Chapter 851

In the battle of Qilu, the king lost three times!Moreover, in my view of the king's administration, there are three things wrong!I don't know if the king can listen to it! "Yan Hui looked at Jiang Xiaobai expressionlessly, with a ruthless look in his eyes, seeing his posture, he wanted to slap Jiang Xiaobai a few times.

Tian Wen on the side was stunned when he saw it. What are you doing? This is going farther and farther on the road to death. When the hole gets bigger, he can't save him.

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this, his whole person became gloomy. Everyone knew that the Qilu battle was a pain for Jiang Xiaobai all over his body. This guy dared to speak nonsense here, and Jiang Xiaobai was about to kill him. At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tian Wen beside him, This guy has been giving Jiang Xiaobai winks all the time.

Jiang Xiaobai hugged her chest, took a deep breath, looked at Yan Hui, pretended to be calm and said: "Speak!"

Yan Hui looked at Jiang Xiaobai with this expression, and smiled casually: "As the saying goes, knowing your mistakes can make you better! If you know your shortcomings and advance backward, your majesty will blindly develop his troops, but he doesn't know where he will lose. If this continues, the result will still be defeat. That's all...!"

"Bastard...! Jiang Xiaobai is furious, what does it look like.

"Your Majesty, calm down! I think what Yan Hui said makes sense!" Tian Wen hurried forward, busy winking at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai came back to his senses this time, looked at Yan Hui who was calm and expressionless standing on the ground, and said half aloud: "Tell me!"

Yan Hui smiled, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "One! It's the king's blind arrogance. He acts as an undisturbed king, positions himself grandly, and plans strategies for the general! The king can't bear even this little failure. ! Why are you talking about using swords!"

"Go on!" Jiang Xiaobai sat on the ground, staring at Yan Hui with a pair of tigers.

"Second! It's military discipline! I've been in Qi for the past few days, and what I've seen and heard, I don't know if Your Majesty knows that the majestic General of Qi has been entangled with children! It can be seen that Your Majesty's military discipline is a big problem. !" Yan Hui stroked his beard, Zilu took this matter very seriously, only a teacher of benevolence and righteousness can win the world.

"Continuing, the third! It is that although the soldiers and horses in the hands of the king are large, they are not good. As the saying goes, thousands of troops are easy to get, but generals are hard to find. The king's usual battles are mainly won by numbers, but in the face of King Wu of Han The reason is very simple. The soldiers and horses in the hands of King Wu of Han are the best soldiers among the best soldiers. From the beginning of the battle of destroying Zheng, the soldiers and horses in the hands of King Wu of Han have been fighting and killing. Survival of the fittest, the war eliminates the weak, and the strong are the ones left behind!" Yan Hui looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was in deep thought, and started his own rhetoric, but he often hit the point.

"Those three things are wrong!" Jiang Xiaobai said with an embarrassed face.

"The position in the harem is unknown! The crown prince's position is empty, and there are many mediocre people!" Yan Hui looked at the furious Jiang Xiaobai, but then became docile. At this moment, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai with admiration. It's good that this guy can tell the difference is bad.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up and walked in front of Yan Hui, the two of them leaned very close together, Jiang Xiaobai stared at Yan Hui's eyes as if he wanted to see through him, and said half aloud: "Listen to you! There is a solution!"

"I can solve it all thanks to Your Majesty! If Your Majesty understands it, everything can be solved!" Yan Hui took a step back, distanced himself from Jiang Xiaobai, and bowed slowly.

Jiang Xiaobai stared at Yan Hui below, and also had some judgments in his heart, great talent!Great talent!Although this person's talent is not as good as Guan Zhong's, what is most valuable is his pair of eyes, which can clearly see the fundamentals of the world.

"Your Majesty!" Zilu, who had just read the bamboo slips, came to Jiang Xiaobai's side, saluted, and offered the bamboo slips with both hands.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zilu, reached out and took back the bamboo slip, threw him to the eunuch behind him, looked at the two people behind him, and said, "What do you think!"

"Report to Your Majesty! The rushing tactics are indeed very good, but I have one more question to ask!"


"It's true that such a fast fighting method can catch people by surprise, but what about the food and supplies behind him? Once he is surrounded! If the army's morale is unstable, it will definitely lose its edge!" Zilu became aware of this problem at a glance.

Jiang Xiaobai stroked his beard. He really hadn't thought about this question. He looked at Zilu and asked, "What can you do!"

"This method of warfare! It should be used in a battle formation, and it can also be used as a night attack, so as to bring out its greatest strengths!" Zilu said seriously.

Jiang Xiaobai returned to his original position, looked at the two of them and said, "I won't make any detours on this trip alone. You two are very satisfied with each other. I don't know if you two are willing to become officials!"

Yan Hui and Zilu glanced at each other, how could they not know, it was just Jiang Xiaobai's test for them before, but now Jiang Xiaobai made it clear that the initiative is in their hands, and Jiang Xiaobai can be regarded as expressing own sincerity.

"Next time I want to ask the king! How does the king think about the question Yan Hui just asked?" Zilu said with a serious face.

"These problems! I will find a way to solve them! But I just want to ask you to help me solve the three major problems in the army!" Jiang Xiaobai stroked his beard and smiled.

Zilu said for a while: "Since that's the case! Next time, I am willing to become an official!"

"Hahahahahaha! I need your help! Don't worry about the uncertainties." Jiang Xiaobai laughed.

And the rest is Yan Hui at the side, Jiang Xiaobai looked at him with a smile and said, "What's your intention!"

"Actually, I want to recommend someone to the king. This person's ability is not inferior to mine. If the king appoints him, it will be much more convenient!" Yan Hui said with a smile.

"Oh! Who! Even you are ashamed!" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

"Liu Xiahui of the State of Lu, this person is good at criminal law. With him and his cooperation, within ten years, Qi State will never close its doors at night and have strict laws and regulations!" Yan Hui said, stroking his beard.

Since Liu Xiahui went to Qi State, she has not been reused, she has nothing to do, and she started to spend time at home. Since Yan Hui decided to become an official, he naturally had to consider everything for Jiang Xiaobai!

"Liu Xiahui!" Jiang Xiaobai muttered to himself.

"Your Majesty, Liu Xiahui, came to our country before the country was destroyed. At that time, the two countries were at war. I didn't pay attention to it for a while, but I ignored it!" Tian Wen confessed, and played a side-kick.

Jiang Xiaobai stroked his beard, and said for a while: "These are not problems! You are alone, Zhong You! Yan Hui listened!"



"Zhong You is the general who holds the whip, and establishes military discipline! Rectify the soldiers and horses, and be the same as Tian Ji! Tian Dan and the two!" Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.

"Thank you king!"

"Yan Hui and Liu Xiahui are the imperial censors, they can be recommended!"

"Thank you king!"


(End of this chapter)

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