list, Jiang Xiaobai's face turned livid. There are nine famous Korean generals on the list, which already accounts for half of the world, but he has only two from Qi, and his position is very low, which is not bad. : "Asshole!"

Jiang Xiaobai threw out the bamboo slips in his hand, and the anger in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

"My lord, calm down! Why be angry!" Tian Wen said, picking up the bamboo slips on the ground.

"How can you not be angry! There are nine military generals in South Korea this time, and four of them stepped on our faces, especially that Cao Cao, with 5 people, wiped out 10 horses in Zhongshan. Now He is stationed on the frontier of our country, how can he not be angry!" Jiang Xiaobai tossed his clothes.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion! This may not be a good thing!" Tian Wen said with a smile.

"How do you say that!" Jiang Xiaobai sat in his seat, rubbed his forehead, and said helplessly.

"As soon as this list comes out, the world will definitely be vigilant towards South Korea, and it will be more conducive to the king's mobilization...!" Tian Wen went without saying.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the bamboo slips above, and said with a serious expression: "You mean! This list is a reminder!"

"That's right! These are produced by hundreds of schools, and they are very reliable. Once the war breaks out, most of the nine people here will definitely be lost. Why should the king care about these?"

Jiang Xiaobai stroked his beard, sat on his seat, and said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "You're right! This is our chance to make a comeback for the Qi State, and Han Yi will spit out Lu Di to me when the time comes! The rest of the countries will be divided up! Han Yi will never see the sky again!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Tian Wen said with a smile, this time it was not without gain, at least it gave them a weapon against Han Yi. In the past few years, Qi Guoyi has been actively preparing for the war, just to catch him by surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his head, and said for a while: "How is the Jixia Academy this time?"

"This time Jixia Academy is mainly determined by Taoism and Confucianism. Most of the characters here are determined by their two families, and these two families have the most talents!" Tian Wen said seriously.

"How many people have you accepted for this trip!" Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.

"We have only received 20 people for this trip, and most of them are talented people, but...!" Tian Wen hesitated to speak.

"But what!" Jiang Xiaobai frowned, halfway through speaking, this was the most offensive.

"But most of them have limited talents and can only be the mainstay! There are no great talents!" Tian Wen said helplessly.

"Sun Wu! What happened to Xu Xing and the others!" Jiang Xiaobai asked, picking the wick.

"It's not that simple for the two of them! Judging from Sun Wu's performance today, he looks lonely. I am afraid that Zhu Yuanzhang will succeed him and remove him from the position of general. If the king wants to subdue him, I am afraid it will take some effort! "Tian Wen put the bamboo slip in his hand on Jiang Xiaobai's desk, and took a few steps back.

"Well! It doesn't matter! Guang Shi's kindness! In exchange for a lot of money, this talent is still to be obtained. In the future, there will be a trump card to deal with Han Yi!" Jiang Xiaobai picked up the bamboo slips and wrote him in a few hasty strokes.

in the dark

Sun Wu sat alone in the hotel, the sky began to rain lightly, and there were fewer and fewer people coming and going on the street. They all lit up lights, or came here to take shelter from the rain, order two small dishes here, and enjoy a meal in the morning. Jug of wine.

Sun Tzu sat on the window, and then the fire light went down, with a hint of irritability in his eyes, and the whole person felt lonely.

"Hey! Did you hear that! This time, the Jixia Academy has arranged for famous generals in the world, and one of them came directly to the Jixia Academy!" Several men sitting in the left corner next to Sun Wu talked with great relish. .

"I heard! It seems to be called Sun Wu! I heard from other people that this guy is still the sage of the military family, and he is called the sage of soldiers by others."

"What Bing Sheng! Bing Sheng is still ranked No. 6 by others! I'm not afraid of being laughed to death!"

"Hey! You didn't say what you said, this guy......!"

Every time these people said a word, Sun Wu's anger was rising, but it was just when Sun Wu was about to explode.

"Brother! Why get angry!" I saw a man wearing a cloak and dressed in black. He could hardly be seen. There were two people behind him, sitting on each other's left and right. The three of them looked at Sun Wu like this.

"I don't welcome other people here! Get out of here quickly!" Sun Wu's eyes were filled with irritability, and he was really disgusted with the two of them.

"General Sun! You can still recognize him again!" Only one person took off his cloak, revealing his original appearance.

This time, Sun Wu put down the cup in his hand, glanced at the visitor, and said in astonishment: "Wu Sui! You are not...!"

"Did Zhu Yuanzhang say that I killed several princes, then set myself on fire and burned down the Wu Palace!" Wu Sui sneered.


"Your Majesty's guess is really good! This Zhu Yuanzhang has objections, and with the strength of our few veterans, we really can't suppress him!" Wu Sui said with a serious face.

"What is the meaning of this! Why do you say that!" Sun Wu regained his energy in an instant.

"I fought with the late king on the battlefield, and it was really my fault that I didn't protect the late king. I wanted to go with the late king, but the late king told me to protect the young master. This time, I took the young master to Chang'an and is currently in Korea. The king is in foster care!" Wu Sui said helplessly.

"You bastard, you dare to scare me here! Look at me...!" Sun Wugang was about to draw his sword.

"Crack!" Wu Sui took out a seal from his pocket and put it on the table. As the cloth spread out, everyone saw his original appearance, which was a jade seal.

"Wu Wangyin! Why is it in your hands!" Wu Sui was surprised and stood up instantly.

At this moment, the two people beside them also opened their cloaks, and said with a smile: "Go down to Ziyuan! Go down to Xin Qiji and see General Sun Wu!"

"You two!" Sun Wu was puzzled.

"General Sun Wu! My king attaches great importance to you, so he specially brought me here! I want to invite the general to accompany us back to the country. After helping my king to conquer the world, he will definitely return the position of King Wu to the little prince! No I know what General Sun wants!" Xin Qiji said seriously, this is the best condition they can offer, and they have enough name to attack Wu, but Han Yi is not ready yet.

Sun Wu looked at the two people, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his eyes, as if hesitating.

(End of this chapter)

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